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Halo news back Friday, March 22, 2002 Halo news forward

HBO Weekly Review posted
Weekly Review has posted his HBO Weekly Review - and with the exception of the quotes of mine that he took (embarrassingly) out of context, it's a fantastic summary of the week. (It's getting rather long, though - I thought summaries were supposed to be EASY to read? Maybe there's just so much goodness that happens on our forum that there wasn't anything he could have left out... well, he could have left out those Wu quotes, that's for sure.) Go read it - it'll save you time. (There were 1334 posts added in the past week - think of what he's saving you!) (Louis Wu 17:43:36 UTC) (permalink)


GDC Awards - Halo wins Audio Excellence
The 2002 Game Developers Conference ends tomorrow (when Bungie's Jaime Griesemer and Chris Butcher will be giving a presentation on Halo's AI, and Marty O'Donnell will be talking about Halo's audio production), but last night, the Game Developers Choice Awards were given out, and Halo won one of the three categories for which it was nominated. Congratulations to Marty O'Donnell and the sound team for winning the Excellence in Audio award, beating out Undying, MGS2, Frequency, and Rogue Squadron II. (Grand Theft Auto III took Game of the Year, and Black and White took the Excellence in Programming award, rounding out the other two categories for which Halo was nominated.) Thanks to Pallor for the heads-up. (Louis Wu 15:34:47 UTC) (permalink)


NYT says Halo not a good military sim (duh)
Lophan passed along an interesting URL from the New York Times website (free registration required) - 'Grinding Terror or Grand Adventure - Choose Your War'. It compares Operation: Flashpoint to Halo, using these two games as representatives of opposing genres of war simulators:

But if Flashpoint gives players the kind of ground-level view of war offered in films like "All Quiet on the Western Front" and "The Steel Helmet," Halo is more reminiscent of movies made during World War II, which depicted war as a noble adventure fought by fearless, tough-as-nails soldiers.

The author concludes that Halo probably won't do a good job preparing soldiers to fight:

In spite of the tedious stretches, Halo is an exciting game and makes war look like so much fun that you might want to run out and enlist. But war is not like that. When Marine recruits whose only experience of war is playing games like Halo sit down to play the military version of Operation Flashpoint, they may be in for a surprise.

I suppose, if the goal of Halo was to make players ready to fight in the real world, I'd understand the point of this article... (Louis Wu 15:17:14 UTC) (permalink)


Not Phoenix... Mech Assault
Charles Clifford points out an article on Gamespy that explains the Gamer's Logik confusion yesterday - the product they were talking about was Mech Assault, a new third-person combat game from Microsoft due out in November. It's not based on the Halo engine, and it doesn't seem to have a story-based concept behind it:

Gitelman [project leader for the game] excitedly adds, "This game is about shooting shit and blowing it up."

While we here at HBO have absolutely nothing against those goals... we're hoping Phoenix goes a bit deeper. (Louis Wu 14:46:07 UTC) (permalink)


Starcraft now gets Sidewinder
Whoa - a new fad has started. Bezerk Fury follows the lead of Jonathon Cairns, and creates another Starcraft map - this time of Sidewinder. (It's 40k.) The question is... can anyone do the SOLO levels? :) (Louis Wu 14:38:25 UTC) (permalink)


Window for Maw 700 Contest 2 closed
And the doors are officially... Closed. The Second Contest of the Maw 700 is now over, but for the judging... we'll be poring over the entries this evening, and will announce the winner either later tonight or tomorrow. We have a total of three entries (we probably would have had four, had it not been for Frogblast's injury), and I can tell you already, I like 'em all. :) (Louis Wu 00:03:50 UTC) (permalink)


Thursday's news in brief:

MPZ Halo reviews Halo
I want a windup warthog!
Xen Gamers Halo review
More Warthog Jumping - in Germany
Blood Gulch... for Starcraft!
Punch it
Phoenix surfaces... but not really
Halo Story Page gets an information infusion
Potential Spoilers

Wednesday's news in brief:

Loki would be proud
Long, sappy bandwidth thanks
Potential Spoilers
XBox Japan goodies for grabs
Brain cells are for sissies
Kroeger needs a leg
Musical goodies available again
Loads of Reviews added

Hot Pages
HBO Gallery Pages
A Fistful of Arrows
Halo 5 Mythic Guide
Halo 4 Mythic Guide
Reach Mythic Guide
ODST Mythic Guide
H3 Mythic Guide v2.0
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Articles by Stephen Loftus
BC: Video Design Tips
Video Guide by LordGideon
Nomi's Paper Spartans
Halo 3 Terminals
NSCS Strategy Guide
Aesthetic Artist Interviews
Director Dialogues
Bad Cyborg Movies
