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Halo news back Monday, December 20, 2004 Halo news forward

New Fan Art at HB.net
Tons and tons of fan art over at Halo Babies today... go see what you can find! (I'm lovin' those pics of Linda...) Thanks, mrsmiley. (Louis Wu 23:23:02 UTC) (permalink)


Clan PMS gives Bungie a Headache
Two new stories up at Bungie.net right now; not surprising they tried to bury one. Last week's Halo Humpday Challenge didn't actually happen until Friday - and when it did, they almost lost to Clan PMS. Read all the gory details, written by He Who Died A Lot (otherwise known as Frankie). You can tell they wanted to hide this story, because the current top story, put up 8 minutes later and bumping the HHC writeup off the visible spectrum, was an article called 'Getting Started with Halo 2' - an article that's already been the Top Story at least twice. Hmm... (Louis Wu 23:14:42 UTC) (permalink)


Fire Team Charlie Episode 16 - now for all
Andrew dropped by our forum to point out that the direct-download links for FTC 16 are now available (to all, not just to members). AVI or QuickTime, a bit over 50 mb each. Go grab 'em! (Louis Wu 22:56:51 UTC) (permalink)


Copy bad art, win stuff
New contest over at misterchief.com - design and create a Mister Chief Birthday Card (in time for Mister Chief's 1-year anniversary on January 16), win a copy of The Art of Halo (a place where Mister Chief is notably absent) or one of 5 T-shirts. Full rules and details can be found on the contest page. (Louis Wu 18:37:12 UTC) (permalink)


Monday Reading - if you can get there
20 new stories in the Fan Fiction section, including the second half of Jillybean's Christmas Wish to the community. (Hopefully, you'll actually be able to read these; the connection to that server has been tenuous recently. It's wireless, over a rather large distance (several miles), and is easily disrupted. Deimos is working on upgrading the signal strength; things should be better next week or soon after. For now, keep trying.) (Louis Wu 18:31:07 UTC) (permalink)


G4techTV Icons: Bungie
A couple of weeks ago, G4techTV aired an episode of Icons devoted to the history of Bungie. Dan Chosich filmed this for us, but we couldn't do anything with it until G4 took it out of the on-air schedule. The last show date was yesterday - so if you'd like to grab a hi-res version of this film, via BitTorrent, you can do that. Thanks to Brian Towne, of Mythica, for hosting the seed. (The footage is 20:28 long, 720x480, 192 mb, in QuickTime format.) Update: The torrent is long-dead, but a regular download is available. (Louis Wu 14:47:12 UTC) (permalink)


Halo 2 footage on The Apprentice
halochat has put up a small video that includes the footage of Halo 2 gameplay from the final episode of The Apprentice, aired last week. Pretty cool to see SketchFactor in a TV show watched by millions! (Pretty funny that they ran out of power...) (Louis Wu 13:17:37 UTC) (permalink)


360 degrees of separation
Speaking of BOLL, we've got another 20 panoramas for you in the HALOrama section - some multiplayer, some single player, all gorgeous. Check 'em out! (Louis Wu 12:55:10 UTC) (permalink)


Halo 2 Icons Redux
A couple of weeks ago, we posted some MacOSX icons from Edwin Davis - he's now created a version for Windows. (I haven't compared them to the ones BOLL did back when we first posted these; if you're interested, you'll have to just grab them all.) They're available from Edwin's site, or from our server (368K). (Louis Wu 12:48:30 UTC) (permalink)


Today's One One Se7en has spoilers, of a sort... If you don't get it, you either haven't played much of Halo 2's campaign, or Stuntmutt's just not funny. Hmm... on second thought... (Louis Wu 12:29:09 UTC) (permalink)


More Gamespot Best Of
Day 3 of Gamespot's Best and Worst of 2004 was posted - the Dubious Honors. Halo 2 was eligible for only one of these - Biggest Disappointment. It was beaten, according to Gamespot, by Fable. Next up: Genre Awards. (Halo 2 is up for Best Shooter.) (Louis Wu 11:59:35 UTC) (permalink)


TalkXbox Talks Strategy
3Suns pointed out that TalkXbox has been running a weekly column with Halo 2 strategies; there are 5, so far:

Check 'em out! (Louis Wu 11:53:04 UTC) (permalink)


CPL adds Halo 2 - officially.
A couple of days ago, DJ mentioned that Halo 2 has been picked up as an official game during the CPL Summer Event. I told him that we'd already mentioned that a week ago; he pointed out that it wasn't until Friday that Halo 2 was added as an official tournament. I thought about how to word a news article to explain the difference to people not immersed in the professional scene - and then Rapture did it for me over at Cooked Gamers. Go read his news post to see why this is big news for Halo 2 players. (Louis Wu 11:44:52 UTC) (permalink)


Cheating, and Glitches, and You.
A quick note to the community in general; occasionally, someone will come up with a glitch that has the potential to be exploited in online play. Yesterday, this happened; we mentioned the 'spectator mode' Devin Olsen and friends managed to film. In that post, I said I wasn't sure I could see how the glitch could be successfully exploited in actual netplay - thanks for all the folks who pointed out ways. (Some of the key features of this mode, once you get it to work, is that while you're in spectator mode you are invisible and invincible, and once you step out of the warthog, you warp back instantly to where you got in; many people sent films or screenshots showing how a teammate could drop a flag right outside the hog, and the Spectator could step out and grab it, and instantly be warped back to their OWN base.) Clearly, this is a problem - one that Bungie will either have to fix or police. However, I'm writing this news post because I received a rather large number of emails from people suggesting that I should delete all mention of this glitch from this website, and ban people who tried to talk about it. Folks - the only people who benefit from this sort of behavior are those looking to exploit the glitch in netplay. When a potentially game-ruining glitch is uncovered, it's in EVERYBODY'S interest that EVERYONE knows about it. It's nearly impossible to cover up this sort of cheating; if you look at the Game Viewer on Bungie.net after you've used this cheat, you'll find that the flag capture is marked as WHERE YOU WARPED TO, not where you picked it up - this makes it trivial for Bungie (or anyone else) to see that cheating was involved, and reporting the offender to them will get them banned from XBL. Doesn't this make more sense than trying to hide the fact that the glitch exists in the first place? (Thanks, Gil27, for the image.) (Louis Wu 11:14:43 UTC) (permalink)


Sunday's news in brief:

Multiplayer Launching... oddness.
The Unbearable Jackassness of Being.
I was waitin' for Boss Hogg there...
Halo 2: Mediocre Start in Gamespot's Best Of
Giveaway - to Sponsors
Sunday Morning Halo Reviews
ONI S3 Up and Running

Saturday's news in brief:

Wanting More
Fan Fiction update
Another batch of desktops
Warhammer40k + Halo = fun
XBL, Halo 2, and You.

Hot Pages
HBO Gallery Pages
A Fistful of Arrows
Halo 5 Mythic Guide
Halo 4 Mythic Guide
Reach Mythic Guide
ODST Mythic Guide
H3 Mythic Guide v2.0
Cutscene Library
Dialogue Databanks
Articles by Stephen Loftus
BC: Video Design Tips
Video Guide by LordGideon
Nomi's Paper Spartans
Halo 3 Terminals
NSCS Strategy Guide
Aesthetic Artist Interviews
Director Dialogues
Bad Cyborg Movies
