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Halo news back Saturday, November 13, 2004 Halo news forward

Spoilers, and cookies.
Man... you guys are hardcore. I had a small problem with the spoiler system today - took me about 15 minutes to fix it. In that time, I received 10 notes - a couple were just confused, 3 were angry, the rest were giving me a heads-up... our spoiler system was broken, and was showing weird stuff. Remember, this is a low-budget operation; I don't have a development server, so fixes happen on the live server, in real time; sometimes, I have to put some debugging code in to see what's going wrong. If you see odd stuff, how about you wait 10 minutes and then look again, before you start mailing me that it's broken? Thanks.

While we're on the spoiler system - there are a number of you that continue to have trouble setting a spoiler cookie on your computer. With one exception, every single problem that I've heard about involves Windows XP with SP2 installed. I've done as much testing as I possibly can without an actual SP2 machine (I've had more than a dozen people with this combination playing with settings to see what works and what doesn't) - without exception, all of my testers were able to set cookies successfully. If you can't, it's more than likely that you have something blocking cookies - something in your privacy settings, or a software firewall (like Norton Internet Security), or something similar. There's nothing at all I can do about that. That's your computer. You need to accept first-party cookies, and (I think) accept session cookies. Beyond that, any blockage is on your computer; I can't tell you what's wrong, because I'm not there. Sorry. (Louis Wu 19:36:38 UTC) (permalink)


A three-year-old mystery... solved
Anton P. Nym found a tidbit in the Art of Halo book that might explain why there are no Flood Hunters... nice! (Louis Wu 19:03:49 UTC) (permalink)


Land of the Free, Home of the Bald
Halo Babies has a couple of guest strips from akba - one points out the bald mrsmiley, who also wants to remind you that the Bungie Baldathon is coming to an end soon (today is your last day to submit entries). Get going! (Louis Wu 18:56:35 UTC) (permalink)


If you have a problem with BitTorrent, but still want a copy of the I Love Bees commemorative DVD, you can grab it from Fileplanet (thanks, Shorty). (Louis Wu 18:53:57 UTC) (permalink)


Net news for Saturday
News roundup is a bit smaller than it's been recently; sites are winding down, maybe?

Strategy Guides:

  • 1UP.com (campaign and multiplayer - thanks, John Rivas)


  • IGN - Halo 2 UK launch coverage (thanks, John Rivas)
  • TeamXbox - review of SmartJoy FRAG (thanks, John Rivas)
  • TeamXbox - a writeup of a clan challenge (thanks, John Rivas)
  • Slate - Halo 2 as a 'nuanced political experience'
  • Spong - Halo 2 isn't selling at all in Japan
  • Salem (Oregon) Statesman-Journal - local kids beat the game Update: Mintz08 claims this contains a major story spoiler. I can't find it on short view, but beware.
  • Tucson Citizen - Halo 2 multiplayer is great, despite lack of coop


Not bad. Should keep you busy! (Louis Wu 18:36:02 UTC) (permalink)


Yep, he's in there...
Jay Weinland confirmed that Brian Morden lives on in Halo 2 - though we don't know yet what line is his. If you don't know who Brian Morden is, you can search our news, or read this guide at Bungie Sightings. (Louis Wu 17:30:22 UTC) (permalink)


Sheet Music - you're on your own.
Marty O'Donnell has posted a pretty definitive statement about Halo 2 (and Halo) sheet music - he's okay with fans transcribing it, but he's not going to be doing it himself. (There are solid reasons for this.) Read the post on his 7th Column chapter for more details. Thanks, Jarrad Whitaker. (Louis Wu 16:48:53 UTC) (permalink)


Frankie says... lots of stuff.
It's not a Weekly Update... exactly. It's a Weekly What's Update. This week... that means a reader Q&A. A pretty substantial one, too. Discussion of Halo 2 bugs (and potential fixes)... answers to common complaints... more. Go read! (Louis Wu 03:33:31 UTC) (permalink)


I know what you did last summer.
Dan Chosich, longtime member of the Halo community and a fan moviemaker extraordinaire, lived a dream this past summer - and recently, he talked to Cybrfrk about it. The interview contains some pretty interesting info... go read! (Louis Wu 03:19:04 UTC) (permalink)


Wideload's CEO interviewed at Xblnext
DoctorEvol, of Xblnext.com, recently talked to Alex Seropian about Wideload's upcoming Halo-engined game, Stubbs the Zombie. There's not a lot of new info there - but sometimes, any info is good info! Give it a look. (Louis Wu 03:08:12 UTC) (permalink)


Game Guide at Gamespot
KP noticed an enormous Halo 2 Game Guide (Single-player only - multi comes later) at Gamespot. Weighing in at almost 6 mb, this PDF has 86 pages of pictures and text to get you through Halo 2. Unfortunately, it's only available to Gamespot Complete members. If you have a membership, though, go grab it! Update: Oops, my bad. There's a free html version for everyone - it's only the downloadable PDF that's Complete-only. Sorry about that! (Louis Wu 03:05:23 UTC) (permalink)


Friday's news in brief:

Gamespy finishes Halo 2 with a bang
Special discount on LE action figures
Yeah, more articles - but read 'em.
Foundation on your Xbox
BOLL tries a SmartJoy FRAG
Football star says Bring It On
About credit
Problems... and their fixes
There Are Those Who Said This Day Would Never Come...
More drums for Blow Me Away
More loot
ILB DVD - Go ahead and download
What everyone is saying
The floodgates reopen

Thursday's news in brief:

Small delay on forum opening
There's a price for everything.
But did he get Halo 2, as well?
If you can't beat 'em...
There's Something About Halo
Morning Web Roundup
Gamers - a demographic to be reckoned with
Wanna talk about bees?
Bungie vs. The World
Where's my bonus check?

Hot Pages
HBO Gallery Pages
A Fistful of Arrows
Halo 5 Mythic Guide
Halo 4 Mythic Guide
Reach Mythic Guide
ODST Mythic Guide
H3 Mythic Guide v2.0
Cutscene Library
Dialogue Databanks
Articles by Stephen Loftus
BC: Video Design Tips
Video Guide by LordGideon
Nomi's Paper Spartans
Halo 3 Terminals
NSCS Strategy Guide
Aesthetic Artist Interviews
Director Dialogues
Bad Cyborg Movies
