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Search results for Nice.

Showing results 26 - 50 of 141 matches

May 19, 2010 Link to this post

Wednesday Movie Mania
urk got an early start on the video mania in Bungie's Comm Chatter today:

  • Mike and Cheese is back with 'I Got A Jetpack', a live-action (sort of) tribute to Lonely Island... and Reach.
  • Give It Up is a Reach Beta Montage from Vandelay16 - lots of sniper action, lots of hammer action.
  • Nick Johnston put together a Halo Reach Screenshot Montage - it's only 480p for some reason, but the shots are nice.

Always good to start the day with a movie or two... (Louis Wu 16:38:28 UTC)

May 13, 2010 Link to this post

Crazy Kills and Spills
Some fun vid action on Bungie's Comm Chatter today

Go take a few minutes this afternoon! (Louis Wu 17:45:51 UTC)

May 10, 2010 Link to this post

Leave Out All the Rest
AssaultGodzilla is back with another music video - this one contains clips from an amazing variety of sources, and paints an emo picture of Spartan culture. Timing, as always, is quite nice. (Louis Wu 13:39:56 UTC)

January 7, 2010 Link to this post

Four new movies today over at Bungie.net's Comm Chatter (yeah, I know, we're using the OLD 'tacular' definition, not the new one - blame urk for not posting a fifth movie, I guess):

Go watch! (Louis Wu 19:10:22 UTC)

August 21, 2009 Link to this post

HaloCharts: Mythic CLASO
BuzzJuice brought us the news of a new Co-Op Mythic Campaign Challenge from HaloCharts. You and a friend run through all nine levels of Halo 3, in order, in CLASO (Co-op, Legendary, All Skulls On), and if you're first to sumbit a full set of 9 runs, you both win Recon! Nice. (Oh... did we mention that there's a Zero Deaths requirement? ZING!) (Louis Wu 17:34:01 UTC)

June 17, 2009 Link to this post

Cheap ODST in the UK
Wow, nice. Bry noticed that Argos (a UK game distributor) is selling Halo 3: ODST for £26.99 (about $44, US) - a heck of a deal! If you live on that side of the pond, you might want to check this out. (Louis Wu 17:03:26 UTC)

June 3, 2009 Link to this post

A Sangheili's War Is Never Over - Part 5
Leviathan adds another episode to his graphic novelette, "A Sangheili's War Is Never Over" on the forum. Nice. Check it out! (mnemesis 16:16:21 UTC)

May 23, 2009 Link to this post

Control Your Recon
Bungie wants to give you Recon - just play some Team Control (this week's Double XP playlist), take a cool screenshot (just one), tag it right, and you could be sporting the most exclusive armor by week's end. (Read the rules, and play nice.) (Louis Wu 19:28:25 UTC)

February 27, 2009 Link to this post

Who We Are
A Machinima Short By Tommy92L whipped up a new machinima short - it's called 'Who We Are', and the effects are REALLY nice. Go watch it! (Louis Wu 21:04:50 UTC)

January 8, 2009 Link to this post

Bungie's Bountiful Blog Bazaar
Once again, a late posting spree on the Bungie Blog brings you a wealth of new videos that I should start letting you know about in the evenings... here we go:

Whoa... if you watch everything linked here, you'll need almost 1 hour and 17 minutes... (Louis Wu 11:18:07 UTC)

October 2, 2008 Link to this post

Ark panoramas
nomis78 whipped out another pair of Ark panoramas - they're images we've seen before, but the composition on both is pretty nice. Check 'em out! (Louis Wu 14:12:25 UTC)

August 26, 2008 Link to this post

Top 10 Halo 3 Exterminations video
Hawty McBloggy found a 'Top 10 Halo 3 Exerminations' video on YouTube - quality is aweful, but the gameplay's pretty nice. Number four, especially - totally clutch play. (There are way more htan 10 here - the honorable mentions start about halfway through the film.) (Louis Wu 11:17:06 UTC)

August 24, 2008 Link to this post

In-Game Portraits, Made to Order
You might remember last week there was a mention of Project Pangea, in which The Handmade Hero was building portrait screenshots of those who asked. He was kind enough to build one for me - I hadn't realized I WANTED one, but the final result is actually very nice. (Bungie.net is really iffy right now, so if that link doesn't work, try it later.) If you like what you see, contact him! (Louis Wu 17:17:23 UTC)

July 22, 2008 Link to this post

GEE-MC - ready for prime time
Back in January, we mentioned a 'Build a Spartan' flash app created by Scotty GEE - it wasn't done, but it was pretty nice. We just got word from Scotty - it's done now. Very cool! Go play with it. You can even take a screenshot when you're happy with your creation! (Louis Wu 13:43:58 UTC)

