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Halo news back Thursday, November 16, 2006 Halo news forward

Totally Random Act 2 [Directors Cut]
Pothole Studios has released a remake of their first ever video - you can grab Totally Random Act 2 [Directors Cut] on their website. Owned by a soda machine! Two and a half minutes long, available in both WMP9 and DivX formats. Check it out! (Louis Wu 22:51:01 UTC) (permalink)


Wooden Ships
Dennis Powers writes to say that Static, Episode 4 is now up - it's called 'Wooden Ships'. Alex speculates about his environs, and begins to tire of the chase. Crosby, Stills, and Nash accompany. As usual, available in WMP9, QuickTime, and streaming Flash. (Louis Wu 20:56:14 UTC) (permalink)


That's just... big.
Heh - if you're interested in a super-high-resolution version of the campaign screenshot released yesterday (uncompressed TIFF format, 5120x2880, 28 mb), you can find one over at HaloPlanet. Nice! (Louis Wu 16:17:41 UTC) (permalink)


More info on the Halo 3 teaser ad
Interesting. Pro-G is reporting that the Halo 3 teaser ad that will air on December 4 here in the US will air on the Britain's Channel 4 on Friday, December 15 - and will be visible on xbox.com then, too. This hasn't been confirmed by other sources yet, but it certainly makes sense. Thanks, MereCatfish. (Louis Wu 15:58:31 UTC) (permalink)


Halloween 2006
BitMaP points out another Halo-related strip of Strouperman, his webcomic. You know... I think I know those guys. (Louis Wu 15:55:00 UTC) (permalink)


1Up puts up THEIR Halo screens
Heh - I should check ALL mail before posting. Looks like 1Up decided to go ahead and release all the new assets they have, since they're already out there on the web. (There's been no announcement from Bungie yet about this content, but I'm guessing it'll come today.) Oddly, though the news post says they've released concept art and renders, I can only find the new screens - but maybe that'll change soon. Anyway, thanks to Black Six for the heads-up. (Louis Wu 15:11:39 UTC) (permalink)


Halo Base pulls screens down
We were contacted by Oliver, of Halo Base - turns out the word they got from GameCity about the screens yesterday was that GameCity was allowed to release them; they wouldn't have linked to them (or mirrored them) otherwise. They've taken DOWN their mirrors, now, because they've learned from a Microsoft PR representative that the official release date is still a little ways off. (I'm not sure that's not going to change - seems like the horse is out of the barn, at this point - but pulling them until they've been officially released is certainly the honorable thing to do.) They've asked that you stop following links to their screenshots page for the time being; there's nothing there any more, and their servers are a tad overloaded from yesterday. Thanks! (Louis Wu 14:59:08 UTC) (permalink)


Wednesday's news in brief:

Memories of a Ring
New screens... a bit early
The UNSC Shortsword
Halo 300 - Redux
The Needler And The Damage Done.
It's not the years, honey, it's the mileage.
Female Marine Screentest
Whole Lotta Halo Love
MLG Pours on the Content
Anniversary Panel

Tuesday's news in brief:

Curb Stompers
Bandwidth alternatives
Bungie Announcement
Tied the Leader - Kicking Hard
Beating 'em at their own game
Stormy Playing
WikiRiot - Down, for Now
Making the good better

Hot Pages
HBO Gallery Pages
A Fistful of Arrows
Halo 5 Mythic Guide
Halo 4 Mythic Guide
Reach Mythic Guide
ODST Mythic Guide
H3 Mythic Guide v2.0
Cutscene Library
Dialogue Databanks
Articles by Stephen Loftus
BC: Video Design Tips
Video Guide by LordGideon
Nomi's Paper Spartans
Halo 3 Terminals
NSCS Strategy Guide
Aesthetic Artist Interviews
Director Dialogues
Bad Cyborg Movies
