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Halo news back Monday, October 25, 2004 Halo news forward

ANOTHER Halo suit
Mad Cow sent in pictures of the Master Chief costume he built for a costume contest - it took place last weekend, and he won first prize. (We mentioned this suit about a month ago.) You can see a few shots of his suit - here, here, and here. If you want to see it in construction, visit his suit page. He thought it would be cool to have two suit updates in the same day. (Louis Wu 23:16:11 UTC) (permalink)


Bandwidth ain't free
The DJ of HaloImpulse writes to say that HBO-originated visitors grabbing two large downloads have contributed to several hundred gigabytes of bandwidth eaten in a very short time... he wanted to make it clear that donations ARE accepted. (Louis Wu 22:13:29 UTC) (permalink)


Spoilers - too much to handle?
Many people wrote to point out that Bungie.net is considering shutting down their forums, as well, for the next two weeks; your vote counts. visit, vote. (Louis Wu 21:56:43 UTC) (permalink)


One Man's Journey to a full MC suit
A year ago, Chris Bryan began making a Master Chief wearable suit. (This was before anyone had ever heard of Nightmare Armor.) We followed his progress with pictures for several months... and then I began to get backlogged... and I stopped posting them. Chris didn't stop sending them, though, or working on his suit - and I've FINALLY brought the page up-to-date. The first of the non-posted pictures came in on March 27, and they've come steadily ever since. Go check out the progress of this labor of love! (Louis Wu 19:21:35 UTC) (permalink)


Coop is splitscreen only
It's official - multiscreen Coop is not part of Halo 2. IGN has confirmed this fact with Microsoft (and I've confirmed it with Bungie, as well). You can play Coop on a single screen - as you can in Halo - but one player per screen, whether via system link or XBL, is out. Sorry, folks! (Louis Wu 18:56:03 UTC) (permalink)


The commercials have started
A number of reports have come in about Halo 2 commercials showing up on normal US channels (a wide range of them). We don't have any for download yet - but if anyone manages to save a good copy, let us know - we're happy to host it. (Louis Wu 18:02:13 UTC) (permalink)


Deimos Fawkes, of Subnova, has put together a techno tribute to I Love Bees - though non ILB-followers who enjoy techno should like it, too. MPEG-4 format, 4:42 long, 4.3 mb. It's called 'Parabolic Lemonade Failure'. (Also available in mp3 format.) (Louis Wu 16:31:54 UTC) (permalink)


Story Boarding.
akba points out that after a long quiet spell, Adventures in Disaster is back - with a new strip by Boxer, celebrating a lanfest that happened here about 2 weeks ago. In fact, they're SO back that they've invaded One One Se7en... or something. (Louis Wu 16:20:40 UTC) (permalink)


Simple Countdown
Dennis McKnight sent along a small Java countdown to Halo 2; unzip this, change to the directory it's in, and run either 'javaw Countdown' (if you're on a Windows machine) or 'java Countdown' if you're not. (Obviously, you must have Java installed on your machine.) It throws up a small window, minimizable, with the number of seconds remaining until midnight, November 9. (Louis Wu 16:11:19 UTC) (permalink)


Random Images
I was cleaning out my inbox (in preparation for clearing out the art queues, once again woefully behind), and found a few images that don't really have a place to go in our heirarchy, but are worth showing anyway. ragereset sent in a pair of photos (here and here) showing a bus he saw in downtown Sydney, Australia a couple of weeks ago. The second one is blurry because rr drives a manual transmission car, and it's hard to photograph and drive at the same time. And linus wanted to show us the depths of his love for Halo 2 - he actually painted a Halo 2 logo on his retainer. Wow... (Louis Wu 15:53:27 UTC) (permalink)


Halo 2 Ts - at EBGames
Jonah points out that EBGames is now selling a pair of exclusive Halo 2 T-shirts. (I'm not sure about that 'exclusive' part - but they're certainly selling them.) (Louis Wu 15:31:06 UTC) (permalink)


Halo 2 needs your help!
Future Publishing is hosting the Golden Joystick Awards, an annual competition for fan opinion about video games (we mentioned them last month). Apparently, Halo 2 is currently leading GTA San Andreas in the only category it's been nominated for (Most Wanted Game for Xmas 2004) - but a big push towards Playstation 2 owners is about to commence, so that might change. This competition is only open to residents of the UK - but if that's you, go and make sure that Halo 2 gets its due! Thanks to Pete Parsons and Mr Danger for the info. (Louis Wu 15:26:44 UTC) (permalink)


Death of Cortana
Mothergoat has just released what will be his last Halo song, for many reasons. We posted news about a teaser for it not too long ago... the full version of Death of Cortana is poignant, graceful, and beautiful. 3.8 mb mp3, hosted by us. Go listen. (And Mothergoat - good luck, in everything you do. Your music rocks!) (Louis Wu 14:45:34 UTC) (permalink)


Bottom to the Top - in one shot
Missed this over the weekend... but Ms Man, in his quest to finish the unfinished in Halo before Halo 2 comes out (I just made that up, I don't know if that's really his goal), has blasted his way all the way from the bottom of Halo (the level)... to the top. Wow. Movie link, and a forum thread to talk about it, can be found over at High Impact Halo. Thanks, Ducain. (Louis Wu 13:35:14 UTC) (permalink)


Frankie should be proud
We don't generally announce new websites on the front page any more, because there are so many of them these days that it would swamp our news... but this one is special. This came to my attention yesterday - and I must say, the concept rocks. Check out Misterchief.com... and let Mister Chief never die! (Louis Wu 13:18:14 UTC) (permalink)


New art at HB
Halo Babies has posted a large art update, including artwork, desktops, and a fan strip. Go see what's new. (Louis Wu 13:09:47 UTC) (permalink)


Plantronics Headset review at HU
Halo Universe (sporting a spiffy new design and a faster server) has an article up about the Plantronics Halo 2 headset. It's in German, though. If it's in your power, go read! Thanks, Marc. (Louis Wu 13:07:10 UTC) (permalink)


Mail service stopping
I've received one too many messages of the form "I heard that [spoiler] is in Halo 2, is that true?". To preserve my own enjoyment of the game, I'm going to have to stop reading my email folder entirely for two weeks. This means that a lot of messages are going to go unanswered; wallpaper submitted through email should still get through since Louis already handles that, but mail asking general questions, especially about stuff that could be found by a little research on the site or stuff about the contents of the final game that you shouldn't know anyway, may fall by the wayside. Blame the guy who leaked it (not "the French", OK?). (Count Zero 12:45:39 UTC) (permalink)


Sunday's news in brief:

These guys are nuts.
Looks like an uphill battle...
Dialogue Databank - useable again
Sunday is Work Day at HBO HQ
Weekend Reading

Saturday's news in brief:

Top of Boarding Action
MLG Championships
Casual Friday
Home Front almost ready to go
Gettin' Ready
MTV video - again
Visiting Old Friends
Lonely Hunter - Part 2, finally
Sonny Chiba would SO pwn him...

Hot Pages
HBO Gallery Pages
A Fistful of Arrows
Halo 5 Mythic Guide
Halo 4 Mythic Guide
Reach Mythic Guide
ODST Mythic Guide
H3 Mythic Guide v2.0
Cutscene Library
Dialogue Databanks
Articles by Stephen Loftus
BC: Video Design Tips
Video Guide by LordGideon
Nomi's Paper Spartans
Halo 3 Terminals
NSCS Strategy Guide
Aesthetic Artist Interviews
Director Dialogues
Bad Cyborg Movies
