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Search results for Gah

Showing results 26 - 50 of 100 matches

April 30, 2007 Link to this post

Self Induced seemed to have some free time yesterday - he shows clearly that my vocabulary could use a bit more variation. Point taken. (Gah.) (Louis Wu 18:12:56 UTC)

February 20, 2007 Link to this post

Jungle Trigonometry 4 Trailer
ClearviewPro points out on the forum that SodaGod has released a trailer for Jungle Trigonometry 4. Gah! He asked if I was sure, and I thought I was sure, but then there was the twitching and stuff and now I'm not so sure that I'm sure... (mnemesis 04:27:24 UTC)

December 15, 2006 Link to this post

Go Blue! Woo-hoo!
Gah. I forgot to post this a couple of days ago - but Luke McKay sketched up the newest character in the RvB series, Lil' Sis. Kind of Pippi Longstocking-ish, you ask me... (Louis Wu 13:41:21 UTC)

October 16, 2006 Link to this post

Trailer Trash
Gah. A video submitted by Kusho to the MPRRS, entitled 'Trailer Trash', passed last night - it tells the story of 4 contestants, each with a movie trailer they're proud of, in a game show in which the winner takes all... and the losers die. Almost 12 minutes long, available in both WMP9 format (112 mb) or QuickTime format (102 mb) - go watch! (Louis Wu 17:03:03 UTC)

September 28, 2006 Link to this post

Jackson discussion available as audio
Gah. I grabbed this this morning, but forgot to post it. Microsoft has made the streaming feed from yesterday's press conference available again, for those that missed it live - but the video is so small, and (in the case of the discussion with Peter Jackson) so irrelevant, I simply cut out the audio portion of the Peter Moore/Peter Jackson section - you can grab it in MP3 format (under 2 mb for 6 minutes) here. Listen for yourself to how he describes the upcoming products from Wingnut Interactive. (Louis Wu 18:28:32 UTC)

September 14, 2006 Link to this post

Ark 'N' Sore.
GAH! I HATE it when I forget to post the day's One One Se7en. No, it has nothing to do with wanting to bury these puns... really. No, really. (Louis Wu 00:58:44 UTC)

August 15, 2006 Link to this post

Wahttehhog Revisited
Gah. Yesterday, I posted a note about Wahttehhog's 'Ancien Regime', a large vid that passed the MPRRS with flying colors. I'd forgotten, as I promised, to point out their blog, where you can comment on this piece - and where, if you're in the mood, you can download a much, much less compressed version (nearly 600 mb). (For the vast majority of the viewing public, downloading this will do nothing but burn Wahttehhog's bandwidth; the overall quality bump is not HUGELY noticeable. Think twice, and be nice, before grabbing this.) Thanks to Matt Macomber for reminding me politely. (Louis Wu 19:30:50 UTC)

July 25, 2006 Link to this post

Bungie Schwag
Down at Comic-Con last week, SvF's Laird snagged a poster that represents the monthly Halo comic coming out next year - along with some signatures (front | back). Nice! Update: gah, total misunderstanding. That is a charcoal drawing done for Laird by a friend, and signed by the Bungie crew. THIS is the poster created to promote the monthly comic. Must be Monday... (Louis Wu 19:48:52 UTC)

June 12, 2006 Link to this post

SCC Music Contest Redux
Gah. I posted this yesterday... in my mind. (That is: I wrote up the update post, but somehow got distracted before it actually went live.) We mentioned the SCC Music Contest yesterday - later in the day, the actual entries went online over at Bungiefansonline.com. There are lots and lots and lots of them - and each one has a description of the piece by the author, along with comments on the winning pieces by the judges. Go read, go download, go listen! Thanks to both Gods Prophet and Tazmaniandude for letting us know about these - and apologies for not actually POSTING it when I'd meant to. (Louis Wu 11:27:09 UTC)

