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Halo news back Friday, April 12, 2002 Halo news forward

Halo Multiplayer Maps... already
A couple of days ago, This Side Up mentioned on our forum that he'd begun work on some Halo multiplayer map designs. He's turned them over to us, and we've put them up for you to look at - there's no guarantee anyone can ever make them... but it's an intriguing start. (Louis Wu 19:20:10 UTC) (permalink)


Halo Story updates
Goodness, almost forgot... the Halo Story page got a couple of updates recently! (mnemesis did a bang-up job covering the recent rash of Halo theories which flooded our forum...) Check it out, and add your own! (Louis Wu 18:42:43 UTC) (permalink)


Things that should not be mixed
Miscellaneous, yes. Art? Dunno. (Louis Wu 18:35:22 UTC) (permalink)


A handful of new tricks
A surprising number of gameplay tricks remain in the queue (some simply because they're complicated enough that documentation is taking longer than expected)... but there are 4 new ones (5, if you count xbill's Elite Speech trick posted earlier today) in the Tricks section. Take a look! (Louis Wu 18:21:44 UTC) (permalink)


I'm busy
Threebrain.com has a Halo-related cartoon today - if you're reading this after the 12th, jump back to April 12, 2002. I've felt like that... Thanks to Lawrence Peterson for the heads-up. (Louis Wu 17:15:20 UTC) (permalink)


Elite Speech - older than we know
Heh - just got word from Joe Broni that the beans on elite 'speech' were spilled by Chris Butcher during the talk he gave at the Game Developers Conference last month - a week before Jester noticed the backwards speech. Hard to know WHO to give credit to! :) (Louis Wu 16:18:24 UTC) (permalink)


New Halo Reviews
Two new Halo reviews have popped up - Battle-Fields Network, in the UK, liked it except for lack of bots and the repetitive nature of some of the architecture, and DVD Plaza, in Australia, who had pretty much the same complaints. We've added the Battle-Fields review to our Reviews Database... but due to the lack of an overall numeric score for the DVD Plaza review, we can't do the same there. (Blame me for building an inflexible database.) (Louis Wu 15:00:45 UTC) (permalink)


Reading Material, part 724
Your daily Fan Fiction collection:

What are you waiting for? (Louis Wu 14:29:52 UTC) (permalink)


Free drinks... and free Halo!
TeamXbox has put up an article covering the shindig thrown this week by Microsoft to celebrate the passing of the million-copies-sold milestone for Halo. (Wow, that was too long.) Nice pics, and it sounds like it was a good time! Fan-submitted movies, like Randy Glass' Warthog Jump, were shown to the appreciative crowd... congrats, guys, for blowing away the devs! (Louis Wu 13:26:11 UTC) (permalink)


Badger ATV... nice.
StormSinger is working on a new model for... well, for something. Halo-related, it seems. Maybe. Anyway, it's pretty interesting, and the thread it spawned is a great read. (Louis Wu 02:49:09 UTC) (permalink)


Major Tru7h and Recon update
Whoa. Major update at Bungie's Tru7h and Reconciliation site. New Screenshots (12 of 'em, not a mediocre one in the bunch - but beware spoilers in at least one), and new Concept Art (early Hunters and guns). Thanks to Tarrsk for the speedy heads-up! (Louis Wu 02:06:08 UTC) (permalink)


Paul is Dead
Yesterday, xbill dropped a bombshell on our forum - he pointed out (with proof) where the Elite voices in Halo came from. Recently, his host pulled the page - apparently, free hosts don't like it when you're too popular... so we've done what we don't usually do, and jumped a trick to the front of the queue. His EliteSpeak trick has been posted in the Gameplay Tricks section - don't worry, all the waiting tricks are still there, we didn't lose 'em. Gettin' there... (Louis Wu 01:57:04 UTC) (permalink)


Thursday's news in brief:

Elite Speech Details
Psyjnir.com back up
Roadkill, huh?
More Hurricane mirrors
Potential Spoilers
xbox.com interviews Max

Wednesday's news in brief:

It all comes down to...
Macleans.ca reviews Halo
Hurricane mirror list started
Rock Me Like a Hurricane, baby...
More wallpaper for you
Girl, you're my angel
More Halo audio goodness

Hot Pages
HBO Gallery Pages
A Fistful of Arrows
Halo 5 Mythic Guide
Halo 4 Mythic Guide
Reach Mythic Guide
ODST Mythic Guide
H3 Mythic Guide v2.0
Cutscene Library
Dialogue Databanks
Articles by Stephen Loftus
BC: Video Design Tips
Video Guide by LordGideon
Nomi's Paper Spartans
Halo 3 Terminals
NSCS Strategy Guide
Aesthetic Artist Interviews
Director Dialogues
Bad Cyborg Movies
