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March 5, 2009 Link to this post

Ask The Rookie: Results
Last night, I got word from Domino Theory that he'd made it through all of the entries for the Ask the Rookie contest, pared it down to his favorites, and picked a winner. Just to give you an idea of the work he faced: all of the entries, added sequentially to a Microsoft Word document and formatted at 10pt Times, with all identifying information removed, filled 492 pages. He sorted a BOOK. The winner he chose was a poem in iambic pentameter, written by David Newton:

Dear Rookie,

Alas, for I'll be scarce e'er you arrive,
To Installation Five will I be gone.
Against the Covenant must I to strive;
This New Mombasa's fate to you is pawned.

Of what you'll face can I no sight presage,
But 'gainst the threat thine task asserts be braced.
From me must thou be lent a single page:
Kick ass and might you live to see my face.

- Master Chief

We'd like to thank all 700 entrants for this one - and to congratulate David on his poem! And a huge thank you to Domino Theory, for offering the code in the first place... and performing the monumental task that judging turned out to be. (Louis Wu 12:39:52 UTC)

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