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Halo news back Thursday, November 4, 2004 Halo news forward

Listen up, you maggots!
Not really Halo-related, but Dave Scully (Sargeant Johnson) rocks, so it's worth a read. Dave will be hosting The Lunchtime Show with David Scully, a political satire show broadcasting on Sundays from 12:30 to 1:00 at the Static Factory. Thanks to Frankie at Bungie.net for the heads-up! (Louis Wu 19:29:39 UTC) (permalink)


Eastern European Spyware Rocks.
Gamestyle got the lowdown on ten super-secret features of Halo 2 - I'll guarantee you haven't read about ANY of these! Thanks, Lothar Hex. (Louis Wu 19:22:57 UTC) (permalink)


The Big Splash
Adam Daniel found ANOTHER New York Times piece today - a piece about Blockbuster video game launches. Focus? Yep. Halo 2. Go read! (Louis Wu 19:19:32 UTC) (permalink)


Everywhere. Just... everywhere.
The Halo 2 launch is even gonna be big in Singapore. Read about it. (Louis Wu 16:38:03 UTC) (permalink)


Sep7imus sent in a nice link to a story in today's New York Times Circuits section. (Free registration required.) It's a decent overview of the I Love Bees game, which ends today. If you've held off following this, this might be a nice door in. (Louis Wu 16:36:14 UTC) (permalink)


Norwegian Launch Party
Spill Magazine in Norway is giving away 4 tickets to the Norwegian launch party: visit this page, answer a pretty trivial question, you're entered to win. (I think.) All info comes from Kabeer Nasir, since I don't read Norwegian. (Louis Wu 16:11:56 UTC) (permalink)


High Charity
8 million people noticed that nilerogers.com put up a new clip from the Halo 2 soundtrack - this one's called High Charity, and the snippet 1:19 long, 1.2 mb large. A little spooky, too. Great screen in the Listening Station flash presentation for it. someboy was first - but thanks, all! (5 to go!) (Louis Wu 16:02:32 UTC) (permalink)


XBN Halo 2 article online - now
Rocketwidget noticed that last month's XBN Halo 2 spread (one of two Halo-related articles in the magazine) is now online - full text is here, and all the new screenshots that are part of the story start here. We'll still be putting the press scans up in the next week or two - but you cna get all the goodies (for this article, anyway) online right now! (Louis Wu 15:59:09 UTC) (permalink)


Armor Games
We got a fun step-by-step from Devastator yesterday - he got hold of some pieces from the Nightmare Armor guys, and used them to make himself a nice costume. Give it a look! (Louis Wu 13:35:23 UTC) (permalink)


Midnight on the Pitt Street Mall
Tim Bennett sent along a scan (166K) of some street press for the Sydney (Australia) Halo 2 launch party - looks like it's gonna be fun! Update: a bit more on the event is here, at Aussie Xbox (thanks, Gossip). (Louis Wu 13:01:35 UTC) (permalink)


Animation Editing in Halo CE
Kornman has released a small application that can edit animations for Halo - go grab a copy from the Gearbox forums! Thanks, MasterGrief. (Louis Wu 12:54:00 UTC) (permalink)


Walk of Victory
Finchmeister points out that the Walk of Game voting is over; they haven't confirmed the vote yet, but you can see the current ranking on the website, and the two top winners in the Game/Character section are Halo and Master Chief. Looks like the last minute push might have helped! Unless something weird happens, Halo will live on as a customized, brushed-steel star on the floor of the Metreon in San Francisco. Way to go! (Louis Wu 12:51:31 UTC) (permalink)


My closet's getting full.
Speaking of comics, today's Calvin and Halo looks at the crazy world of collectibles... and brings up a pretty good question. (Louis Wu 12:47:23 UTC) (permalink)


Comic Oni sent along a link to a new comic strip he made for a Halo 2 clan - here's hoping the Photobucket bandwidth holds out. (Louis Wu 12:45:34 UTC) (permalink)


Killing a lot of grunts
Gamespy put up an interview with Marty O'Donnell as part of their weeklong Halo 2 coverage - as always, Marty's fun to read. Thanks, John Rivas. Update: Uriel reminded me that when multiple people are updating the site, sometimes things get posted twice. Sue me, I'm human. (Louis Wu 12:29:44 UTC) (permalink)


Of Music and Sound
It's day four of Gamespy's weeklong Halo 2 coverage, and today they've got an interview with Bungie's resident maestro, Marty O'Donnell. Thanks to John Rivas for the heads-up. (mnemesis 05:46:25 UTC) (permalink)


Global Midnight Madness
IGN's newest Halo 2 Countdown article looks at timezones, and how they affect who plays when. Plus some gratuitous prurient picture captions. (Louis Wu 03:59:20 UTC) (permalink)


G4 Halo 2 Day ads - first variant
There's a new series of commercials running on G4TV - promoting November 9 as Halo 2 Day at G4. They're commercials, so I'm guessing they won't mind the extra exposure... and the ad itself was put together by Red vs Blue, so I'm guessing the Halo community will enjoy them. ZiplocBodyBag and Cybrfrk captured and converted one of these (Grif and Simmons), and you can grab a QuickTime version from our server (3.1 mb). If we can get ahold of the Church/Sarge one (and any other ones that happen to be out there...), we'll post those, too. (Louis Wu 03:53:19 UTC) (permalink)


