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Halo news back Wednesday, December 22, 2004 Halo news forward happy holidays!

And then, this one time...
Jilly "Have I told you how much I hate Cortana?" bean has summarized the Halo story to date, for folks who feel lost. See if you can guess her slant on things. (Nice summary, overall.) (Louis Wu 20:00:11 UTC) (permalink)


The rumor that just won't die.
In November, we mentioned yet another rumor about a Halo movie, posted on Ain't It Cool News. It was CLEARLY rumor-material then... but that didn't stop IGN from writing up a speculative news post about it. From there, movies.com tossed up their own totally sketchy page (crediting Film Force with the prerelease buzz - can you see where this is going?). A day later, there's a page on IMDB.com. Again - zero information (past what's speculated on in that original RUMOR post at AICN). Gets people excited, though... and that's all that matters. So - IS this just a rumor that won't die... or is it real? Today, front page of Variety:

"While the tech giant declined to comment, numerous sources indicate Microsoft is developing its own script for a "Halo" movie inhouse and has contacted agencies to bring an A-list screenwriter onboard to help work on it. Plan calls for Microsoft to create its own script and then, if it and subsid Bungie - developer of "Halo" - are happy with the result, shop it as a finished product to producers or studios. That's a big "if," though, and Microsoft and Bungie could decide not to go ahead with development for any number of reasons."

No real info there, either... but man, it's front-page in Variety! SOMEONE is keeping this rumor from dying. (Thanks, MthDirector.) (Louis Wu 18:54:50 UTC) (permalink)


Where were you when we burned your planet?
thesaelens sent along another 30 dialogue snippets for our Halo 2 Dialogue Databank - 29 Grunt lines, and one Elite. Some of these are great! (Louis Wu 17:07:02 UTC) (permalink)


Cutscene Library Grows
Bandwidth has been holding out nicely for the new Cutscene Library - so I'm adding the second entry today. It's the Home Field Advantage scene, and it plays just before you begin playing through Cairo Station. Once again, it's available in 4 flavors, from two different sources. (We've also added a Mirrors option - HaloImpulse has chosen to mirror the first set, so that's yet another download option. If more come online, we'll add them, too.) Enjoy! (Louis Wu 16:29:17 UTC) (permalink)


Back when the Web was young...
I'm posting this because... well, because. Halo is easily the biggest franchise Bungie's ever been involved in, and this site is devoted to Halo... but yesterday was the 10th Anniversary of Marathon, the game that launched Bungie's career, in many ways. (Yes, there were games that came before. Marathon was still what put them on the map.) In honor of that anniversary, Jay Faircloth (aka Anaphiel) created a set of desktop images to commemorate the game; they're gorgeous. Grab one and raise a glass! (Comments can go here, on the Marathon Story forum.) (Louis Wu 15:59:29 UTC) (permalink)


Pete Parsons talks to EGM
1Up.com has posted another interview published in the current issue of Electronic Gaming Monthly - this one is with Pete Parsons, Bungie's Studio Manager. Pete talks about some of the decisions that made Halo 2 what it is today - and some of the reasons behind the tactics Bungie used to present the game to the public. Fascinating. Thanks, Dolbex. (Louis Wu 15:11:08 UTC) (permalink)


Today's One One Se7en lesson is 'be clear when you're discussing something not present.' Or maybe just 'Don't let Stuntmutt out of his cage'... (Louis Wu 14:17:18 UTC) (permalink)


Halo 2: Gamespy's GotY
Gamespy has ranked Halo 2 its 2004 Game of the Year, beating games like Half-Life 2 (2nd) and GTA San Andreas (3rd). Nice! Thanks, Black Six. (Louis Wu 13:39:55 UTC) (permalink)


That Weasel provides more hosting options
That Weasel writes to say that their Video Upload feature is back online; if you have a film you want to show the community, and it's larger than Mythica's 8 mb limit, and it doesn't meet our posting guidelines, That Weasel Television is there to help! Just another feature for the fans... thanks, tw! (Louis Wu 13:36:08 UTC) (permalink)


Tuesday's news in brief:

Cutscene Library Underway
Behind The Rock
Lawrence.com GVA awards announced
Who's running this show, anyway?
N00bs Gone Wild
IGN wants to know what you think
Gamespy gives UT the nod
Dawn of the Dead

Monday's news in brief:

New Fan Art at HB.net
Clan PMS gives Bungie a Headache
Fire Team Charlie Episode 16 - now for all
Copy bad art, win stuff
Monday Reading - if you can get there
G4techTV Icons: Bungie
Halo 2 footage on The Apprentice
360 degrees of separation
Halo 2 Icons Redux
More Gamespot Best Of
TalkXbox Talks Strategy
CPL adds Halo 2 - officially.
Cheating, and Glitches, and You.

Hot Pages
HBO Gallery Pages
A Fistful of Arrows
Halo 5 Mythic Guide
Halo 4 Mythic Guide
Reach Mythic Guide
ODST Mythic Guide
H3 Mythic Guide v2.0
Cutscene Library
Dialogue Databanks
Articles by Stephen Loftus
BC: Video Design Tips
Video Guide by LordGideon
Nomi's Paper Spartans
Halo 3 Terminals
NSCS Strategy Guide
Aesthetic Artist Interviews
Director Dialogues
Bad Cyborg Movies
