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Halo news back Thursday, May 18, 2006 Halo news forward

Alta knows WHAT?
Sometimes, Bungie posts weird interviews. Their latest, with Intern Jon Cable... it's one of those. (Louis Wu 23:02:06 UTC) (permalink)


Paul Davies continues to pour in the artwork; today we've got a gorgeous Scorpion tank for you. I'd be a little nervous about that barrel crack... (Louis Wu 18:32:12 UTC) (permalink)


First Contact Wallpapers Available
There are a couple of very cool wallpapers (one in a multitude of variations) for the First Contact Half-Life 2 mod over at the First Contact Forum - they were done by Major.Dump, whose Halo creations are justly reknowned. Swing by and take a look! Thanks, AngelicLionheart. (Louis Wu 16:35:05 UTC) (permalink)


He'll give you the Mister Chief off his back.
Heh. Back on April 21, the Weekly Update contained this tidbit:

It looks like the Mister Chief T-Shirts are actually happening.

As you can see on the webcam page (or here, if it changes), these look to be ready to go. Thanks, serpx. (Louis Wu 13:56:39 UTC) (permalink)


Off The Record 1: Malone Strikes Back
TheWereSloth points out that Heroes & Heretics 'Off the Record 1: Malone Strikes Back' is now available to the public on their website. It's rather odd... it's a 'what if?' episode, where you can see what might happen if Malone got stupid. Well... stupider. He also wanted to make sure everyone realized they could download Episode 5 - Operation: Clenched Bowels... their numbers were down significantly from older episodes. This saddens me a little, because Ep 5 was actually very good. You can get BOTH episodes, in either WMP9 or QuickTime formats, at this location. What are you waiting for? (Louis Wu 12:18:18 UTC) (permalink)


MLG Content Overload
Lots and lots of new content at MLGPro.com - more Video on Demand from New York, changes to the 2006 Pro Circuit Schedule, a new Player of the Week (Defy), a look at the future of competitive gaming (and where Halo stands), and a Halo-relevant Blog of the Week from shiruken. Thanks, 3Suns. (Louis Wu 11:57:18 UTC) (permalink)


Where the Stories Come From
IGN has an article discussing The Influence of Literature and Myth on Videogames, and Halo gets a chunk of coverage. (Not all of it makes a lot of sense; Starhammer is cited as an influence, but not for its Elite-like Laowon, or its Halo-like superweapon, but for the fact that its protagonist is named Jon, referred to early on as 6725416. It's as though nobody bothered to read it...) Give it a look for its general concepts. (Louis Wu 10:21:43 UTC) (permalink)


Halo Graphic Novel Interview
SketchFactor has posted a long interview with Lee Hammock and Simon Bisley, two of the talented content creators for the Halo Graphic Novel; it's a great read. (There's also a ton of artwork embedded throughout, some of which hasn't been seen before - at least at this resolution.) Go look! (Louis Wu 02:08:55 UTC) (permalink)


Wednesday's news in brief:

There will always be more prey.
Slogging Through The Mud
A Barrel Of Laughs.
Halo Positioning
Halo 2 Xbox/PC interplay - probably not

Tuesday's news in brief:

Reminiscences of D3/E3
Wait... is it fake?
Luke McKay Update
Please remember to turn off all cell phones.
Glitching To Stay On Top
PMS girl interviewed on MLG PwnCast
Top 100 Games?

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