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November 12, 2004 Link to this post What everyone is saying Is this gonna be a habit? (I hope not...) Daily article roundup:
Movies: A bunch of people have already released vids for Halo 2 - we've held off until today posting them so people wouldn't feel tempted too early.
- nukedude put together a multiplayer montage, with a couple of tiny bits from single player. Minor (really minor) spoilers. 32 mb, QuickTime, hosted by Gil27.
- HaloGT is hosting Halo GT Video #10 - glitches and cool stuff, some wild things to look at. (Spoilers galore.) In DivX format, 28.7 mb, or QuickTime format, 27.8 mb. The divX version is also mirrored on Syzygy1.com.
- Not really Halo 2 - but it's the first time the public can see this. A long time ago, Bungie made a cool little surround sound test, using a nicely rendered grunt and a hunter. You could only see it if you knew someone. Now, anyone with a copy of the Limited Edition can see it - just go to the Set-up section. Thanks, KingScott.
- Frogblast is back. With a vengeance. Utfoo has been updated with tricks from nearly every single solo level in Halo 2. Vids, pics, the works. The guy doesn't stop. Try not to kill his server. (I'm gonna see what we can do about setting up a mirror, just in case.)
- A number of people have found skulls on Campaign levels. At least TWO of these removes your HUD altogether. (In fact, I suspect that's what they're there for - making Halo movies will be a LOT easier with no HUD right off the bat. :) ) MarkHawk pointed out a movie in this forum thread - we've had a few more submitted, and will do our best to get them posted.
- Fileplanet is hosting a 'man-on-the-street' vid talking to people waiting outside an EB Games. 38.9 mb, WMP9 format. (Thanks, Ross.)
Halo-related Webcomics: Recent Reviews: Articles
- IGN and its readers celebrate Halo (thanks, John Rivas)
- IGN covers difficulty levels (thanks, John Rivas)
- [80 million stories on how much money Halo made its first day - deleted]
- Yahoo Finance - Halo Strategy Guide sells 270,000 copies in one day - becomes one of the fastest-selling new books of the decade
- eChannelLine - Halo 2 leaves Hollywood in the dust
- All Things Considered (NPR) - audio coverage of Halo 2; listener complaint that original mention suggests only men play Halo 2
- News.com - more on the use of Halo 2 to fight Xbox hackers
Wonga. (Louis Wu 16:23:28 UTC)