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Halo news back Wednesday, March 20, 2002 Halo news forward

Loki would be proud
Three new tricks in our Gameplay Tricks section - a pair of Out of Map experiences from pete_the_duck, and some vehicle manipulation from Scott Kelly. Check 'em out! (Louis Wu 20:50:16 UTC) (permalink)


Long, sappy bandwidth thanks
And now, a word from our sponsors... in a manner of speaking. One of the most enjoyable aspects of the Halo community is the ability to see what insane - erm, intrepid people are doing to push the Halo engine. However, because Halo's got no built-in film feature, stunts have to be recorded as video... and video eats bandwidth like Homer Simpson eats donuts. We'd like to take this opportunity, then, to thank some of the bandwidth providers from this community (and point out the newest files they have for you to download):

  • Mythica.org - Brian Towne has been here since Day 1, pretty much, and has provided homes for most of the high-ticket items out there. He hosts all the iBonk movies, as well as almost everything that's been mentioned here at HBO. Latest morsels: Eleet Ops Faction's Various - EOF film, and the Xbox Goodies that disappeared recently from Team Xbox.
  • The Repertory - Vector40 started this site up with the express purpose of giving a home to homeless movies. Latest tidbits: Various - EOF and Dan Chosich's Montage Video.
  • That Weasel Television - That Weasel started off with the Warthog Jump movie, but has recently put up the Xbox Goodies (both the full package and the music tracks by themselves), and created an HBO Video Mirror page in case there is more to add.

There are others, of course... but these three had new content RIGHT NOW. :) To all in the community that make it possible for us to keep people informed about the latest funkiness... thanks! (Louis Wu 18:21:59 UTC) (permalink)


Come down here, you!
Drunken Elite? TitaniumPez found a pretty bizarre looping Banshee on Halo... nice perfect circles, but he doesn't seem to notice the player. Hmm... (Louis Wu 17:51:01 UTC) (permalink)


XBox Japan goodies for grabs
Alan Wu did the community a nice favor, and extracted all the interesting stuff off the Xbox Japan site we mentioned yesterday. Three music clips (in MP3 format), and a bunch of mini-screenshots... plus one bizarre grunt sound. All in a package only 260k! Grab it today. (Louis Wu 17:40:49 UTC) (permalink)


Brain cells are for sissies
Justin Gochanour, of gyeah.com, sent us pics of another LAN party - more heavy drinking, some RIDICULOUS stats (you have to check this pic out), and some fun with guns on walls. Hope these guys didn't drive home... (Louis Wu 17:32:56 UTC) (permalink)


Kroeger needs a leg
Shadow dropped off Chapter 7 of his Renegade Marines saga - 'The Return Home'. I want one of those 6-tube rocket launchers... man, I bet that's heavy. Fan Fiction is fun. (Louis Wu 17:28:36 UTC) (permalink)


Musical goodies available again
A week ago, Team Xbox posted a package full of goodies, including a WMP Halo skin, a copy of the Halo trailer, and 3 never-before-released (on the net) Halo tracks... in WMP format. Total package size: 4.6 mb. It's already gone off their servers. :( Because the music tracks were so cool, I made room for them in some overflow space we have at mac.com... but I couldn't fit the whole package. Vector40, abusing the stupidity of a provider he's doing his best to get rid of, has agreed to host the entire package, if you're interested in the skin and the trailer, as well. The music tracks alone, at mac.com, are 2 megs. The full package of goodies, no longer available from TXB, is 4.6 megs. Download away! (Louis Wu 03:26:33 UTC) (permalink)


Loads of Reviews added
Review Roundup... we added reviews from Vision Gaming Online Network (19/20), Fragland.net (95%), Eurogamer (8/10), LoadedInc. (9.5/10), and Tilt TV (10/10) to our Reviews Database. Thanks to all who dropped off links! Total reviews to date: 88. Average score: 94.4%. Wonga. (Louis Wu 02:49:34 UTC) (permalink)


Tuesday's news in brief:

Danish Halo fans helps out
I will not eat them in a tree...
Advertising Hi-Lynx
I want one o' them swords...
Japanese Halo site up - nice!
What some people won't do...
Expect it when you least expect it
Potential Spoilers
NTSC and PAL - no looky, no touchy

Monday's news in brief:

EW article finally posted
The Things You Must Try For Yourself, part 873
Potential Spoilers
Extreme Tactics covered at TXB

Hot Pages
HBO Gallery Pages
A Fistful of Arrows
Halo 5 Mythic Guide
Halo 4 Mythic Guide
Reach Mythic Guide
ODST Mythic Guide
H3 Mythic Guide v2.0
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Dialogue Databanks
Articles by Stephen Loftus
BC: Video Design Tips
Video Guide by LordGideon
Nomi's Paper Spartans
Halo 3 Terminals
NSCS Strategy Guide
Aesthetic Artist Interviews
Director Dialogues
Bad Cyborg Movies
