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Halo news back Friday, February 10, 2006 Halo news forward

Green Thumb
There's a Lost the Lead update - Pinkuh meets some weird people online! Awesome artwork. Check it out! (Pinkuh pointed it out on the forum.) (Louis Wu 20:38:05 UTC) (permalink)


Cakehole - shut it!
Captain Spark turned in another 19 dialogue snippets - you can snag them from his website, or peruse them in our Dialogue Databank. He's baaaack... (Louis Wu 20:32:34 UTC) (permalink)


Hasta La Vista
You didn't think Stuntmutt was gonna miss a chance to comment on yesterday's Halo 2 PC news, did you? Go read One One Se7en. (Louis Wu 15:23:59 UTC) (permalink)


Halo Movie News
You might remember LatinoReview.com - last November, they posted a review of the Halo script, which stirred up a little bit of controversy. Today, they posted a review of the Casino Royale script... and buried at the bottom is a small note of interest to Halo movie news watchers:

Also we just got word that D.B. Weiss, the writer of the excellent spec script KASHMIR, which was one of my top 5 scripts of 2004 is rewriting HALO. Expect an official announcement soon.

Go read the rest of it for El Mayimbe's comments... and this time around, think twice before screaming "fake!" (It'll be interesting to see if/when this news makes it public in more standard channels...) (Louis Wu 14:50:57 UTC) (permalink)


When Stats Run Wild
Okay, this is a little over the top, if you ask me. Josh Smith decided to write a blog post on the frequency of profanity during Halo 2 online play. Granted, it's one person's experience, and it's gathered from a pretty small total sample (34 hours of gameplay - back in October, Frankie stated that more than 180 million hours had been logged, so we're talking about a 0.00002% sample size - and that doesn't even COUNT the hours played in the last 4 months)... but geez. Thanks, 3Suns. (Louis Wu 14:44:31 UTC) (permalink)


Team3D prepares for Nationals
Team3D, consistently one of the top pro Halo teams, is gearing up for MLG's National Championships in New York at the end of this month, and Saiyan has taken a few minutes out to chat with F13ND about their hopes and expectations. Go read! (Louis Wu 14:35:20 UTC) (permalink)


Coming Soon... The Heretic
On the anniversary of their first episode, the Codex Series team has released information about The Heretic, a new series in production. Cause for excitement from folks who like good machinima! Thanks to many for noticing - but squattingb was first ( even beating Nerrolken's own email by a couple of hours). Go read about it! (Louis Wu 14:31:18 UTC) (permalink)


Thursday's news in brief:

How long has THAT been there?
Purgatory, Probiotics, and those damned Scots
Halo 2 on Vista - Explained. Well, sort of.
The Sticky Bomb
Duck Season
Peril, Playable
An attractive tickling device
Halo Desktop Customization - now ready
The Case of the Missing Story

Wednesday's news in brief:

Clans you don't want to be part of.
I Want A Second Opinion.
Unlocking Your Death
Piranhas vs Master Chief

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