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Halo news back Thursday, November 11, 2004 Halo news forward

Small delay on forum opening
Apologies. The plan was to reopen the HBO forum this evening - but I can't be around to supervise it, and I'm a little afraid of the starting explosion. We're going to hold off until tomorrow morning (Eastern time). You should spend the interim period playing Halo 2, soldier! (Louis Wu 23:19:48 UTC) (permalink)


There's a price for everything.
Blackstar sent along a Calvin and Halo that probably resonates with a goodly number of you... (Louis Wu 18:21:27 UTC) (permalink)


But did he get Halo 2, as well?
MovieMaker5087 went to a Halo 2 event at his local Circuit City - and won a pretty cool raffle prize. As he pointed out, one of these went on eBay recently for over $2000... (Louis Wu 13:24:24 UTC) (permalink)


If you can't beat 'em...
Hehe - went to read the MS press release on GameInfoWire this morning... and was pretty amused by the advertising choices. Realize that all the black text (headline included) is part of the actual press release - GameInfoWire inserted a text ad in the middle (the red text near the top - 'Shop for...'). Bizarre choice, or brilliant marketing? (Louis Wu 13:21:08 UTC) (permalink)


LBM points out that Joyride has updated their website with a finished picture of the Drone action figure. Should be available in January. (Louis Wu 12:56:40 UTC) (permalink)


There's Something About Halo
A bunch of people pointed out a new Halo 2 video in Flash format over at Newgrounds - looks like Spartan39 was first. It's all of Halo - as we hope it wasn't for you. (Louis Wu 12:54:30 UTC) (permalink)


Morning Web Roundup
Article roundup - again. I'm leaving out the huge number of stories about how Halo grossed $125M its first day, because, heck, we put up the press release already.



Overall summary: Halo 2 is pretty popular! (Louis Wu 12:52:39 UTC) (permalink)


Gamers - a demographic to be reckoned with
We got a note from William Vitka - who's started a new column about gaming at CBSNews.com. His choice for topic for his first column? Guess. Feel the love. Gamers are on the move! [Note - CBSNews.com seems to have moved this article - the original URL points to a piece on LEGO Star Wars. You can find the original Halo piece here. -lwu] (Louis Wu 02:32:39 UTC) (permalink)


Wanna talk about bees?
ARGN.com (the website that hosts Unfiction, the forum where most of the interesting discussion about the ILoveBees phenomenon took place) has an article about a phone-in chat with the ILoveBees actors this coming Saturday, at noon pacific time. The access number is 1-404-920-6610, the code you need to punch in to join the conference is 516230#. (Don't call now - do this Saturday morning.) Thanks to David Byrd for the heads-up. (Louis Wu 02:14:02 UTC) (permalink)


Bungie vs. The World
Whoa. New article at Bungie.net - the Halo Humpday Challenge. Simply put, Bungie is taking on one group per week in a 3-game, knockdown, dragout fight, winner walks away with bragging rights. First on the chopping block - IGN.com. They... well, go read. Who's it gonna be next week? You'll have to wait and see! (Louis Wu 02:08:40 UTC) (permalink)


Where's my bonus check?
Yesterday, Peter Moore blithely predicted that Halo 2 would have a $100 million day. He was wrong. They sold 2.4 million units in 24 hours, racking up $125 million. Moore is now estimating that it was the biggest launch of any entertainment product in retail history. You can read the official press release for more details. (Fluff, yes... but pretty danged impressive fluff.) (Louis Wu 01:49:14 UTC) (permalink)


Wednesday's news in brief:

I gotchyer JNAM right here...
The inside of the offices
LAME! and Not Lame.
343 Guilt O' Lantern Winners
Putting The c0ld In Vengeance
Eggs, Tricks, and Spoilers (oh my!)
More on the Battle Guide
Halo 2 Widescreen problems?
Shunji talks death
Halo Tribute vid
Truth to Mercy
A taste of the strategy guide
Halo press around the net
The floodgates open soon

Tuesday's news in brief:

This is the Nostromo, signing off.
A Plethora of Words
Was this you last night?
Will the sequel live up to the hopes?
Fanfest T's
More Bungie Gear
More Zanzibar Megabattle pics
Keyes, through the eyes of a soldier
Around the net
When comments are misinterpreted...
Halo 2 Live on haloTV

Hot Pages
HBO Gallery Pages
A Fistful of Arrows
Halo 5 Mythic Guide
Halo 4 Mythic Guide
Reach Mythic Guide
ODST Mythic Guide
H3 Mythic Guide v2.0
Cutscene Library
Dialogue Databanks
Articles by Stephen Loftus
BC: Video Design Tips
Video Guide by LordGideon
Nomi's Paper Spartans
Halo 3 Terminals
NSCS Strategy Guide
Aesthetic Artist Interviews
Director Dialogues
Bad Cyborg Movies
