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Halo news back Tuesday, March 19, 2002 Halo news forward

Danish Halo fans helps out
Thanks to Paladin, who kindly sent in a translation for our most recent Danish Halo review - seems the original (random) quote I chose was pretty inappropriate. Oh, to speak more than 5 languages! (Louis Wu 18:46:32 UTC) (permalink)


I will not eat them in a tree...
Some days, you open up your inbox and see some weird stuff. (Louis Wu 16:49:32 UTC) (permalink)


Advertising Hi-Lynx
Two years ago, Lynx deodorant made a huge splash in the Halo community due to their outright theft of the Halo font - but the furor has died down. However, today, we received a picture of a DIFFERENT Lynx deodorant - Gravity - which uses an interesting graphical logo... these guys don't quit. :) (Thanks to Rage Reset for the pic.) (Louis Wu 15:20:12 UTC) (permalink)


I want one o' them swords...
Them titles is gettin' outta hand... Ian Barnes turns in Chapter 6 of his Operation False Prophets series - check it out in our Fan Fiction section. (Louis Wu 15:07:50 UTC) (permalink)


Japanese Halo site up - nice!
Nice find by protexts... The Official Japanese Halo site is up, and it's not simply a copy of the US site (as so many others are). Nice Flash layout, nice music, good screenies (if a bit too small). Now if only I could read Japanese... (Louis Wu 10:23:03 UTC) (permalink)


What some people won't do...
Heh - TitaniumPez caught the Master Chief... um... well, watch the show (144k). (Louis Wu 10:14:26 UTC) (permalink)


Expect it when you least expect it
Stosh created a Halo comic which pays tribute to Matt Soell's... um, unhealthy interests. Check it out! (Louis Wu 09:57:31 UTC) (permalink)


More Tricks, but no answers
pete_the_duck has gone a to a couple of places not yet documented - one on Halo, the other on Truth and Reconciliation. You can check his website for pictures from the locations... but as of right now, he's not willing to share his techniques for reaching them, so don't ask us. :) Update: he's explained... and reproducing this one ain't gonna be easy... (Louis Wu 02:08:20 UTC) (permalink)


NTSC and PAL - no looky, no touchy
A quick reply by Matt Soell to a request for clarification of the PAL/NTSC situation ('Can they play nicely together?') turned into a veritable firestorm on several forums, here and in Europe. (Most of the unhappiness can be explained by my lack of understanding of the answer I was acting as messenger for...) Matt stepped back in tonight with a more complete answer - NTSC and PAL boxes cannot play nicely together, not because Bungie doesn't like Europeans, but because of basic speed differences between the two versions, and because of the way Halo was written. Hopefully, in the future, games (both from Bungie and from other developers) will take into account the different refresh rates of the two television standards, and allow competitors with either system to play the other... but for now, with Halo, that's just not an option. Read Matt's whole post for a more complete explanation. (Louis Wu 01:47:14 UTC) (permalink)


Monday's news in brief:

EW article finally posted
The Things You Must Try For Yourself, part 873
Potential Spoilers
Extreme Tactics covered at TXB

Sunday's news in brief:

Mmm... donuts
To Read or Not To Read, That...
Links, Links, who's got the links?

Hot Pages
HBO Gallery Pages
A Fistful of Arrows
Halo 5 Mythic Guide
Halo 4 Mythic Guide
Reach Mythic Guide
ODST Mythic Guide
H3 Mythic Guide v2.0
Cutscene Library
Dialogue Databanks
Articles by Stephen Loftus
BC: Video Design Tips
Video Guide by LordGideon
Nomi's Paper Spartans
Halo 3 Terminals
NSCS Strategy Guide
Aesthetic Artist Interviews
Director Dialogues
Bad Cyborg Movies
