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Halo news back Sunday, September 8, 2002 Halo news forward

Project-Halo comes online
SpikeDaDragon points out Project-Halo, a new fansite. Not a lot of content yet... but he's working on it. (Spike - and everyone else who sends mail to us thinking we're Bungie Studios - we're not Bungie Studios. We're a fansite, run by fans. Bungie Studios can be found at bungie.net or bungie.com. It even says that at the bottom of all our pages.) (Louis Wu 14:46:06 UTC) (permalink)


More homes for AFTF
Dave Calotta has provided another home for Uriel's 'A Fall Too Far' - check his Hotline server, AirDCServer. We've also uploaded a copy to Mythica.org, for those who have trouble with Hotline. (It seems there are many who don't realize it's a protocol not covered by any browser - you need a separate Hotline client to access the servers. Visit your favorite file archive and search for 'Hotline client'.) 4.3 mb, 50 seconds, QT 5 format. (Louis Wu 14:39:42 UTC) (permalink)


What you say?
Joseph Staten popped into our forum to provide a couple of alternatives Bungie considered for the last pair of lines in the trailer. All in all, I think they chose the correct pair. (Louis Wu 14:12:35 UTC) (permalink)


For years now, folks have been begging for Halo action figures. Apparently, progress is being made in the field... when we know more, we'll pass it along. (Louis Wu 14:04:46 UTC) (permalink)


OXM Halo 2 article posted
In direct response to a fan request, I've scanned in last month's article on what the Official Xbox Magazine staff wants to see in Halo 2. You'll find it (including the now-infamous Tiger Tank) in our Press Scans section. (The October issue hit the stands yesterday, so we're clean.) (Louis Wu 00:14:48 UTC) (permalink)


Saturday's news in brief:

New Halo 2 vid posted
Second time's the charm...
PC Halo in PC Gamer
When you want it, you want it...
Hey! Where'd he come from?
Now THAT'S firepower.
It says Kilroy Was Here, okay?

Friday's news in brief:

Next one who dies...
xboxlanaz wants YOU!
New Desktop
Stories for the weekend
Who missed?
Neo says 'whoa.'
No, you a scrub
What? MORE mirror news?

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HBO Gallery Pages
A Fistful of Arrows
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Reach Mythic Guide
ODST Mythic Guide
H3 Mythic Guide v2.0
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BC: Video Design Tips
Video Guide by LordGideon
Nomi's Paper Spartans
Halo 3 Terminals
NSCS Strategy Guide
Aesthetic Artist Interviews
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Bad Cyborg Movies
