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Halo news back Friday, February 24, 2006 Halo news forward

Another very cool piece from Bryn 'ofthehi77' Casey - this one is a space battle tidbit known as 'Goliath. Sizeable (325k, and just about big enough for a monster screen wallpaper)... but definitely worth the look. Check it out! (Louis Wu 21:46:51 UTC) (permalink)


They Pound The Quit Right Out.
Stuntmutt goes back to an old favorite for the punchline of today's One One Se7en. Wait... how is that different from any other day? (Louis Wu 17:22:49 UTC) (permalink)


It's Friday, it must be Fan Fiction
22 stories built up in the Fan Fiction section since I left - go read. (I must say, I was FLABBERGASTED to receive an email this morning, at 6:50 am Eastern time, telling me that we OWE the community an update, since there hasn't been one for 9 days. As a group, Fan Fiction writers are the neediest, least patient, most annoying submitters of fan content I've ever worked with, in 11 years of running fan-based websites. Just wanted that on the record.) (Louis Wu 17:10:41 UTC) (permalink)


Quivering Wrench-Monkeys, Unite!
Frontline With Suzie is updated with Broadcast 14 - Suzie interviews Engineer Jones, soon after he escapes the Pillar of Autumn. Interesting theory as to the color scheme of the Engineering uniforms... thanks, rockslider. (Louis Wu 15:19:19 UTC) (permalink)


Tower to Tower - now with more fiber!
A couple of days ago, Ducain kicked off a mini-contest at High Impact Halo; it involves tower-to-tower jumping on the original Halo. (Yep, that's right. You're STARTING from the top of one of the blue beam towers.) The prize list is growing, thanks to community members; there's a wad of cash, some XBL trial memberships, an Art of Halo book, a copy of Halo 2... check out the original post, and the followup with more goodies! (Louis Wu 15:08:33 UTC) (permalink)


XiT vs Str8 - again
Last week, we pointed out a Team Slayer match, on video, at Halo2Forum.com; it was Xit WouNDz vs Str8 Rippin, on Midship, from the point of view of XiT xItwasluckx. There's another match between these two teams, this time filmed by | Killer N | - same map, KOTH game. Great to watch (and interesting to contrast the communication styles) - it's a HUGE download (190 mb), because it's a 17 minute match. If you've got a big pipe, swing by and grab this! (Louis Wu 14:39:09 UTC) (permalink)


Looking forward to NYC
F13ND points out an interview with OGRE 1, of Team3D, on the Team3D.net website; he's looking ahead to this weekend's MLG Nationals in New York. Take a look! (Louis Wu 14:28:42 UTC) (permalink)


More articles at MLG PwnCast
Yesterday, we mentioned the interview with xItwasluckx at MLG PwnCast - we got a message from QuaDxDaMag3, one of the site administrators, about a second interview, with Fonzi of TmG, and an article about team strategy. Go read! (Louis Wu 14:25:49 UTC) (permalink)


New Lego Goodies
Saber-Scorpion, who's been mentioned a few times in the news for his Lego creations, has another couple of models up - the Pillar of Autumn, and a Pelican. Pretty impressive! Thanks to all who wrote in - looks like David was first. (Louis Wu 14:14:55 UTC) (permalink)


MSDN Channel9 interviews matchmaking researchers
Want more details on the matchmaking algorithms, in laymans terms? Meet the Microosft researchers who helped develop the Halo2 as well as the XBox 360 matchmaking systems. Djof informed us of this video interview which was performed last year and just now presented by MSDN Channel9. Update: There was a small clarification by Chris Butcher - while Bungie worked extensively with the team that developed the TrueSkill system... Halo 2 doesn't use it. (Cybrfrk 02:44:37 UTC) (permalink)


Thursday's news in brief:

Team Conquest's Outbreak Trailer
HaloGrid talks to Burnie Burns
He's So Lucky
MLG Hits the Big Time

Wednesday's news in brief:

The Pistol, Again
What was that spike?
Halogen Vid
MC's Head - Up For Grabs
Custom MC
Jackson on Games and Movies
Joke's on you, my brain was already mush
Revenge on the Brutes
His Brightness Is Turned Way Down
The Balancing Act
Swag or Schwag, Either Way Someone Wins

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HBO Gallery Pages
A Fistful of Arrows
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Reach Mythic Guide
ODST Mythic Guide
H3 Mythic Guide v2.0
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Articles by Stephen Loftus
BC: Video Design Tips
Video Guide by LordGideon
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