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Halo news back Wednesday, June 19, 2002 Halo news forward

Forces behind the scenes?
What's this? There are story-related tidbits we don't know yet? Mnemesis titillates with a snippet from the recent OXM UK article... could this be the start of serious speculation? Head on over to the Halo Story page and find out! (Louis Wu 20:07:02 UTC) (permalink)


Just get it
Justin snags a famous Swoosh and creates an action-oriented desktop for the masses - you'll find it in our Wallpaper section. (Louis Wu 19:58:51 UTC) (permalink)


New fanfic for you
One new Fan Fiction entry for you today: Gordi's Upon This Stage Final Prologue. If you've forgotten the storyline, you can read the series en masse. Don't forget to leave feedback for fanfic authors... but please, try not to abuse the system (as some are doing now). Thanks. (Louis Wu 19:49:49 UTC) (permalink)


YYMMDBATC - solved!
Whoa - the Myth Total Soundtrack CD acronym has been solved! (Okay, okay, not really Halo news... but the search for acronyms has occupied our forum periodically recently, so maybe this'll spur attacks on the two new ones - the Halo GotY one (ABTFIPAS05) and the Halo Soundtrack one (SABABWL).) In any case, drop by the Marathon's Story Forum and see what Yeroen had to say about its origins! (For more information on the acronyms in general, visit Hamish's Acronym section of the Marathon's Story site.) Thanks to mnemesis for pointing it out... and thanks, actually, to Yeroen, for jumping in before anyone REALLY solved it. ('Tasty' was never a guess in the thread... or in fact in ANY thread on the subject, really... and 'Dwarven' is not the same thing as 'Dwarf'.) We're not going to argue too much, though... we'll take what we can get. :) (Louis Wu 18:40:06 UTC) (permalink)


Soundtrack Review from the Number 1 Fan
Miguel 'Freewill' Chavez points out that his review of the Halo Soundtrack is up at Amazon.com. Very nice read, and a fantastic overview if you haven't bought it yet! Take a look. (Louis Wu 14:55:38 UTC) (permalink)


Goodies in August OXM UK mag
Griffon writes to let us know of the massive Halo article in the July issue of OXM UK (yes, it's been noted before), and to mention that the 'Making Of' videos can be found on the DVD with that mag (this is news, and good news for folks who can't get their hands on the freebie given away by the Bungie Store). Go pick up your copy today! (We'll be posting scans of the article as soon as the issue's off the shelves.) Update: A second article in the mag confirms the existence of Halo 2 - slated to come out (according to J. Allard, Xbox General Manager - remember Bungie's policy on release dates) Christmas 2003. You can read the text of this second article in this Team Xbox forum thread. (Louis Wu 13:38:48 UTC) (permalink)


Tales from the Dark Site
Eep - go a few days without looking at the other sites in the Bungie realm, and you miss stuff. :( Stopped by Rampancy.net today, and discovered that

  1. The Making Of Halo vids (at least the two 'new' ones) are now mirrored there - we've added links to our Mirrors page
  2. Forerunners.org is much closer to opening than it has been
  3. There's some crack-fueled speculation about the future of Halo - and even a new name for the hat containing potential Mac porting companies

Stop by, check it out! These guys should be on your rounds list, for sure - they're usually on mine, but life's been crazy recently. (Louis Wu 13:17:41 UTC) (permalink)


Tuesday's news in brief:

Silent Cartog Walkthrough at T&R
Xbox Tunneling... for Mac OSX!
Halo FFP goes black
Caption the Flag... or something
Hop in, Sarge!
Northwest Carnage
Halo ideas?

Monday's news in brief:

How lame is that?
Drivin' machine...
Halo Babies...
Halo 2 - announced by a UK gameseller
Where's that dang 'upcoming mods' page?
Finishing time?
Mario Chief

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