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Halo news back Wednesday, May 3, 2006 Halo news forward

Interview with Jen Taylor
Jen Taylor, the voice of Cortana, is also the voice of Jessica Cannon, the player's sidekick in the upcoming SiN Episodes title. Ritualistic (the online community hub of Ritual Entertainment, the folks behind SiN Episodes) has posted a short interview with her, in which she discusses the characters she's voiced (including, of course, Cortana), and how the projects are different. Good stuff! Thanks, Stylsy. (Louis Wu 20:50:53 UTC) (permalink)


What's in a name? (And lots of other stuff.)
Over at the Halo Story Page, you'll find a massive update put together by Finn; tons of tasty info. What are you waiting for? GO READ! (Louis Wu 20:44:48 UTC) (permalink)


Sketch THIS.
Bryant Gosch points out that there are already a number of Halo-related models available in Google's 3Dwarehouse - a collection of models created with the free (but Windows-only) SketchUp, a 3D modeling program bought by Google recently. Check 'em out! (Louis Wu 20:34:26 UTC) (permalink)


Act of Contrition.
Four in a row from the PunMeister - I'd tell him to slow down, but this one is just so... appropriate. Go read today's One One Se7en. (Louis Wu 16:47:57 UTC) (permalink)


Ceramic Master Chief - now complete
Remember Boltofaire's ceramic Master Chief? He finished it. He's not happy with how it turned out... but I think he's being overly critical; it's pretty darned cool. (Louis Wu 15:29:15 UTC) (permalink)


A home for machinima creators
Edgeworks Entertainment (the folks behind the Codex Series and the upcoming 'The Heretic', among others) are now offering hosting and support for a select group of machinima creators; swing by their FAQ page for details on what's being offered, and what you need to do to qualify. (Louis Wu 13:50:59 UTC) (permalink)


Impressive Screenshot Tools
c0ld vengeance pointed out a pretty cool thread over at HaloMods - a month ago, xbox7887 posted a collection of information which (if you have a modded Xbox) will allow you to grab full-resolution screenshots of Halo or Halo 2. The pics are GORGEOUS. Make sure you actually READ the material provided before you bug anyone about this stuff, though. And no, you can't use this stuff WITHOUT a modded box. (Louis Wu 13:40:23 UTC) (permalink)


This just in - you get wet when it rains.
Woo - Big news. Gamespot reports that the Gartner Group says that since Microsoft's next operating system, Vista, might not make its Q1 2007 release target, that Halo 2 PC might not be out until Q2 either. (This is for all of you who couldn't figure out that the game might not hit the shelves if the operating system wasn't available.) (Louis Wu 13:19:35 UTC) (permalink)


WSVG Announces Titles - including Halo 2
Another big tourney - the World Series of Video Games has announced the official Xbox titles they'll be using for their 2006 events, and Halo 2 is on the list. Check out the press release at GotFrag. Halo 2 qualifiers will be held in Louisville and Dallas, and registration is open now. (Louis Wu 13:13:34 UTC) (permalink)


Tuesday's news in brief:

Finish Him.
Prog Rock Fetishist
The Valley of the Forerunners: Part 10
Trigger's Broom
He was not hit in the face with a shovel.
Gorgeous Halo Compositions
The Best Game Evar? Or Just No Competition?
No Online Halo Today

Monday's news in brief:

Homestar Chief
Warriors for God... or Deluded Souls?
8-year Deathmarch
Girls Got Game
When It's Not Quite Ready.
Blood Gulch 120
MLG PwnCast Ep 14
WCG - Terrestrial Halo?
Halo tourney in MO

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