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Halo news back Thursday, June 6, 2002 Halo news forward

New Truth and Recon content
Mnemesis is just full of it today... good info, that is. He spotted a couple of new entries at Bungie's Tru7h and Reconciliation site - the next level of their Halo Legendary Walkthrough (this time done by Dave Candland), and a new desktop, based on the T-Shirt logo. (It's the very bottom entry at the moment.) Nice! (Louis Wu 20:56:20 UTC) (permalink)


6-legged creatures wear pants?
Two new job openings at Bungie - is one of them for you? Check out the listings for Lead Animator and Mission Designer. (Older listings, for 3D Environment Artist (posted in December) and Game Producer (posted in March) are still up...) Thanks to mnemesis for the heads-up. (Louis Wu 20:47:26 UTC) (permalink)


OXM Top Plays for June...
And another movie... This one's been in the queue for quite a while, though. Distributed with the Official Xbox Magazine is a DVD with game demos, music, and (among other things) a feature called 'Top 10 Plays'. Each month they put together 10 of the top film clips users send them, of all Xbox games. The June disc had 3 Halo entries - they were 1, 2, and 3! Go and grab the 3.2 mb, 45 second QT5 clip now. Grateful thanks go out to Team Overkill, who sent us the film itself. (We needed to wait until the June issue was off the shelves before we brought this to you.) (Louis Wu 20:33:10 UTC) (permalink)


Little Fanfic upload
Just a couple of entries for today's Fan Fiction offering:

The two poems were originally (accidentally) included at the end of the last Roughneck Two-Zero chapter... my fault. Update: DOH! Somehow, I missed the fact that three segments of 'Ascendant' came in recently, not just one. You can read Part II and Part III separately... or you can read all three as a series. (Louis Wu 18:42:10 UTC) (permalink)


Old Spicy McHunter...
Looks like this is turning out to be Movie day. We'll start with a submission from Djoey154 - it's called Scottish Hunter, and we'll warn you now, the music is mature-rated. He originally submitted this as a Windows Media Player file (11.8 mb) - but with some coaxing, submitted an .avi which has been converted to QuickTime 5 format (12.9 mb). Currently, they're both on mythica.org - but we will almost certainly need mirrors for this - please let us know if you can put this up. (I''ll be adding a Hotline version for both of these in the next couple of hours, at least.) Take a look... Update: A mirror list has been added for this film - hopefully we can populate it soon! All movies from the last few days have been added to the Movies database - and while you're there, you might notice an extra data chunk; movies with spoilers are now labeled in red, near the bottom of the entry. There's currently no way to REMOVE spoiler-laden movies from the list... but there will be, eventually. (Louis Wu 09:40:26 UTC) (permalink)


A new day, a new pair of links
A couple of new links for you folks - StarWarsFanMan has started a new Halo photos site, called Halo Onslaught... and Team Overkill has pointed out their clan's Halo section on our forum. Get to viewin'! (Louis Wu 09:14:33 UTC) (permalink)


A moment of rest
Talon turns in a sketch of the MC (with his helmet off) for our Miscellaneous Art section. (Louis Wu 09:10:30 UTC) (permalink)


Do not adjust your monitor
static KI sends in an image for our Wallpaper section... (Warning - spoilers, if you look closely) (Louis Wu 08:50:00 UTC) (permalink)


Intensity Xbox reviews Halo
Thanks to Nick, who pointed out a new review for Halo - on a site called Intensity Xbox. They gave it a 9.3, overall... it was penalized mostly for its lack of true online play. (It's not clear if this was written back in November, and just POSTED recently... or if it was written after the launch of the website last month.) You'll find it added to our Reviews database. (Louis Wu 08:32:28 UTC) (permalink)


Wednesday's news in brief:

Music videos are pouring in...
Rainy Day Reading
This shouldn't become a habit

Tuesday's news in brief:

Music video out of Denmark
New Bungie.net poll - Halo on TV?
New Wallpaper Built
Canadian ad mirror list grows

Hot Pages
HBO Gallery Pages
A Fistful of Arrows
Halo 5 Mythic Guide
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Reach Mythic Guide
ODST Mythic Guide
H3 Mythic Guide v2.0
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Articles by Stephen Loftus
BC: Video Design Tips
Video Guide by LordGideon
Nomi's Paper Spartans
Halo 3 Terminals
NSCS Strategy Guide
Aesthetic Artist Interviews
Director Dialogues
Bad Cyborg Movies
