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February 11, 2006 Link to this post

Weekly Fanfic Update
Seventeen new pieces in the Fan Fiction section this week - go read. (Side note: I try to post fanfic on Fridays - but sometimes Fridays are crazy days, and it doesn't happen. There is almost nothing related to the administration of this website more annoying than being publicly berated for not posting someone's content; if you think I've slighted you, you're welcome to send me email, but posting in a public forum is NOT the way to get on my good side. There's a new rule related to the Fan Fiction section: if you post publicly, asking why I haven't put up your story yet, your story will be deleted from the queue. Petty? Yep. Will it get the message across to folks who are just a little too impatient for my tastes? ::shrug:: I don't know - but either way, the problem is solved, as far as I can see.) (Louis Wu 10:45:01 UTC)

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