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Halo news back Thursday, May 4, 2006 Halo news forward

Advanced Combat Techniques II
Overswarm has added a new video to his Not So Common Sense Strategy Guide - Advanced Combat Techniques II has been posted in the Movies and Commentary section. Tricks exploited by the pros - BXR is only the most well-known - are illustrated in a video, with descriptive commentary to go along; learn the three-shot-kill, the two-shot-kill, and more! Grab this puppy while it's hot. (Louis Wu 22:18:16 UTC) (permalink)


Halo for a Handheld?
Interesting. Over at GameSetWatch, there's an article that suggests that before they went bankrupt last year, the Gizmondo Manchester development studio was working on a 3D FPS Halo title for the Gizmondo. Frankie specifically denied that Bungie had anything to do with this in January 2005 - but the article suggests that these folks were working on it on their own. This goes firmly in the 'rumor' category... but it's intriguing. Thanks, Finn. (Louis Wu 21:21:17 UTC) (permalink)


Mod Help
First Contact, a Halo mod in development for Half Life 2, is calling for dev team members and voice actors - swing by their site if you're interested. Thanks, blackhawk. (Louis Wu 16:20:48 UTC) (permalink)


Rip Digital Cable 4
A month ago, RipHamilton32 submitted 'Rip Digital Cable 3' to the MPRRS, and we hosted it. More recently, he submitted 'Rip Digital Cable 4' - and the MPRRS reviewers liked this one, too. Again, it's a series of TV show spoofs, presented as though someone was channel surfing. Some clever sketches! Grab this in WMP9 format (22 mb) or QuickTime format (23 mb), and watch some (Halo) TV! (Louis Wu 16:14:47 UTC) (permalink)


HBO Shirt/Raffle Update
Whoa. Mig posted a note on our forum, showing a large photo (120k) of the posters, back from the printer - those look AMAZING! Here's the deal: as of right now, there are 58 people entered in the raffle. (I'm unclear as to why someone would buy a shirt and NOT enter the raffle... but hey, everybody's got their own cross to bear, right? Certainly way more than 58 shirts have been bought.) There are 10 posters available, and they're going to all go to raffle entrants. There are 4 more days to buy a shirt (and register for the raffle). You do the math - for less than $15, you get a one-of-a-kind high-quality HBO shirt AND a 1-in-6 chance of walking away with one of these posters! (Okay, okay, I did the math. And yeah, the math will change, if a bunch of people jump in and buy a shirt now.) How can you NOT enter? (Louis Wu 15:23:22 UTC) (permalink)


Run Away!
Chromidget has been working on a life-sized grunt - he posted a few pictures on our forum yesterday. Awesome! (Louis Wu 15:08:16 UTC) (permalink)


Freelancer: Combat Evolved Announcement Film
Freelancer: Combat Evolved, a total modification for Freelancer, released an announcement film showing off some of its content last week; you can find official mirrors in this thread on their forum. We've put up a copy of our own (WMP9 format, 16.2 mb, or a new QuickTime format, 14.9 mb) because... well, we're nice like that sometimes. Give it a look; these guys have done a pretty good job! (Swing by their website for more info about the mod.) (Louis Wu 15:05:10 UTC) (permalink)


Podtacular 1500 - reminder
You might remember we mentioned the Podtacular 1500 campaign a couple of weeks ago; Podtacular is trying to hit 1500 listeners by E3. E3 is next week, and they're still 350 short, according to the FeedBurner stats in their sidebar... you wanna go help 'em out? (Louis Wu 14:42:24 UTC) (permalink)


2006 PGL 4v4 Halo 2 Tourney Results
The PGL posted results of its 4v4 Halo 2 tourney yesterday - check their website for details and pics. (Louis Wu 14:37:48 UTC) (permalink)


Average Ranks - where do you stand?
GH spent a lot of time sifting through the Query Spree leaderboards, collecting stats, and attempting to learn what the real 'average' ranks are for each gametype. The results might surprise you. (Louis Wu 14:14:24 UTC) (permalink)


Wednesday's news in brief:

Interview with Jen Taylor
What's in a name? (And lots of other stuff.)
Sketch THIS.
Act of Contrition.
Ceramic Master Chief - now complete
A home for machinima creators
Impressive Screenshot Tools
This just in - you get wet when it rains.
WSVG Announces Titles - including Halo 2

Tuesday's news in brief:

Finish Him.
Prog Rock Fetishist
The Valley of the Forerunners: Part 10
Trigger's Broom
He was not hit in the face with a shovel.
Gorgeous Halo Compositions
The Best Game Evar? Or Just No Competition?
No Online Halo Today

Hot Pages
HBO Gallery Pages
A Fistful of Arrows
Halo 5 Mythic Guide
Halo 4 Mythic Guide
Reach Mythic Guide
ODST Mythic Guide
H3 Mythic Guide v2.0
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Dialogue Databanks
Articles by Stephen Loftus
BC: Video Design Tips
Video Guide by LordGideon
Nomi's Paper Spartans
Halo 3 Terminals
NSCS Strategy Guide
Aesthetic Artist Interviews
Director Dialogues
Bad Cyborg Movies
