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Halo news back Wednesday, April 9, 2008 Halo news forward

Halo 3 Legendary Map Pack Vidoc
Bungie has posted 'Mapmaker, mapmaker make me a map!' - a brand-new Vidoc that looks at the three new maps coming next week in the Legendary Map Pack. This one is fun - it's along the lines of the old 'Evolution' video, where a bunch of Bungie guys get together and discuss the content, and crack jokes. In this case, each map is covered by some of the artists and developers that worked on it - there's gameplay discussion, background, and Paul Russell phone call jokes. You get a look at what's available via Forge (including the new screen effects), and you get a look at the flow of the maps themselves - all the while being entertained by Bungie devs having a good time. (Don't forget the great camera work!) This puppy is 10 minutes long, so downloads are hefty - if you'd rather, you'll be able to grab it from Xbox LIVE Marketplace (for free, of course) tomorrow. Go watch - and get pumped up! (Louis Wu 17:33:34 UTC) (permalink)


Boss Battles
Morpheus noticed that G4TV recently posted a 'Top 7 Toughest Boss Battles of 07' - and Halo 3's Scarabs came in at Number 3. Fun watch! (Louis Wu 17:21:07 UTC) (permalink)


When Games clash with Culture
Gamasutra has an interview with Englobe's Tom Edwards about gaming's 'Geocultural Risks'. One of the examples he discusses is a name change he oversaw during the development of Halo 2. It's been known for quite some time that the Arbiter was originally known as 'Dervish', and the name was changed for political reasons... but I've never seen the reasoning for the change spelled out quite so clearly before this interview. Give it a read! (Louis Wu 17:03:52 UTC) (permalink)


Halo Wars Team Mood: Positive
Halo France has interviewed Graeme Divine, from the Halo Wars team - there's quite a bit of information here! Go give it a read - either in its original English, or its translated French. Thanks, Sirkan! (Louis Wu 17:00:15 UTC) (permalink)


Underdawg253 dropped into our forum with word of 'Ezekiel', the latest offering from Etzun Films. This is the first part of 3, and it might confuse you. (Or it might not.) He links to a YouTube version, and mid-quality downloadable version from FileFront, and the original thread at HaloGrid (with hidden spoilers if you want to know what's going on). Nice camerawork. (Louis Wu 16:44:04 UTC) (permalink)


LIVE Lists again
SPARTAN 294 reported that once again, CoD4 is on top of the Most Played list on LIVE. From the thread responses, it sounds like our forum denizens are getting tired of hearing about it. (Louis Wu 16:36:10 UTC) (permalink)


A and Q
Yesterday, we mentioned a blog question by Maximum Fear - he got a bunch of answers, which he's posted, and he's put up a new question: which Halo game is your favorite? Go tell him. (Louis Wu 16:23:59 UTC) (permalink)


Yesterday, AfRo SaUcE stopped by our forum to highlight an interesting betrayal. He was playing through Floodgate... and he was teamkilled by the Arbiter. (Not his buddy PLAYING as the Arbiter - no, this was the NPC version.) He's got the clip up at Bungie.net - or you can watch the YouTubed version, with his commentary and ready-made replays. To top it all off, Blackstar has created another one of his 'Custom Halo 3 Medals' to commemorate this hilarious occurance (it's at the bottom of the list). Who knew the Arbiter could be so clumsy? (Louis Wu 15:48:14 UTC) (permalink)


Tuesday's news in brief:

MLG to Preview Blackout in NJ this weekend
Pest Control
B.net Blackout
Halo 3 Screenshots - Writ Big
No Scope Was Involved
There's no need to Ph33r
Did it make you breakfast, the morning after?
MLG 2008 Halo 3 Preview
Small is Beautiful.
How it all began, Part 2
TTL Textual Thoughts
Kilimanjaro is an island?
Customized Nightmare Armor outfit on eBay
Halo 3 tourney in central FL

Monday's news in brief:

Halo 3.5 (sort of)
That's totally not how Bungie envisioned her. Really.
Hva er nytt i versjon v5?
Halo 3 for $40
Personalized Halo 3 Profile Images (a little late)
Happy Birthday, HIH!

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