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Halo news back Tuesday, September 10, 2002 Halo news forward

Wait for it...
A new comic has been put up at Bungie.net - and it's pretty funny. According to Dave Candland, this is an 'actual embellished conversation' that took place during the creation of the Halo 2 trailer. Makes you wonder how all those guys are still alive... (Louis Wu 23:16:26 UTC) (permalink)


Adams on Mac Halo
Inside Mac Games has posted their eleventh installment of "One on One with Glenda Adams" where one of the topics discussed is Halo:

Tuncer: Can you give us any details on Halo for the Mac? How will it be different than the X-Box [sic] version. Any details on networking you can talk about?

Glenda: There isn't much I can talk about yet- the net play will be revamped and extended, and it should be very slick. Almost all of the gameplay design issues are taking place at Gearbox, we're mainly involved in recommendations of low level technology to make the port simpler.

Needless to say, the revamping and extending of net play will apply to the PC version as well. Check out the rest of IMG's feature here. Pax. (Crux Fidelis 21:10:31 UTC) (permalink)


Betray this!
Having trouble on Two Betrayals? Never fear, our own Asmodeus is here to help you out. The latest section of HBO's Legendary Walkthrough has gone up, and it should get you through those generators without a hitch. Get to readin'! (Louis Wu 19:20:23 UTC) (permalink)


Two for the price of one
New screenshots at Bungie's Tru7h and Reconciliation site - Coop! But not Coop like you see on YOUR TV... full-screen Coop. Whoa. Check 'em out. (Louis Wu 18:29:06 UTC) (permalink)


Stories new, stories old
Tuesday Fan Fiction:

Go read... (Louis Wu 14:58:26 UTC) (permalink)


Killer Artwork
The Master Chief without a helmet? Wow. The Miscellaneous Art section gets an impressive submission, thanks to Covenant. (It was all done in Photoshop.) Take a look! (Louis Wu 14:31:25 UTC) (permalink)


Work or Die posted
Heh - the family edge wins out. A new video has been posted at Blackstar Productions - it's called Work or Die, and is a highlight film of a lanfest held right here at HBO HQ a bit over a week ago. 40 megs, 640x480, 3:43 long... with a pretty funny soundtrack. (A few too many clips of me dying, but such is life. Or something.) If bandwidth gets tight over at BSP, we'll find a mirror or two... but for now, check it out there (and enjoy the site's new layout!). I learned about this from Rampancy.net. (Louis Wu 12:04:40 UTC) (permalink)


New Halo sites open
Eep - we missed the opening of the Halo hub at Forerunners.org. There's not much content on the main site yet (mostly stuff snagged off Bungie's Tru7h and Reconciliation site), but there are two hosted Halo pages already; EvergreenHalo and Halo Elites. If you want to build a Halo site, check 'em out! (Louis Wu 09:07:09 UTC) (permalink)


OSX, too.
Yesterday, we mentioned a Windows screensaver created by a Halo fan that played QuickTime movies. PCDestroyer points out that something similar exists for MacOSX - the reviews are mixed, but it's there if you want it. (24k, so it's not even a painful download.) (Louis Wu 01:07:12 UTC) (permalink)


Movies DB up to snuff
Once again, the Movies database has been brought up-to-date... 17 movies released in the last month or so have been added. It's a never-ending stream... (Louis Wu 00:52:22 UTC) (permalink)


Soundtracks claimed
Last week, we mentioned a contest over at Psyjnir.com - guess the winner of the Halo National Tournament, win one of three Halo soundtracks. The contest ended a couple of days ago - but the announcement was made on the Psyjnir Complex 7th Column chapter, and was visible only to members of that chapter. This has been rectified - you can find the details on the main Psyjnir Complex website. Congrats to Forerunner01, masterchief1138, and Jerry H! (Louis Wu 00:47:45 UTC) (permalink)


Monday's news in brief:

Wouldja look at all those green triangles...
Windows QT screensaver
Stuff to read
Death and Rebirth
Mmm... models
Halo book details surface
Monsters at Play on the H2 trailer
I hate it when that happens...
Of Books, and Gnomes

Sunday's news in brief:

Project-Halo comes online
More homes for AFTF
What you say?
OXM Halo 2 article posted

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