May 22, 2008 Link to this post

Marathon Man Ep 6: DoomsDrake
Sniper2477 is back with another episode of Marathon Man - this one is called 'DoomsDrake', and is ostensibly the last in the series. Once again, the story's a bit week, and (again) there's at least one gratuitously silly scene, but in general, the filming is well-done, and the action at the end is nice. (Louis Wu 13:11:46 UTC)

May 17, 2008 Link to this post

The Third Temptation of Paris
Underdawg253 let us know that Etzun Films has put out The Third Temptation of Paris, a music vid. It's way, way, WAY too big (250 mb for 4 minutes, and it's only 720x480), and the story makes very little sense without the explanation at HaloGrid... but the filming's pretty nice. (Louis Wu 15:47:33 UTC)

April 28, 2008 Link to this post

And the panoramas continue
nomis78 posted links to another handful of panoramas - the Rat's Nest one is particularly nice. Take a look! (Louis Wu 16:24:58 UTC)

April 10, 2008 Link to this post

Legendary Map Heatmaps in place
Herr Zrbo, among others, let us know that the Legendary Map Pack maps now have representative Heat Maps (showing kills and deaths) posted on Bungie.net. There's no actual data yet - but the overhead views are nice... (Louis Wu 13:15:31 UTC)

March 28, 2008 Link to this post

Consequences - Pilot
FireDragon04 stopped by to announce that Episode One - Pilot of his new machinima, 'Consequences: Hyperions Vengeance', is now available for download. Swing by his website for links. Characters are great, voice acting is (mostly) great, story is a little hard to follow. (Mostly because the hologram is completely unintelligible, I think.) Quality is a little shakey, but not so much that the film's unwatchable. Cinematography's quite nice. Go see! (Louis Wu 18:34:56 UTC)

January 14, 2008 Link to this post

IRIS Overview available from Ad Agency
Wow, very nice. thebruce found a full overview of the IRIS campaign, as set up by AKQA, the agency tasked by Microsoft with its creation. Very slick - a fantastic way to get a handle on how this campaign went, if you missed it last summer! (Louis Wu 21:50:42 UTC)

October 31, 2007 Link to this post

Inside Halo - Episode 1
Wow, nice. SodaGod has started a Halo news show over at Machinima.com; yes, these have been done before, but not with audio this good, or with SG's whacky brand of humor. The video information listed is pretty much entirely wrong; the downloaded video is 48 mb, not 37, and the running time is 5 minutes, not 8:28 - but it's a great watch. You can also snag it on YouTube if you don't want to download it. Thanks, Adam Kovic. (Louis Wu 10:50:44 UTC)

October 23, 2007 Link to this post

This weekend, I noticed a new film announced at High Impact Halo - 'Shraptain', a jumping vid from jagg3d Shrapn3l and CaptainCrunch41. (That link contains a high-res WMP9 download and a YouTube link.) Last night, nomis78 pointed out an MLG Gameroom link for the vid, as well. These jumps are often useable in tactical situations - they can get you to places that will give you an advantage in net play in a reasonable timeframe - and so might be worth learning for average players. (The ability to climb back up the chutes in Guardian is pretty nice...) (Louis Wu 11:49:08 UTC)

October 20, 2007 Link to this post

Naughty and Nice. (Mostly Nice.)
Last night's Bungie Weekly Update was a pretty cool shout-out from a bunch of Bungie employees to the people (family and friends and fans) who made it worthwhile for them. (There's also a mysterious warning to folks doing something they shouldn't be doing.) Go read! Roflsalad was first. (As always, it's archived in the Weekly Update Archive as well.) (Louis Wu 12:15:21 UTC)

September 20, 2007 Link to this post

Freeze Frame would be nice.
Warbow's thinking about what would happen if real life acquired some of Halo 3's enhancements... check out the newest Calvin and Halo. (Louis Wu 13:29:29 UTC)

August 7, 2007 Link to this post

Canadian price cuts even things a little
Nice. Canadians have been complaining for a while that the price of an Xbox in Canada is unreasonably high, due to the strength of the Canadian dollar; Microsoft seems to have acknowledged that, with the latest price cuts. As of tomorrow, the price of an Xbox 360 Premium in Canada is CAD$399 - $100 less than it was previously. (That's still 8% more, in US dollars, than US residents have to pay - but it's better than the 19% extra they were paying last week.) The Elite 'surcharge' drops from 8% over US price to 5% over, and the Core drops from 11% over to 1.5% over. The price of the upcoming Halo 3 Xbox 360 will be CAD$449.99 - 6.6% more than US residents will pay. Life's getting fairer - but maybe it just means temptation? Thanks, Anton P. Nym. (Louis Wu 21:38:22 UTC)

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