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Wednesday, August 31, 2005 |
My daughter's named Katrina - coincidence? Wow - now THAT is cool. There's a news post on's front page, exhorting fans to do what they can to help in the disaster relief effort to clean up after Hurricane Katrina. When was the last time you saw a videogame developer suggest to its fans that helping others in a time of need is a worthwhile endeavor? (It is, by the way - and we'd like to second Bungie's suggestions. I just put my money where my mouth is on the Red Cross donation page... you should think about it, too.) Thanks to Anton P. Nym for noticing. Update: SketchFactor has added a link to a forum thread - he's looking for stories from community members about what they're doing to help. Check it out! Update 2: Knaabi, from 2old2play, pointed out a thread on their forum, where they've got a Paypal link for donating to hurricane relief charities. This might be easier for some of you without credit cards, but with Paypal accounts... (Louis Wu 17:44:27 UTC) (permalink)
I wanna see the mark of shame. How seriously do you take YOUR Halo 2 clan? el Lobo furtivo, a member of the PraetoriaGuard, went a bit farther than I would, I think. THAT is hardcore. (Let's hope he doesn't find a new clan anytime soon.) Thanks, HymnToNinkasi. (Louis Wu 03:10:13 UTC) (permalink)
I'm hiding. How about you? Penny Arcade's comic for today (which doesn't have a news post yet, frighteningly enough), involves Gus and Burnie from Red vs Blue (who spent the weekend at the Penny Arcade Expo)... and some stuff that probably shouldn't be seen. Only peripherally Halo-related... but, well... I couldn't pass it up. Thanks, Max. (Louis Wu 03:01:56 UTC) (permalink)
Pinker Than A Baby's Bum You might remember Archie Gates - he's a Gamespot user who has created a number of songs dedicated to the beauty and grace of the Needler. He's done it again - a couple of days ago, he posted Needler Song 4, 'Don't Know Why (It's My Favorite Gun)'. Norah Jones might take issue with it... but everyone else should find it hilarious. And the bit at the end... is brilliant. You can grab a copy off our server (3.5 mb)... listen and enjoy. Thanks to Atsumi for noticing this! (Louis Wu 02:52:53 UTC) (permalink)
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