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Halo news back Wednesday, September 8, 2004 Halo news forward

Steel... Colander
Bah. I hate forgetting things. The Bungie Weekly Updates database is up-to-date; the most recent update was added this morning. Sorry for the delay. (Louis Wu 21:35:19 UTC) (permalink)


Cover Design Contest Closing
Blade points out that the Halo 2 Cover Design contest he's been running are closing tomorrow at midnight. If you're interested in entering, now's the time. (We mentioned this contest when it started.) (Louis Wu 21:31:32 UTC) (permalink)


Multicolored Spartans
Nightmare Armor has posted a video containing footage from DragonCon 2004, held last weekend in Atlanta. 8 Spartans were on hand, along with Cortana. The music, as well as some of the taunting, is PG-rated... but it's a pretty fun view of a series of Spartans wandering around, getting in fights with Imperial Stormtroopers, and doing the Robot. (Depending on your browser, you might have trouble viewing the vid directly on their webpage; it was a copy-and-paste job from their G4 video, so one of the two tags is incorrect. If you see a G4 video instead of the DragonCon vid, simply right-click on the Save Video link.) For Mac users, I've tossed up a much smaller (7.5 mb, compared to the original 26 mb WMP9 version) QuickTime version on files.bungie.org. Thanks to G-Nox for pointing this out. (Louis Wu 21:23:27 UTC) (permalink)


Know your friends
Boxer points out that Episode 8 of Adventures in Disaster is now up at akba.info. Another look at your allies. Sort of. (Louis Wu 20:00:33 UTC) (permalink)


Short Sighted.
Continuing his 'I want to be in the news every day' streak, Stuntmutt whips out a new One One Se7en for you. No, those aren't bees. (Louis Wu 12:32:42 UTC) (permalink)


Links Links Links
Apologies to all the folks waiting in the Links queue - I'm not sure what happened, but it's been over a week since I've approved any of them. I've cleared the queue at this point, though. Check out the Links page for a bunch of new sites! (Louis Wu 12:29:19 UTC) (permalink)


The Essence of Sack
Yesterday, we released a short vid showing Mike Miller clearing the Belly of the Beast fight on Truth and Reconciliation without firing a shot - on Legendary. You might remember 'Legend', Mike's last video, showing some pretty slick Legendary gameplay. Well... he's followed it up with a sequel. Legend 2 is 7:36 long, 28.6 mb big, in QuickTime format... and contains some of the most balls-to-the-wall gameplay I've seen. When I clear out the Maw elevator, i do so from the safety of the corridor, so I can run away when the Spec-Ops Elites and Grunts don't all die in the first volley. Mike actually wipes out the lot from INSIDE the elevator. His 'hog handling is gorgeous (though he dumps a lot of 'em off edges...), the sniping is spot-on. And, as usual, the plasma grenade planting is beautiful. Half the video is devoted to outtakes, showing you he's human (some are hilarious)... and the final tidbit has to be seen to be believed. Absolutely worth the download. It's at Mythica.org and files.bungie.org for now; as always, we're happy to post mirror links. (Louis Wu 10:49:54 UTC) (permalink)


New Mombasa Classic for Mac users
bobindashadows has managed to convert the New Mombasa Classic map (originally for Halo CE) to work with Mac Halo. (There's also an updated tool for installing custom maps available.) You can't actually play on Halo CE servers (Mac Halo can't see them) - but you CAN play the map itself, with other Mac users. Really nice! Check out the details at Mac Dev. Thanks to Brodingo for pointing it out. (Louis Wu 10:20:57 UTC) (permalink)


Halo PC 1.05 Patch Available
The Halo PC 1.05 patch, which closes a potential security hole and fixes Halo PC to work with XP's Service Pack 2, is now accessible via the Auto-Update feature (it will be downloaded automatically the next time you connect to the server list from within the Halo PC application), or you can grab it from FilePlanet (thanks, HaloPlanet) and update manually (it's just under 5 mb). (Louis Wu 09:58:34 UTC) (permalink)


Out and Back Again
Ducain, following up on his previous 'get a warthog with a live marine across the Silent Cartographer shaft' trick, has gotten the warthog BACK across the shaft (without killing the live marine). Vid is 8.6 mb, WMP9 format. Nice toss! (Louis Wu 09:52:01 UTC) (permalink)


Tuesday's news in brief:

Tuesday's Fan Fiction
Hold 'D', eh?
Why won't somebody help the point man?
Guns Don't Kill People...
When HBO Regulars Meet
Crafty Art
Bounce, baby, bounce
Delagginator Released

Monday's news in brief:

New movies from TeamX
I think that's the Spec-Ops one...
Broken Fix Fixed
Know your enemy!
Hostile Insertions and Invisible Flybys
Handy For Those Sword Only Gametypes
Halo Babies pours out the artwork
Pretties for your screen
Poor kitty :(

Hot Pages
HBO Gallery Pages
A Fistful of Arrows
Halo 5 Mythic Guide
Halo 4 Mythic Guide
Reach Mythic Guide
ODST Mythic Guide
H3 Mythic Guide v2.0
Cutscene Library
Dialogue Databanks
Articles by Stephen Loftus
BC: Video Design Tips
Video Guide by LordGideon
Nomi's Paper Spartans
Halo 3 Terminals
NSCS Strategy Guide
Aesthetic Artist Interviews
Director Dialogues
Bad Cyborg Movies
