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Halo news back Thursday, December 23, 2004 Halo news forward happy holidays!

Return to Sender
And another Halo 2 Cutscene goes live. Return to Sender contains the scene between Cairo Station and Outskirts. Once again, we've added mirrors for existing entries - HaloImpulse has put up Home Field Advantage links. Go grab 'em! (Louis Wu 21:25:58 UTC) (permalink)


Another Halo Strat Guide
Mintz08 points out that 'The Unauthorized Halo 2 Battle Guide: Advanced Combat Techniques' is now available at Amazon.com. If someone buys one, please - send us a review! (Louis Wu 20:22:02 UTC) (permalink)


Halo 2 and the New Heroism
Hmm. Over at Tech Central Station, there's an article entitled 'Halo 2 and the New Heroism'. It looks at Halo 2 (and games like it) as a potential route to saving military personnel in a real war. Yeah, struck me as sort of out there, too. Go read. (If you choose to discuss this on our forum, please - remember the rules about political discussions. Stay away from value judgements about the US military presence in Iraq. Thanks.) (Louis Wu 20:01:42 UTC) (permalink)


How I Learned to Love the SMG... In Legendary
To all those people who say the SMG is a useless weapon in Campaign play - Cody Miller says 'meh'. He says it quite eloquently, actually - 3:23 worth of Legendary gameplay in a new movie called 'SMG Love'. I'm sure that (just like after every OTHER movie Cody's released) we'll get people posting on our forum that this is faked; there are areas that he breezes through so effortlessly you'll think it MUST be faked. It's not. And yeah, he uses grenades, as well... but man, I have a new respect for that SMG. Or maybe it's just for Cody. The video is available in QuickTime format (22.7 mb) or WMP9 format (27 mb). Watch it and say thankya. (Louis Wu 15:09:55 UTC) (permalink)


You think maybe Ladyfingers?
Calvin's getting himself into trouble - in more ways than one - in today's Calvin and Halo. Let's hope we make it through the holidays! (Louis Wu 13:44:33 UTC) (permalink)


Movies, movies
We're doing okay, bandwidth-wise, this month... so I thought I'd go through the movie submissions we've received and put up some of the more interesting stuff. A HUGE percentage of what we got were tricking vids - these don't have a home here yet. Another significant percentage were gameplay vids - there must be 2 or 3 dozen 'here's my clan in Blood Gulch TS' vids waiting to be viewed. Ouch! I found a couple of fun ones, though - one was made by the Last Surviving Spartans, a Halo 2 clan. They put a fun spin on the Sword Flying Glitch, and the resultant film (7 mb in WMP9 format, 7.4 mb in QuickTime format) is an enjoyable 2:00 romp. (Thanks, KP, for the hosting help.) A second one was created by Smeginfrell - it's a nicely rendered animation short, expressing some heartfelt emotion about the release date. (Work on this started before November 9.) It, too, is available in WMP9 format or QuickTime format - both are 5.3 mb, and 1:03 long. More video to come a bit later! In the meantime, give these a view. (Louis Wu 13:36:59 UTC) (permalink)


An FTC Xmas
Andrew dropped by our forum to point out a new holiday song over at XboxOttawa, created by FTC fan Curt Is Not. It's a summary of recent plot points in the Fire Team Charlie series, set to a familiar tune. Go listen! (Language, as is true with most FTC offerings, is NSFW.) (Louis Wu 11:43:49 UTC) (permalink)


Confessions of a game widow
Cute article over at BBC News - not new, but notable for the site it's on. What do you do when that 'winking black box' takes over the life (or at least the free time) of your significant other? (Louis Wu 11:34:14 UTC) (permalink)


Cinematic dialogue at Gamefaqs
It's not the same as a full level transcript - but it's a decent start, and our own effort seems to have stalled. Over on Gamefaqs is a file with all the dialogue from the cutscenes in Halo 2, created by Rachel Maille. There are a few missing pieces, and it's unclear what difficulty level this compilation was collected on - but it's certainly a good place to begin. Thanks, Stefin Hehman. Update: Apparently, Gamefaqs doesn't allow direct linking to files on their servers at all. You can find the script guide linked from this page. (It's listed as 'Game Script'.) Thanks, Drew. (Louis Wu 11:14:10 UTC) (permalink)


Me own boss!
Hot on the heels of yesterday's submissions, thesaelens has sent along another 19 Grunt lines for the Halo 2 Dialogue Databank. Go listen! (Louis Wu 11:01:44 UTC) (permalink)


Wednesday's news in brief:

And then, this one time...
The rumor that just won't die.
Where were you when we burned your planet?
Cutscene Library Grows
Back when the Web was young...
Pete Parsons talks to EGM
Halo 2: Gamespy's GotY
That Weasel provides more hosting options

Tuesday's news in brief:

Cutscene Library Underway
Behind The Rock
Lawrence.com GVA awards announced
Who's running this show, anyway?
N00bs Gone Wild
IGN wants to know what you think
Gamespy gives UT the nod
Dawn of the Dead

Hot Pages
HBO Gallery Pages
A Fistful of Arrows
Halo 5 Mythic Guide
Halo 4 Mythic Guide
Reach Mythic Guide
ODST Mythic Guide
H3 Mythic Guide v2.0
Cutscene Library
Dialogue Databanks
Articles by Stephen Loftus
BC: Video Design Tips
Video Guide by LordGideon
Nomi's Paper Spartans
Halo 3 Terminals
NSCS Strategy Guide
Aesthetic Artist Interviews
Director Dialogues
Bad Cyborg Movies
