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Halo news back Saturday, February 11, 2006 Halo news forward

Sad News
We got word from ThatWeasel's girlfriend that ThatWeasel, a staple in the Halo community for several years, passed away on February 7. We don't really have any information on what happened (and his girlfriend is a little too broken up to go into it)... but it was clearly sudden, and unexpected. It's always hard when a community member goes... we'll miss you, TW. (His site will continue, at least for the near future; his girlfriend will take over running it.) (Louis Wu 23:00:41 UTC) (permalink)


It holds the universe together.
Heh - cool. gunluva created a bunch of Halo weapons out of duct tape, cardboard, and some popsicle sticks - you can see pictures in his Red vs Blue profile's images section if you have an account there, or direct-linked in this forum post if you don't. (Louis Wu 15:17:01 UTC) (permalink)


Weekly Fanfic Update
Seventeen new pieces in the Fan Fiction section this week - go read. (Side note: I try to post fanfic on Fridays - but sometimes Fridays are crazy days, and it doesn't happen. There is almost nothing related to the administration of this website more annoying than being publicly berated for not posting someone's content; if you think I've slighted you, you're welcome to send me email, but posting in a public forum is NOT the way to get on my good side. There's a new rule related to the Fan Fiction section: if you post publicly, asking why I haven't put up your story yet, your story will be deleted from the queue. Petty? Yep. Will it get the message across to folks who are just a little too impatient for my tastes? ::shrug:: I don't know - but either way, the problem is solved, as far as I can see.) (Louis Wu 10:45:01 UTC) (permalink)


Halo Portable Update
Mintz sends word that Halo Portable has a music pack of stuff from Patriarch917, new wallpapers for everyone, and the Weekly Update, formatted for your PSP (Louis Wu 10:34:17 UTC) (permalink)


Podtacular Ep 49
HaloPlanet mentioned the release of PodTacular Episode 49 back on Thursday - I kept forgetting to post it. (Been a rough few days here...) Speculation about Halo 3 is the big subject. Go listen! (Louis Wu 10:31:12 UTC) (permalink)


Flag Tactics
Wow - swing by Halo2Forum and grab a copy of this Flag Tactics vid (58MB, WMP9 format) - some pretty amazing techniques. Most of 'em would be pretty hard to pull off in an actual game - but a few look pretty straightforward, and might just change the CTF games you play. (The Lockout flag tosses are totally feasible, and mimic some of the superfast captures I remember from Hang 'em High.) Thanks, Z. (Louis Wu 10:27:58 UTC) (permalink)


Today's Weekly Update is, unsurprisingly, mostly about the Halo 2 for Vista announcement yesterday. It's worth a read, especially if you feel betrayed. There's also some pretty droolworthy stuff about upcoming Halo novels , and a rather disturbing picture. And, of course, you can read it locally if you so choose. I haven't been to the forum yet, but I've no doubt Frankie was first with the announcement. Hang on... yep. (Louis Wu 00:22:43 UTC) (permalink)


Friday's news in brief:

Green Thumb
Cakehole - shut it!
Hasta La Vista
Halo Movie News
When Stats Run Wild
Team3D prepares for Nationals
Coming Soon... The Heretic

Thursday's news in brief:

How long has THAT been there?
Purgatory, Probiotics, and those damned Scots
Halo 2 on Vista - Explained. Well, sort of.
The Sticky Bomb
Duck Season
Peril, Playable
An attractive tickling device
Halo Desktop Customization - now ready
The Case of the Missing Story

Hot Pages
HBO Gallery Pages
A Fistful of Arrows
Halo 5 Mythic Guide
Halo 4 Mythic Guide
Reach Mythic Guide
ODST Mythic Guide
H3 Mythic Guide v2.0
Cutscene Library
Dialogue Databanks
Articles by Stephen Loftus
BC: Video Design Tips
Video Guide by LordGideon
Nomi's Paper Spartans
Halo 3 Terminals
NSCS Strategy Guide
Aesthetic Artist Interviews
Director Dialogues
Bad Cyborg Movies