May 21, 2006 Link to this post

Friday's Fanfic - on Sunday
Gah - Friday was so crazy I forgot Fan Fiction again, and Saturday... wasn't much better. Here is the collection for the week - 31 pieces (though an awful lot of them are short poems by a single submitter...). (Louis Wu 02:54:04 UTC)

May 20, 2006 Link to this post

Halo: Portable Update
Gah - nearly forgot. Mintz pointed out that Halo Portable is back up and running after a short hiatus - check out what's coming (as well as some new wallpaper). (Louis Wu 21:14:35 UTC)

April 25, 2006 Link to this post

Halo at E3 - rumor acknowledged.
Gah. I wanted to avoid this altogether, because it seems like it's better just to see what happens... but when rumors start showing up on CNN, you gotta pay 'em SOME attention. Lots of places have been hinting that E3 could be the first place where new Halo footage is seen this year - and now Chris Morris' Game Over column joins the list of hinters.

Expect to see the first footage from the next installment of "Halo," which might shift some focus away from the competition. (The game won't hit stores until 2007, however.)

'Expect' might be too strong an imperative... but it's certainly possible. Anyway, I've now acknowledged the rumor, so any more emails concerning it (from any site) will be blissfully ignored. (Thanks, ICDedPpl.) (Louis Wu 20:10:26 UTC)

March 31, 2006 Link to this post

IGN: The Rumor Guys
Gah. When sites as big as IGN post rumors about Halo 3 release dates, our mailboxes fill up with speculation. According to them, Halo 3 will be released in March 2007, with more info coming at E3. This might be true, it might be garbage... we can't say. Bungie is still keeping mum about whether or not they're even DEVELOPING the title, much less when they're releasing it. Nevertheless, IGN has put this up, which means unless we acknowledge that it's out there, our mailboxes will CONTINUE to fill. When Bungie actually announces something, we'll be sure to crow it from the rooftops... looks like Coolpengwn was the first to let us know. (Louis Wu 10:40:13 UTC)

March 18, 2006 Link to this post

Animation - Halo Dream
Gah - and even one MORE! (Last one of the night - I promise. I have some green beer to drink!) enigMa sent a link to this YouTube vid - it's a Halo dream animation he made for class. Pretty nice work! (Louis Wu 02:59:42 UTC)

January 12, 2006 Link to this post

He's A REAL Boy!
Gah. Out all day... I managed to miss posting Wednesday's One One Se7en. Up now, though. Pretty darned funny, too - worth the wait, probably. (If you don't think it's funny, that might be you in the last panel.) (Louis Wu 00:17:27 UTC)

November 11, 2005 Link to this post

Two Betrayals. Less than 12 minutes.
Gah. I totally spaced on putting this up earlier this week. insidi0us continues his work on speedruns (yeah, I know, we should be leaving this stuff to High Speed Halo... but insidi0us sends it here, and it's just so amazing!) - his latest target is Two Betrayals. The current run is only on Normal difficulty... but he shaved SO much time off the Going Nowhere Fast record of 25:03 that I couldn't pass it up. He finished the level in... yep, 11:52. (!!!!) Probably the sweetest move in the run comes at around 9:20... but man, the whole run just kicks. This is big - because it's long - and the quality isn't fantastic... but if you're a fan of speedruns, you gotta see this. (He released a 17:23 Legendary run last month, so while he might not be able to get a sub-12-minute run on that difficulty, we know for sure he can beat the previous record by at least a third.) Two Betrayals, less than 12 minutes: WMP9 is 87 mb, QuickTIme is 90 mb. (Louis Wu 15:28:59 UTC)

August 2, 2005 Link to this post

SMGs For Sale
GAH! This came in a couple of nights ago - I lost it in the rush of mail. Richie's Armor has created a pair of resin-cast SMGs, for sale on eBay - starting bid is just under $150, there are still 5 days left on the auction. They look great - check 'em out! (Louis Wu 13:17:42 UTC)

July 12, 2005 Link to this post

Launching Evolved - now in QT
Gah. I meant to post this yesterday, but forgot. We mentioned a movie from High Impact Halo - a montage of Warthog launches put together by Dark Helmet - and I said that if there was any demand, we'd put up QuickTime versions, as well. There was demand - so I posted a high-res QT (40.9 mb) and a low-res QT (18.7 mb). Grab the one that suits your needs! (Louis Wu 05:07:14 UTC)

June 12, 2005 Link to this post

Xbox.com Content
A hunt through the Xbox.com site turned up a few articles that we've not mentioned - here's what you can find.