Penny Arcade Pimps Halo 2
Jordan Montreuil (and half a dozen other people) pointed out a blurb from Gabe in today's Penny Arcade news about some ads PA made for Microsoft about Halo 2. He couldn't actually find the ads (and neither could I) - but keep an eye open for them! (Louis Wu 03:42:13 UTC) (permalink)


Free is a very good price.
Couple of giveaways to mention: Xboxcheats.com is giving away a copy of Halo 2 every day of November after November 9th (thanks, gizmoe)... and 92.3 KROCK (out of New York) is celebrating Halo 2 Week by giving away Halo 2. Details are in this news item, with online entry info here (thanks, Dan Chosich). (Louis Wu 03:36:34 UTC) (permalink)


Traveling in Style
Major Nelson put up a small bit about the winners of the Halo 2 Backstage Pass competition - including a nice shot of the Halo 2-branded stretch Hummer used to haul them around. Looks like they'll be having some fun tomorrow! Thanks, Cybrfrk. (Louis Wu 03:32:02 UTC) (permalink)


Daily Show Clip
Yesterday, Ding mentioned the John Stewart Halo plug - thanks to Jakedagreat, we've got a 1.9 mb QuickTime clip of the action. Check it out! (Louis Wu 03:29:45 UTC) (permalink)


Halo 2 - Masterchief
A number of people have pointed out this website, tied somehow to the Desktop Master Chief. (I at first believed that the music videos were totally fan-created - I still think they're pretty amateurish, personally, but this seems to be an official site, so what do I know?) Some interesting stuff there, in any case. (Louis Wu 03:21:32 UTC) (permalink)


Must... Chat... On... Forum...
Spud from Haloplanet wants to remind anyone who is jonesing for some Halo 2 discussion that they've been doing a hell of a job keeping their forums leak-free, and are justifiably proud of their efforts. If you've been looking for a place to discuss the Halo universe, but don't want to get spoiled, give them a try! (If you're a regular here, be polite - we don't want to tarnish our impeccable reputation! ;-)) (mnemesis 01:12:49 UTC) (permalink)


Aussie Halo 2 Love
James Swinbanks writes from Australia to let us know that there's an online Halo 2 article at the Sydney Morning Herald site. He also wants to let us know that the Australian OXM has a big 13-page article on the game, and that it received (what else?) a 10/10. :-) Thanks, James! (mnemesis 01:11:34 UTC) (permalink)


Halo 2 on SpikeTV
Mid33 sends word that Spike TV will be featuring Halo 2 today on this week's Ultimate Gamer, and that they've got a teaser of the show online. It's footage that's been mostly seen before, but that shouldn't stop you. Go to it! (mnemesis 01:03:36 UTC) (permalink)


More new miniscreens
Once again, Adam Daniel has extracted the latest four images from the nilerodgers.com Listening Station interface. You can grab them here, here, here, and here. Don't let that stop you from visiting Nile's site, though. (mnemesis 01:02:30 UTC) (permalink)


Wednesday's news in brief:

The Schwagging Continues
The first of many Wallpapers
Pretty pics for your phone
3rd Movement of the Odyssey now up
A cult phenomenon, I tell ya!
Halo in Time
They've got a pool!
Styled By Vidal Sassy-Soon?
More w00tness
Halo 2 tourneys at Media Play?
A Good Read
MLG joins ESPN for Cold Pizza
Take the Blue Pill... er, Helmet
Exit Polling Covenant Aliens
Everyone Loves A Good Story
Five to Play
Just so you're not bored...
Clowns are expensive.

Tuesday's news in brief:

Heart is a Lonely Hunter, Part 4
Power Up mag
But what if he'd been right?
Lots and lots of reading material
More Halo 2 goodies
The Second Coming
Pumpkins, Pumpkins, everywhere...
Fanfest Update
Heavy Price Paid
Theme Building: an Easier Way
Mig waxes nostalgic (or maybe just his car)
Pumpkin Voting
HomeLANFed talks Halo 2
Halo2.com goodies
Finland likes Halo 2, too
New schwag at the Bungie Store
So where IS our camoflauge armor?
Xbox-Exodus - schwag for content
Gamespy talks vehicles and weapons
Making those few extra quid
A poll that's getting to people.

Hot Pages
HBO Gallery Pages
A Fistful of Arrows
Halo 5 Mythic Guide
Halo 4 Mythic Guide
Reach Mythic Guide
ODST Mythic Guide
H3 Mythic Guide v2.0
Cutscene Library
Dialogue Databanks
Articles by Stephen Loftus
BC: Video Design Tips
Video Guide by LordGideon
Nomi's Paper Spartans
Halo 3 Terminals
NSCS Strategy Guide
Aesthetic Artist Interviews
Director Dialogues
Bad Cyborg Movies
