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Halo news back Saturday, November 6, 2004 Halo news forward

Not a single pancake!
There's an interview with Nathan Walpole, better known as bentllama around the Halo community, one of the Canadian animators on the Halo 2 team, over at Simpatico/MSN. Nice read! Thanks, Farhang. (Louis Wu 16:39:38 UTC) (permalink)


Ferrex talks levels
Gamespy continues their saturation coverage with an interview of Tyson Green, aka Ferrex, level designer for Halo 2. If you're wondering what's different about Halo 2 (in comparison to Halo 1 level design), read this! (Louis Wu 13:27:35 UTC) (permalink)


IGN Content
Couple of new articles at IGN today - the Countdown article is about the I Love Bees phenomenon, and the 'Training Exercises' that happened on Thursday around the US. And an article called 'Bungie.net's Battle Plan' gives you an overview of what's going to be available from the Stats section of Bungie's website - the stuff you can see for yourself, now, plus some pretty astounding information that's NOT available to he public yet (check the last page of the article). Definitely worth a read! (Google beat everyone in letting us know about these - sorry.) (Louis Wu 13:15:37 UTC) (permalink)


Sprite Paste
Ryllick was the first to point out that today's Ctrl+Alt+Delete is Halo 2 related... in fact, might explain a few mysteries. (Louis Wu 13:07:09 UTC) (permalink)


The Library Loves Bees
The Library, a compendium of Halo information, has been updated again, this time with an I Love Bees section (including a summary of the game). If you've been waiting for someone to make it clear, go read! (Louis Wu 13:04:05 UTC) (permalink)


1UP pours on the juice
1UP.com has two new Halo 2 pieces up for you to read - the electronic version of the December 2004 EGM article (with 10 new screenshots - top of the page, added Wednesday), and the 1UP Preview, an entirely NEW piece (as far as I can tell) with lots of good info but no new screens. Check 'em both out! (Thanks to Ben Vera for the heads-up on the 1UP piece.) (Louis Wu 13:00:46 UTC) (permalink)


Outfit your fridge in style
Shorty (Will) noticed some new magnets over at the Bungie store - they're adding stuff at a rapid rate these days! (Louis Wu 12:32:09 UTC) (permalink)


Not So Late Show wants your questions
clarksbrother managed to secure an interview with a Bungie employee for his local TV show - and is asking for questions to pose during the interview. If you'd like to have your ideas considered, jot 'em down and add 'em to the database! (Louis Wu 12:30:04 UTC) (permalink)


G4TV - Content Overload
Tons and tons and tons of new Halo content at G4TV today:

In addition to that, there are streaming versions of all four Halo 2 Day Red vs Blue commercials (Flash and WMP formats) - and if you can't stand those, you can grab 320x240 downloadable QuickTimes of the two we hadn't already posted: Sick Day (1.8 mb) and Back From the Future (1.1 mb). Wonga. Is that enough? Thanks to Ben Vear for starting off the search. (Louis Wu 02:34:28 UTC) (permalink)


Stabbing Man Says Farewell
Frankie's posted the last Bungie Weekly Update ever over at TeamXbox. He talks a lot about the new Stats page at Bungie.net (and what's coming down the road - trust me, he's not kidding about that face flying off stuff), and about reviews that are coming out, and about what's gonna happen next week... but mostly, he's just saying goodbye to a tradition. I'm very sad the Mister Chief art isn't showing up... but I'm guessing that'll get fixed soon enough. Go read. Thanks to KNIGHTOFDRAGONS, for being the first to actually point out where this was. (Louis Wu 02:13:28 UTC) (permalink)


Friday's news in brief:

The View from Here
Free stuff for pics
HiaLH, part 5
MLG writes up Cold Pizza
He's thinking about setting up a shrine...
Halo is teh funni
Cold Pizza Halo 2 Footage
Screenshots to Die For
The posters are here! The posters are here!
Beaten at your own game.
Clan Linkage appears at B.net
Latex Masks - no auctions, but still available
Polls, polls, everywhere...
The British - they're subtle, you know.
Gamespy interviews Nile Rogers
Steve Vai Recording Sessions - on tape
Interview with some web guy
Psst! Wanna copy of that ILB Commemorative DVD?
Piracy - it's the next big thing.
Do Not Pass Go, Do Not Collect 200 GP
Next Stop: New Mombasa
We gotta dial back.
Local Lad Makes Good
The Rivas Report, pt. II
The Rivas Report
Watching My Back at ESPN
Beta Stats - sort of
Another G4 Halo 2 Day Commercial

Thursday's news in brief:

Listen up, you maggots!
Eastern European Spyware Rocks.
The Big Splash
Everywhere. Just... everywhere.
Norwegian Launch Party
High Charity
XBN Halo 2 article online - now
Armor Games
Midnight on the Pitt Street Mall
Animation Editing in Halo CE
Walk of Victory
My closet's getting full.
Killing a lot of grunts
Of Music and Sound
Global Midnight Madness
G4 Halo 2 Day ads - first variant
Penny Arcade Pimps Halo 2
Free is a very good price.
Traveling in Style
Daily Show Clip
Halo 2 - Masterchief
Must... Chat... On... Forum...
Aussie Halo 2 Love
Halo 2 on SpikeTV
More new miniscreens

Hot Pages
HBO Gallery Pages
A Fistful of Arrows
Halo 5 Mythic Guide
Halo 4 Mythic Guide
Reach Mythic Guide
ODST Mythic Guide
H3 Mythic Guide v2.0
Cutscene Library
Dialogue Databanks
Articles by Stephen Loftus
BC: Video Design Tips
Video Guide by LordGideon
Nomi's Paper Spartans
Halo 3 Terminals
NSCS Strategy Guide
Aesthetic Artist Interviews
Director Dialogues
Bad Cyborg Movies
