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Halo news back Friday, November 26, 2004 Halo news forward

Reasons to be thankful
TeamXbox gave thanks for some Xbox-related stuff recently... Halo 2 Multiplayer made number one on the lsit of ten items. Nice! Thanks, Cybrfrk. (Louis Wu 19:54:48 UTC) (permalink)


Banshee Boarding
JesusLove submitted a fun little film showing a nice run of banshee boarding in single player. If you haven't finished the Gas Giant section of the game, there are spoilers here. Otherwise, check this out; I tried it myself after watching this vid last night, and I must say, it's pretty darned easy to fall to your death in the attempt - so I'm impressed! QuickTime format, 9.4 mb. (Louis Wu 19:47:45 UTC) (permalink)


A way to circumvent the spoiler system
The last time I posted a spoiler-marked news item, I received a TON of email from people who have not figured out how to get their browser to properly set a cookie to view spoilers. There seem to be two groups with the problem: folks running MacOSX 10.2, and folks running Windows while using some sort of external firewall (Norton products are the most common culprits). Safari under OSX 10.2 is broken, with respect to certain types of cookies; we used to point people to a workaround, but stopped doing so after Panther was released (newer versions of Safari work fine with our spoiler system). You can still use this - clearly, you'll need to change a few settings - see the bottom of that page for details. For Windows users, your alternatives are less palatable; you can either live without spoiler posts, or you can tone down your internet security settings. Because neither of these are ideal, we've added a third choice: On the page that explains the spoiler settings, we've added links to a couple of pages that can show you all spoiler-blocked posts. If you're missing some news that you don't want to miss, and you can't make the spoiler system work on your computer, use these links to see the news normally blocked. Here's hoping this alleviates some of the pain! (Louis Wu 15:51:42 UTC) (permalink)


The Arbiter's Army
David "Chubigans" Galindo continues his cinematic style of video narrative with 'The Arbiter's Army', a new piece putting the Spec-Ops Covenant forces fighting on Gas Giant and Delta Halo in a noble light. Really nice work! It's available in WMP9 format (21.4 mb) at Mythica.org and bungie.org, or QuickTime format (17.5 mb) at Mythica.org and bungie.org. (Louis Wu 15:41:16 UTC) (permalink)


I think I saw Alvin.
Zero, from Dark-Oni.com, dropped a note about a pretty bizarre movie he made. He says "This a little joke/experiment I was working with, it's using some of the dialogue in cut scenes to make this funny techno beat, with cinematics." I'm not sure I get it. Epileptics beware. Vid is 16.1 mb, WMP9 format, hosted on Zero's connection. (Louis Wu 14:32:37 UTC) (permalink)


Halo Babies has put up a guest strip created by BOLL - that guy is everywhere. The link in the news description is a bit funky - use this one instead. (Louis Wu 14:26:24 UTC) (permalink)


Don't call her. She's busy.
Yet another comic tips a hat to Halo 2 - Aikida points out that blowing off your significant other for Halo 2 might not even be noticed. Thanks, BoinKlasik. (Louis Wu 01:11:05 UTC) (permalink)


A Tur.... what?
Speaking of overeating... Red vs Blue has posted a new Public Service Announcement; Indigestion 2004 is part political commentary, part cultural commentary, and all funny. Go watch! (Careful of the airsick bags...) First heads-up goes to Graham Cree. (Louis Wu 00:10:22 UTC) (permalink)


Halo 2: The Movie
Hope you all had a great Thanksgiving... or if you're outside the US, you did something else involving far too much food. We've just said goodbye to our guests, and I'm sitting down to take a look through today's mail. We've got a very nice new film from Jon Oakes - he melded video footage from Halo 2 with audio material from the Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow trailer, to make a pretty slick little piece. 5.6 mb, QuickTime format, kindly hosted by KP on boomerica. Go watch, as you digest! (Louis Wu 00:01:03 UTC) (permalink)


Thursday's news in brief:

Artwork now up
Stinks to be 6.
Bandwidth needs for match hosting
Halo 2 Info - again
More mirrors
Halo Walks the Walk (of Game)
More Funnies

Wednesday's news in brief:

Holo-Dek - Game Center of Tomorrow
Movies worth watching.
They thought you'd play better, Stunt.
Makin' Money the Halo Way
Draino for your Base
The hysteria is building.
Canadian Halo 2 Tourney, Fan Fiction
Sweet Or Salty?
Matchmaking Playlist Update
Notes from a master
An academic look at Halo 2
Halo at a discount
Wednesday Reading
Halo Babies Fan Submissions
Babies, and bathwater, and all that stuff.
A Forum for Clan HBO

Hot Pages
HBO Gallery Pages
A Fistful of Arrows
Halo 5 Mythic Guide
Halo 4 Mythic Guide
Reach Mythic Guide
ODST Mythic Guide
H3 Mythic Guide v2.0
Cutscene Library
Dialogue Databanks
Articles by Stephen Loftus
BC: Video Design Tips
Video Guide by LordGideon
Nomi's Paper Spartans
Halo 3 Terminals
NSCS Strategy Guide
Aesthetic Artist Interviews
Director Dialogues
Bad Cyborg Movies
