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Halo news back Saturday, November 18, 2006 Halo news forward

Lost: Halostyle Ep 10 - The Ultimatum
We got word from Haloplayer that Lost: Halostyle Episode 10, "The Ultimatum", was available at the Injured Knee website. Teh funni continues in this episode, and they're not 100% certain their bandwidth will hold out, so we're making local versions available - WMP9 format (52.8 mb) or QuickTime format (49.2 mb). I really like this series - great voice acting, great quality, classy camerawork, and it's funny. Go watch! (Louis Wu 22:12:51 UTC) (permalink)


You'll Regret The Day!
IceWeasel put together another stop-motion vid, ODST vs Heretic Elite... different story, better effects. Pretty funny! (Louis Wu 20:00:29 UTC) (permalink)


Halo - Past, Present, Future
Gamespot has put up an interview with several Bungie employees (Frank O'Connor, Brian Jarrard, and Jaime Griesemer), looking back at Halo and Halo 2, and discussing where the franchise goes from here. It's a pretty interesting read. For some odd reason, it's filed under Halo PC, even though it discusses ONLY the Xbox versions. There's also a short montage, entitled 'Five Years of Halo', though I think it should probably be called '2 years of Halo', since the oldest clips come from the Halo 2 launch events. Thanks to Sir Topham Hat for the heads-up. (Louis Wu 17:34:31 UTC) (permalink)


Gears of War Now Top XBL Game
It took a little over 2 years... but Halo 2 has finally, for the first time since its release, been toppled from the position of Most Played Xbox Live Game this week. Gears of War now sits on top of that hill. It remains to be seen how LONG GoW stays up there... but it's there now. It's been a good run for Halo 2! Looks like Brent Horsley was the first to let us know. There's also a discussion thread on our forum, if you'd like to chime in. (Louis Wu 16:42:48 UTC) (permalink)


MLG Vidcast 6
3Suns stopped by to point out that MLG Vidcast 6 is now online; Jason and Trunkers look at the chances of the up-and-coming teams, in terms of which ones have a shot of breaking into the top 3 at Nationals, which start today in Las Vegas. It's a 10 minute piece - lots of detail. Check it out! (Louis Wu 16:39:06 UTC) (permalink)


Halo PSP Wallpapers
Argodaemon has whipped up a whole bunch of Halo PSP wallpapers - if you're looking to make your PSP more Halo-like, swing by the Halouvre and see what's there! (Louis Wu 16:36:46 UTC) (permalink)


An Artist's Impression
Omega spent some time going through Ghosts of Onyx for written descriptions of some of the new characters we meet in that book - he's now drawn them, as he believes they appear. Great job - don't visit if you're trying to avoid GoO spoilers, but otherwise, check this out! (Louis Wu 16:31:52 UTC) (permalink)


Wolves for Ninja and Collectibles for You
The Bungie Weekly Update is posted over at Bungie.net - and in keeping with the 'make your head spin' motif of the week, it's full of things that'll surprise you. Hints about what's to come (soon), and major changes to the XBL playlists are the biggies. Go read! (Of course, it's also available in our Weekly Update Archive.) (Louis Wu 02:10:53 UTC) (permalink)


Knowing Old People is Sad
Red vs Blue Episode 83, 'In Memoriam', is now available for sponsors. Sarge is forced to sit through the lamest funeral service EVAR. Most of us at least have the benefit of being dead when our own services come around... Thanks to halofreak1991 for the heads-up. (Louis Wu 01:05:55 UTC) (permalink)


Even Marketers Like It
weephun noticed an analysis of next-gen games by a market research firm called BrandIntel - they list the top 50 'next-gen games' (new or soon-to-be released titles for the PS3, Wii, and Xbox 360), and Halo 3 makes 4th on the list, behind Gears of War, Zelda: Twilight Princess, and Madden NFL 2007. (Louis Wu 00:57:22 UTC) (permalink)


1Up Multiplayer Map Chat
The 1Up Show, Episode 56, is now available from the 1Up Show page - it contains 10 minutes of Halo 3 analysis (in-depth looks at the three maps the EGM guys got to play, including strategies and fighting highlights), starting around 26 minutes in. If you want just the Halo portion (there's tons of other stuff on the 1Up show, including info about the PS3 launch, the Wii, and the Motorstorm demo), you can grab it at GameVideos.com (it's about a quarter the size of the large 1Up show versions). This finishes up 1Up's Halo coverage for the week - but there's another 3 day's worth of stuff next week! (Louis Wu 00:52:56 UTC) (permalink)


Friday's news in brief:

The Melody
Immortalized in Halo 3... You.
Oblivion - The Spartan Project
Halo Interviews on OXM Podcast
No Tungs.
Ze movies, boss, ze movies!
Bungie answer questions on German Xbox site
Friday's Fanfic
The Twelve Games of Xbox
Towering Cels
The Pros Pour It On

Thursday's news in brief:

Totally Random Act 2 [Directors Cut]
Wooden Ships
That's just... big.
More info on the Halo 3 teaser ad
Halloween 2006
1Up puts up THEIR Halo screens
Halo Base pulls screens down

Hot Pages
HBO Gallery Pages
A Fistful of Arrows
Halo 5 Mythic Guide
Halo 4 Mythic Guide
Reach Mythic Guide
ODST Mythic Guide
H3 Mythic Guide v2.0
Cutscene Library
Dialogue Databanks
Articles by Stephen Loftus
BC: Video Design Tips
Video Guide by LordGideon
Nomi's Paper Spartans
Halo 3 Terminals
NSCS Strategy Guide
Aesthetic Artist Interviews
Director Dialogues
Bad Cyborg Movies
