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Halo news back Saturday, May 6, 2006 Halo news forward

New work from an old friend
Interesting. An artist known as GT Gundam over at DeviantART has been turning out great Halo artwork for years - we recently added a bunch of missing images to our Miscellaneous Art section, with his permission. Today, Juan Anselm points out that he's gone and created a new DA account, and has begun to populate it with new art - visit Marathon GTi for the first of these new pieces, 'Save the MD, revised' (Master Chief laying down supressing fire for a can of Mountain Dew - the original is here). Good stuff - we'll keep an eye on this account! (Louis Wu 11:34:20 UTC) (permalink)


Individual Recognition
Over at MLG, there's an interview with Gh057ayame - he's been nominated for the Scion Player of the Year award. Go read about what that means. Thanks, 3Suns. (Louis Wu 11:13:05 UTC) (permalink)


Halo References in Pop Culture
Heh. Over at Fark.com, one of the tidbits picked up yesterday was a story about a new pirate-fighting center opening in Mombasa. Fark's footnote: "Prophet of Regret unavailable for comment" - cute. Thanks, Paul Marsh. (Louis Wu 10:46:49 UTC) (permalink)


Near-Cinematic Brilliance
IGN's got a nice review of the Halo 2 Original Soundtrack Volume 2 - with minor exceptions, they gushed over it. Go read! (Louis Wu 03:44:16 UTC) (permalink)


Fan Girls
Heh - whoda thunk it? Lost the Lead has a Silent Hill/Halo crossover. Yes, Pinkuh's a little... odd. Great artwork, though! (Louis Wu 02:52:48 UTC) (permalink)


The snarkiness of critics
Wow, what a nasty shot. Some guy writes a daily blog on MS stuff - and in a paragraph making fun of MSN as a portal (and some of the silly things they tried in an attempt to gain market share), he made this snide comment:

Those days are largely laughed about today, in the same way that we might make fun of such other ill-advised products as Microsoft Bob or the Halo 2 Soundtrack (the latter of which, inexplicably, includes little actual music from the game).

He must have been talking about Volume 1, since Volume 2 is ALL game music (and since its Amazon Sales Rank was #154 in Music - out of three quarters of a million titles)... but still. Geez. (Louis Wu 00:39:24 UTC) (permalink)


We Don't Need No Steenkin' Patches
Blayne's got another batch of UNSC/UESC patches for sale - the first batch of 50 sold pretty quickly. If you missed it, but want one of these puppies... swing by MaraMERCH! (Louis Wu 00:17:59 UTC) (permalink)


Vomitous Lumps
Weekly Update is up - pretty short, because Frankie has no time, but hey. OMG - no Mister Chief. Louis am cry. Update: DOH! Forgot to mention that this was available in our Weekly Update Archive, as well. Update 2: Frankie rocks - he added an Angsty Mister Chief, just for me. I'm printing that and framing it. Really. (Louis Wu 00:13:16 UTC) (permalink)


Friday's news in brief:

Hey, amigo, how you been?
Careful What You Wish For.
Friday Fanfic
RvB Season 4 - Now on DVD

Thursday's news in brief:

Advanced Combat Techniques II
Halo for a Handheld?
Mod Help
Rip Digital Cable 4
HBO Shirt/Raffle Update
Run Away!
Freelancer: Combat Evolved Announcement Film
Podtacular 1500 - reminder
2006 PGL 4v4 Halo 2 Tourney Results
Average Ranks - where do you stand?

Hot Pages
HBO Gallery Pages
A Fistful of Arrows
Halo 5 Mythic Guide
Halo 4 Mythic Guide
Reach Mythic Guide
ODST Mythic Guide
H3 Mythic Guide v2.0
Cutscene Library
Dialogue Databanks
Articles by Stephen Loftus
BC: Video Design Tips
Video Guide by LordGideon
Nomi's Paper Spartans
Halo 3 Terminals
NSCS Strategy Guide
Aesthetic Artist Interviews
Director Dialogues
Bad Cyborg Movies
