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Halo news back Tuesday, June 18, 2002 Halo news forward

Silent Cartog Walkthrough at T&R
Yet MORE new Bungie material at Tru7h and Reconciliation... this time it's a walkthrough for Silent Cartographer. Zee peekturs... zey are awesome! Thanks once again to mnemesis (who pointed out this particular shot...) (Louis Wu 23:57:54 UTC) (permalink)


Xbox Tunneling... for Mac OSX!
Whoa. Xbox tunneling finally comes to the Mac - Pfhorslayer has written a new product, called 'Aquaduct', and he's now interested in finding beta testers. If you have a mac running OSX, and an Xbox running Halo, and would like to try out online gameplay... drop him a note! (Read his forum post for more information.) (Louis Wu 23:40:22 UTC) (permalink)


Halo FFP goes black
Ryan lets us know that the Halo Fan Fiction Project has gotten another facelift - the page looks pretty good! Go check 'em out, and join up if you're interested in helping realize Halo in a printed form! (Louis Wu 23:35:35 UTC) (permalink)


Caption the Flag... or something
Woohoo! 8 new screenies over at Bungie's Tru7h and Reconciliaton site, just ITCHING for your captions. This is just one amazing shot... Thanks to mnemesis for the heads-up. (Louis Wu 22:53:29 UTC) (permalink)


Hop in, Sarge!
Hehe - it's the wrong color, but BOLL's got the right idea... how many of you miss that rocket launcher? (Louis Wu 22:45:47 UTC) (permalink)


Northwest Carnage
BIGwooly popped into our forum to announce that the final date for the upcoming Northwest Regional Halo Tournament in Boise, ID has been set - carnage will occur on June 29, 2002. If you're interested in joining in, check out HALOID's 7th Column Chapter page. (Louis Wu 17:27:36 UTC) (permalink)


Halo ideas?
Ross Mills has started up a site called 'Halo Ideas' - and as he says on our forum, he's looking for content to fill it. If you have any speculations about either Halo 2 or Halo Online (neither of which have actually been announced, of course, and nothing says they won't end up being the same game), drop him a line! (Louis Wu 17:24:09 UTC) (permalink)


Monday's news in brief:

How lame is that?
Drivin' machine...
Halo Babies...
Halo 2 - announced by a UK gameseller
Where's that dang 'upcoming mods' page?
Finishing time?
Mario Chief

Sunday's news in brief:

Stories for Dad
The Halo Library comes online
Goin' in with First Wave...
Fragfests are Fun

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HBO Gallery Pages
A Fistful of Arrows
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H3 Mythic Guide v2.0
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BC: Video Design Tips
Video Guide by LordGideon
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