Will that hold you for a while? (Louis Wu 14:15:58 UTC)

June 10, 2005 Link to this post

The Halo Movie Script - Updated
Lots and lots and LOTS of people have been sending us links to stories about the Halo movie script being shopped out recently - they must have missed this news post, and this one, both of which went up on Tuesday. However, today, there's NEW news - Variety has put up this story (it was free if I watched an ad), which says that Fox and Universal have agreed to split costs on making the movie, and to pay Microsoft $5 million up front for the script (half of what they asked for). It's unclear how much of the actual movie's gross is also on the table. And it looks like this film will be in theaters by 2007. SUPERTOY found this at Aint-it-cool-news. Update: GAH! Looks like I'm as guilty of recycling old news as all those people writing to us. :( Sorry, mnemesis. (Louis Wu 12:27:58 UTC)

June 2, 2005 Link to this post

Cutscene Library Grows - SC Up
Gah. Yesterday was so busy here, I forgot to release any new cutscenes in the Halo Cutscene Library - apologies! If you swing by today, you'll find all 5 scenes from Silent Cartographer have been added. I'll do my best to stay on schedule. (Louis Wu 13:27:49 UTC)

May 18, 2005 Link to this post

The Wallpaper Flood
Gah. You want a lot of desktop choices? We got a lot of desktop choices for you, in our Wallpaper section today. 71 of them, in fact - or almost 90 if you count variants. I'm praying right now for the safety of the server. (You can use this link, instead, if you'd like to look at 9 at a time, instead of all 71 thumbs at once; just remember to use the 'next' nav arrow at the top to see the rest.) It's insane how much I let stuff build up - but at least for the day, it's cleared out! If you submitted a Wallpaper in the past month, it's either in here, or it didn't meet our hosting guidelines. (Louis Wu 19:41:15 UTC)

May 18, 2005 Link to this post

GNF Highlight Reel at Archive.org
Gah - I almost forgot that I'd submitted the Going Nowhere Fast Highlight Reel to archive.org! You can grab all four flavors (high and medium res, WMP9 and QT) from their download page; we haven't run out of bandwidth on other links yet, but it's always nice to have a really large pipe at your disposal. (Could use a review or two, as well, to keep from looking so lonely...) (Louis Wu 10:53:30 UTC)

April 28, 2005 Link to this post

New material brings discussion
Lots of people are discussing the auto-update and the new maps, and how they're affecting gameplay across the board.

  • Gotfrag discusses how this affects MLG and pro players (thanks, 3Suns)
  • Team 7hr33 is happy with the changes, but thinks that they highlight underlying flaws that still exist
  • kons0ul laments the lack of fan-created content for Halo 2, a complaint brought on by the new maps (heads-up came here)
  • Saint [lpn] looks at the long-term effects of the auto-update changes (mentioned here)

I'm sure there is (or will be) more... these are just the ones that popped up in the last day or so. Update: one more, written last week, over at Rampancy.net - sistimatic wrote up his own impressions the day the autoupdate was released. I even commented on it at the time - but somehow neglected to actually POST my comments. Gah. (Louis Wu 10:11:49 UTC)

February 25, 2005 Link to this post

Fragging MCs for flood relief
Thanks to Frankie, for pointing out a writeup at Aussie Xbox of a charity bash they hosted to benefit the tsunami relief effort. Great pics - that's a lot of people playing Halo 2! Update: Gah - looks like mnemesis got to this one already; you'd think I'd be more careful reading existing news... (Louis Wu 11:21:22 UTC)

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