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Halo news back Sunday, June 22, 2003 Halo news forward

Now THAT'S some nice shootin'.
Z points out a pretty cool little movie on xboxottawa.ca (it's the last thing on the page). 6.9 mb, DivX format (make sure you have an up-to-date version), 720x256. They're working on more, but they're all in school or working fulltime... so there's no timeframe on the next product. You wanna see a slick multiplayer move... grab this film. (Louis Wu 22:58:39 UTC) (permalink)


Red Vs Blue Vs One One Se7en.
Took a little bit of finagling, but there's a Sunday strip for One One Se7en today. This is a totally random feature; it will not happen every Sunday, or even every other Sunday; it'll happen whenever Stuntmutt gets the inspiration for a Sunday strip. This one is just in time for the Red vs Blue forum members to get their hands on episode 10. (It should be available to the general public later today.) (Louis Wu 15:41:17 UTC) (permalink)


Pelicans Away!
Thanks again to BOLL - the Flash Pelican game is once again online, though now without a high-score option. Play it for fun. :) (Louis Wu 14:06:38 UTC) (permalink)


Pictures, pictures, and a LOT more pictures
Wow. We haven't updated the Wallpaper section in almost a week... and now there are 21 new desktops for you. 10 come from kapowaz, and are just interesting renditions of opening screens on each campaign level. (Each one is available in 5 sizes, as well.) The other 11 (two of which come in multiple sizes) are individual submissions. Total number of new screens (including variations): 63. Wonga! Check the Wallpaper section. (Louis Wu 03:32:03 UTC) (permalink)


Halo RPG needs testing
Sir Fragula points out that his Halo Role Playing Game Combat Test system (a single in-game room that allows player to fight against all currently implemented enemy encounters, in an attempt to generate feedback) is now online, thanks to NeXuS and goatrope. (The download links are here and here.) More details about what this is, and what's working and not working, can be found in this forum thread. The download is about 3 mb. (Louis Wu 01:57:07 UTC) (permalink)


Pelican Flash Game - down for now
Apologies to all who were enjoying the Pelican Flash game (or, more accurately, attempting to get on the high-score list for the game). There were so many of you playing at once (and submitting scores at once) that the server's been bouncing up and down like a yo-yo. For the sake of the REST of HBO, I've pulled it offline for a while. I'll try and figure something out with BOLL so that you can play this without killing the site. I'm sorry... (Louis Wu 01:45:55 UTC) (permalink)


Saturday's news in brief:

The Unreal Thing
Pelican Fun - now against your friends!
Gawd. That's a lotta words.
Demo Details, from The Design Team
Last warning for The X Factor

Friday's news in brief:

The Pillar of Art is Standing
Halo links
X-Factor Hype Heats Up
Bloody Murder

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