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Halo news back Thursday, April 18, 2002 Halo news forward

New Movies section comes online
It's nowhere near as finished as I'd like... but it's functional, and it's MUCH more finished than the old version. For those people looking for Halo Movies, we'd like to announce our newly-overhauled Halo Movies Section. More features will be coming soon (sorting, searching, and so on) - but for now, hopefully you'll find an up-to-date, organized list of Halo movies to be useful. There are lots of new things - many movies have been converted to different formats, to make them more accessible (usually that means smaller) - and several movies that have been missing for ages have now been found. Browse away! (Louis Wu 20:33:58 UTC) (permalink)


Silent Cartographer Antics
A rather well-documented entry has been added to the Gameplay Tricks section - there is now quite a bit of documentation on getting through the locked door on Silent Cartographer. In addition, there are a pair of bonus movies - both are from xbill; one shows how to get through that door in a jeep without explosives or beating, and the other shows some entertaining cutscene manipulation. Check it all out! (Louis Wu 15:44:42 UTC) (permalink)


Just 3 today...
Fan Fiction offering - lighter than usual:

Don't forget that script! (Louis Wu 09:50:09 UTC) (permalink)


What is Botswana like, virtually?
A new magazine has hit the streets - ThePerfectCore lets us know about it in our forum. (You'll find the cover in our Miscellaneous Art section.) (Louis Wu 09:26:58 UTC) (permalink)


If you make it, they will come
This showed up in our inbox yesterday. We think it fell off the produce truck in Hollywood. Or something. (Louis Wu 09:10:49 UTC) (permalink)


The price of playing Halo just dropped
As noted by MSN on our forum, and Firfin via email, Microsoft has decided to drop the price of the Xbox outside the US - new prices (as of April 26) will be Û299/£199/A$399 in Europe/UK/Australia, respectively. Makes you wish you'd waited, huh? Update: Veebs points out that Microsoft is giving everyone who bought an Xbox BEFORE April 26 two free games and a free controller - so it's all good. (except, of course, for those of us in the US, who STILL have to pay $299 US per xbox...) (Louis Wu 09:09:01 UTC) (permalink)


New Japanese Halo trailer
Microsoft's Japanese Xbox site has a new Halo trailer (Windows Media Player format, High Bandwidth only). Nothing new for seasoned Halo movie watchers but some nice gameplay nevertheless. Warning: it may contain a spoiler for those who haven't played Halo. Pax. (Crux Fidelis 04:00:51 UTC) (permalink)


Wednesday's news in brief:

DirectX on a Mac... who'da thunk it?

Tuesday's news in brief:

Three new Halo reviews
Shirt insanity continues
Daily dose of ff
New Wallpaper for skinny monitors
Halo CTF designs recreated
Renegade Theatre Strikes Again

Hot Pages
HBO Gallery Pages
A Fistful of Arrows
Halo 5 Mythic Guide
Halo 4 Mythic Guide
Reach Mythic Guide
ODST Mythic Guide
H3 Mythic Guide v2.0
Cutscene Library
Dialogue Databanks
Articles by Stephen Loftus
BC: Video Design Tips
Video Guide by LordGideon
Nomi's Paper Spartans
Halo 3 Terminals
NSCS Strategy Guide
Aesthetic Artist Interviews
Director Dialogues
Bad Cyborg Movies
