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Halo news back Thursday, February 9, 2006 Halo news forward

How long has THAT been there?
Heh - Larry Peterson found this picture, and wondered... have the Forerunner been building in Mexico City? (Louis Wu 20:02:38 UTC) (permalink)


Purgatory, Probiotics, and those damned Scots
Jillybean updated the Halo Story Page this morning - but the note got lost in the flurry of Vista-related mail. You should go read it, if you like having your brain wrapped around like pretzel dough. (Louis Wu 19:36:51 UTC) (permalink)


Halo 2 on Vista - Explained. Well, sort of.
Over at Bungie.net, Frankie's posted a pretty large article about the whole Halo 2 on Vista thing; there's an awful lot of "we'll provide you with more details in the future"... but there's also some decent info. Bungie's not doing the conversion, but they're helping. (It's not being farmed out to a 3rd party developer, like Halo was; the conversion is being done by an internal MGS team.) No (real) word on a Mac version yet. There's also some cut-and-paste PR on Windows Vista... which might make you wonder a bit about the "we're not doing this to sell a new operating system" answer. (But only a bit.) As you get closer to the bottom, you can pretty much stop reading; the answers to every single question are 'we haven't said anything yet'. Whee! (I'm sure that's as frustrating for Frankie as it is for us.) (Louis Wu 18:59:44 UTC) (permalink)


The Sticky Bomb
TastedBigworm found an odd little Halo comic at Lifemeter... that seems like bad sportsmanship. (But fun, probably.) (Louis Wu 18:18:32 UTC) (permalink)


Duck Season
A little birdie pointed out a trailer over at apple.com for a movie coming out next month: Duck Season was made by Mexican director Fernando Eimbcke, and covers a day in the life of two fourteen-year-old boys. The Halo angle? Heh. Watch the trailer. (Louis Wu 18:13:00 UTC) (permalink)


Peril, Playable
Devin Eastman has yet another piece of sheet music for you, courtesy of Rampancy.net - swing by and grab (remember, you must be logged in to see the download link) a copy of Peril for Piano. Awesome! (Louis Wu 17:08:25 UTC) (permalink)


An attractive tickling device
Frontline With Suzie is back! She's found what might be the dumbest grunt in the Covenant... go read her interview. Thanks, rockslider. (Louis Wu 17:04:03 UTC) (permalink)


Halo Desktop Customization - now ready
A number of people pointed out that the WindowBlinds skin we mentioned last week is out now - along with a bunch of other stuff for your desktop. Swing by WinCustomize to download. Looks like The Vector Kid was first. (Louis Wu 16:50:18 UTC) (permalink)


The Case of the Missing Story
Wow. I'm not one for rumors, generally (have you noticed?), but when the BBC gets involved... Apparently, there was a link on the BBC front page that claimed that Halo 2 PC would debut on Windows Vista (the successor to XP). The article was pulled almost immediately - but Joystiq got a screenshot of the link (though not the article itself; it had already been pulled by that point), and addict3d.org saw it in time to actually summarize it. If this is true... wow. We've been telling people that we doubted a Halo 2 PC would ever come out. This is one time I wouldn't mind being wrong. (At this point, it's JUST A RUMOR. The only information has been pulled from the web almost faster than it was put up. We know nothing, and it could easily be a mistake (or a prank) on BBC's part; in fact, if it were anyone less reputable than the BBC, we probably wouldn't even be mentioning it. Goes to show you, though... it's really, really, REALLY hard to keep stories quiet - even mistakes.) Thanks, Muskie, for the heads-up. Update: Holy moley - it's REAL! We just got the press release from AEG. Update 2: Turns out the article is still on the BBC website - it was just at a different link. Thanks, Dark Knight and Brandon Smith. (Louis Wu 15:02:47 UTC) (permalink)


Wednesday's news in brief:

Clans you don't want to be part of.
I Want A Second Opinion.
Unlocking Your Death
Piranhas vs Master Chief

Tuesday's news in brief:

Halo Husband
He looks bigger on TV.
What a perfect invisible elite!
7 on the 7th
Stubbs - His Own Zombie
Cool Sheet Music
BiGmAc2121's Montage
Take a bite of THAT.
The Rumors Never Stop...

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