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Monday, June 18, 2012 |
343 Sparkast 013
David Ellis, Frank O'Connor, Josh Holmes, and Kiki Wolfkill (and a couple of special guests later on) recorded the latest 343 Sparkast - 73 minutes, with a focus on E3 (duh). Go listen! Thanks, Hypertrooper. (Louis Wu 23:10:46 UTC) (permalink) 
Forerunner Light Rifle - already fan-prototyped Okay, this is silly-fast... but DaFrontlineTrooper has actually created a replica of the Forerunner Light Rifle, first shown to the public a couple of weeks ago. It's not perfect - but geez, he learned of its existence 2 weeks ago! Go watch. Thanks, bs angel. Update: Revenant1988 pointed out another new weapon - this time the UNSC Railgun - created by a member of the 405th. Awesome! (Louis Wu 19:26:55 UTC) (permalink) 
Stairway to Heaven (on ONI Sword Base) CMNeir and his friends took a Pelican outside the ONI Sword Base level... and then climbed a stairway to the sky from a gigantic wall. Go watch the video! (Louis Wu 19:21:38 UTC) (permalink) 
Halo-Thon for Child's Play
Ph1LzA, from, his doing a Halo Marathon for Child's Play this weeked, and hoping to raise $1000! Swing by for details, or check the Events Calendar on the Child's Play site. Good luck, Phil! (Louis Wu 17:17:25 UTC) (permalink) 
FUD Podcast Ep 6: Cryptum Battle Mode Engaged Forward Unto Dawn's latest podcast has been released - Dave, Isaac, and Dani discuss the E3 reveals and rep the brand. Thanks, Dani. (Louis Wu 17:14:03 UTC) (permalink) 
A shift in gun views CyReN put together a couple of images that will show you the evolution of the Halo Sniper Rifle and the Halo Needler, from the original game through Halo 4 - pretty cool! Thanks to gunn3r11 for the bump to post this. (In case those imgur links go bad, we've put up local copies: Sniper | Needler.) (Louis Wu 17:06:42 UTC) (permalink) 
Joony Joon is working on a Halo score remix project, and has released his first track. Go listen to Killtastrophe - good stuff! (Louis Wu 16:35:17 UTC) (permalink) 
Chubby Flag Girl
Usually, meme-based photoshops are good for a smile, at best... but I saw one on GAF this morning that made me burst out laughing. That Chubby Bubbles Girl has never been funnier! (Louis Wu 16:29:42 UTC) (permalink) 
The Fallen Needs Your Help - This Week! Whoa. I've been keeping an eye on the Kickstarter page for The Fallen, the Halo fan film project we most recently mentioned last week (and which we added a sidebar link to as well) - there's just one week left in their fundraising cycle, and as of yesterday, it wasn't looking great. However, overnight they've received a $5,000 pledge, putting them less than $2,000 from their goal - it's in reach! And you can help! Swing by, pledge a few bucks. 100 fans pledging $20 each would do the trick - and if the project is funded, that $20 would net you an 11x17 poster to boot. The trailers they've released so far (they're linked from their Kickstarter page) show real promise - see if you can help make this project a reality! Update: YOU DID IT! As of the time of this update (4:30pm, they've passed the $10,000 mark! You guys rock. (Louis Wu 13:12:54 UTC) (permalink) 
Forge With Pete 3
pete_the_duck stopped in to announce Forge With Pete 3, now live on Halo Waypoint. He's created yet another mini-game in Halo Reach... and I'm flabbergasted at the way it works. Go watch the video!
(Louis Wu 13:11:25 UTC) (permalink) 
How about a 'Team Ordnance Drop'? RC Master decided to take a look at ordnance drops, and see if he could come up with a way that would make them seem fairer to him than what we've seen so far in Halo 4. Interesting read! (Louis Wu 13:09:14 UTC) (permalink) 
Sunday's news in brief:
Saturday's news in brief: