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Halo news back Monday, April 23, 2012 Halo news forward

Halo Speed Art
nillapuddin is on the hunt for Halo speed art - he found one showing off the Master Chief from Halo 4 (2 hours of painting, posted yesterday - I love this), and then some concept art done for 'Halo Galaxy of Combat' (not sure what that is), showing off some ODSTs near a glassed city. Pretty cool work! (Tom Van Sinden 21:13:59 UTC) (permalink)


From a Distance
Owen Thomas, from VezuviusProductions, let us know about From a Distance - it's a Halo 3 tribute. I'm not sure you can really call it a montage; it takes a rather unique approach to showing gameplay on Halo 3 maps. It picks a fixed vantage point on each map, places a camera there... then shows some multiplayer carnage from that viewpoint. Gives you a cool sort of overview of map flow! (He calls it a 'moving gallery of Halo 3's great multiplayer' - I would say that's accurate.) Go watch! (Tom Van Sinden 20:57:36 UTC) (permalink)


RvB-themed Podcast - recording Friday
Tex let us know that she'll be participating in an RvB-themed podcast with the 40s and 20s group - topics will include the general RvB storyline, RvB meetups at cons, and speculation about the upcoming season. Recording is being done this Friday evening - she'd love it if you joined the live chat! (The final product will be posted this weekend.) (Tom Van Sinden 20:56:09 UTC) (permalink)


On Vox Ep 11: Jen Taylor
Zeouterlimits found a voice-acting podcast with Jen Taylor that took place over a year go - but it's the first we're hearing of it! Visit On Vox to hear Jen talk about the jobs she's done, and how voice acting compares to other gigs. Fun podcast! (Tom Van Sinden 20:51:21 UTC) (permalink)


Community Customs Spotlight: JD Quackers
Hyokin stopped in to announce a new Community Customs Spotlight on JD Quackers - go learn a little more about this HBO regular! (Tom Van Sinden 20:46:10 UTC) (permalink)


Halotracker Halo: Reach Community-tage 7
Edge told us about Halotracker's 7th Community-tage - 4 minutes of fun killing. Go watch! (Tom Van Sinden 17:08:39 UTC) (permalink)


New Alexandria Speed Painting
ElzarTheBam posted a link to a Halo speed painting on YouTube (the creator, DUKS, actually says this version has better audio) - it was inspired by the Deliver Hope trailer, and took 7 hours to complete. If you like the final product, you can purchase a print at DeviantART! Beautiful. (Tom Van Sinden 14:18:09 UTC) (permalink)


Unwind 2
RVideo sent us word of Unwind 2, a new video from ZoLA - it's 12 minutes of friends having a lot of fun playing Halo (and occasionally betraying each other). Gameplay is often amazing, some clips are absurd (it's not even all gameplay) - keeping track of what's going on is non-trivial, but it's definitely fun to watch. If you've got a spare quarter of an hour... go look! (Tom Van Sinden 14:15:21 UTC) (permalink)


Sorry, Cancer
Morpheus noticed a new Adult Swim bump (a short buffer or bumper between a TV show and commercials) that highlights the stats Bungie posted when Halo control was transferred to 343 at the end of March. (It went live last night, and can be seen at BumpWorthy, a site devoted to archiving Adult Swim bumps.) Their conclusion, while a bit depressing, might just be right. (Tom Van Sinden 14:13:50 UTC) (permalink)


Macaroni... cheese?
The Master Chief made an appearance in last week's Annoying Orange - if you've WATCHED Annoying Orange before, and don't think you can stomach an entire episode, jump to about 2:35. I apologize in advance for this link. (Tom Van Sinden 14:12:41 UTC) (permalink)


GamesRBad4U: Halo
Ogan Pavano let us know about GamesRBad4U, a videogame-based webcomic that shows how video game obsessions can interfere with real life. Last week's comic focused on Halo. You know... I think I've met that guy. (Tom Van Sinden 14:08:21 UTC) (permalink)


Sunday's news in brief:

Unggoy Husk
To Infinity and Beyond
A Meeting with Marty O'Donnell
Kampy - Halo Reach: Montage 2

Saturday's news in brief:

This Spartan Life Episode 7
Arby 'n' the Chief Bytes S01E03: Memeland
Play Games for Science - Part II
Podtacular 283
1UP's Community Halo 4 Preview Debate
Fails of the Weak, Volume 83
RvB Wall, Ep 2
crespo2006 - A Halo Reach Birthdaytage
The Best Side of Reach
Mail Sack 14
Halo 4 Info - from someone who played
Halo 4 Montage : Conan : 100% MLG
GI Halo 4 Multiplayer Hands-On Impressions

Hot Pages
HBO Gallery Pages
A Fistful of Arrows
Halo 5 Mythic Guide
Halo 4 Mythic Guide
Reach Mythic Guide
ODST Mythic Guide
H3 Mythic Guide v2.0
Cutscene Library
Dialogue Databanks
Articles by Stephen Loftus
BC: Video Design Tips
Video Guide by LordGideon
Nomi's Paper Spartans
Halo 3 Terminals
NSCS Strategy Guide
Aesthetic Artist Interviews
Director Dialogues
Bad Cyborg Movies
