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Halo news back Thursday, January 6, 2005 Halo news forward

Another hand in the email jar
Welcome to our latest inmate - Jillybean has joined the Halo Story team. For now, she's on tea and crumpets duty, until she learns the ropes... but as soon as she gets the hang of things, and stops blaming Cortana for everything, we'll be letting her play with the toys around here. Welcome aboard, Jilly! (Louis Wu 23:57:51 UTC) (permalink)


The Worst Night in the History of Mankind. Ever.
One last one for the day - There's a new Humpday Challenge Writeup over at B.net. The Bungie Chimps took on TeamXbox... and got their butts handed to them. In small pieces. The first major defeat for the home team (the forum mods don't really count). OUCH! Go read the gory details for yourself. (Louis Wu 23:26:51 UTC) (permalink)


A list of ultra-popular Halo movie makers must include Hickadam (and his partner in crime, Dark 72), creators of such classics as A**hole (yeah, sometimes we try to be family friendly), Birds, and Holiday. The films are characterized by liberal doses of humor, tight integration of action and song lyrics, and preternatural timing - but they've been pretty quiet for the past 7 months or so. Luckily for all of us, they're back. The latest offering is called Germs, and contains spoilers if you're keeping track. It's available in WMP9 format (18.3 mb) from either mythica.org or bungie.org, or in QuickTime format (18 mb) from either mythica.org or bungie.org. Enjoy! (If you like it, or even if you don't, discuss it on our forum.) (Louis Wu 22:19:32 UTC) (permalink)


March of the Cutscenes
We have four new cutscenes for you today in the Cutscene Library, because they're not very large. This finishes up Gravemind, takes us all the way through Uprising, and starts off High Charity. Go watch! (Louis Wu 21:24:15 UTC) (permalink)


Tourney goodies for UK players
A month ago, we mentioned a tourney in the UK, run by Vagusnet. Gamesindustry.biz has some more info today - the full prize list for the winner and runner-up. Go see what loot is available! (Louis Wu 14:43:58 UTC) (permalink)


Wiki Resources
Bellator wrote to us recently to point out that there's quite a bit of information about Halo 2 characters over at the Wikipedia - go check it out... and maybe add to it! (Louis Wu 14:37:43 UTC) (permalink)


Zyos - front and center
The Houston Press profiles Matt Leto, better known as Zyos on the Halo professional circuit. It's a monster article, looking at Zyos from his early days, through the start of his Halo professional career, through the present day. Fascinating read. Thanks, Rampancy.net and cookedGamers. (Louis Wu 13:34:06 UTC) (permalink)


Stats are good
There's an editorial over at TeamXbox that holds up Bungie's Halo 2 stats system as a model to be emulated by the rest of the developer community - and to back up what is written, the clan that wrote the article is putting out an open-source stats package that runs on php/mysql in the near future. Thanks, 3Suns. (Louis Wu 13:03:25 UTC) (permalink)


Gates highlights Halo 2 success at CES
Halo 2 was big enough to get a mention in Bill Gates' keynote speech at the Consumer Electronic Show in Las Vegas. 6.3 million copies sold to date... wow. This has been reported in a number of places - I found it easiest to read at Eurogamer. (Louis Wu 12:40:38 UTC) (permalink)


Lots o' People, Lots o' Gaming
Bungie posted another interesting story last night - Xbox Live and Halo 2 by the Numbers. It's a look at the first couple of months of Halo 2 multiplayer stats - and they're pretty big numbers. There are some confusing things (how can you have more unique users than sessions?), but overall, it's clear that Halo 2 has jumpstarted the Xbox Live service (even though that service existed for 2 years before Halo 2 ever showed up). Take a look! (Louis Wu 11:48:19 UTC) (permalink)


A Wendy for the Lost Bungie Boys
Bungie continues their (long-dormant) series on what it's like to work at Bungie... this time from the perspective of true royalty, Alta "Bungie Princess" Hartmann. (Okay, when you get right down to it, her job sounds kind of rough... but it IS all the beef jerky you can eat.) Thanks for doing what you do, Alta. (Louis Wu 01:22:27 UTC) (permalink)


Good news, and bad news.
Apologies - the forum is currently offline. There's a 12-year-old script kiddie who had nothing better to do than spam it - and I, unfortunately, DO have something better to do than chase him around, so I've turned it off. Gotta love it when the bad guys win. On a positive note, though, a package was delivered to my door about an hour ago - a pretty amazing package. Say hello to my little friend! To those wishing to chat on the forum - I'm sorry. Maybe tomorrow. (Louis Wu 01:07:31 UTC) (permalink)


Wednesday's news in brief:

I wonder if they get to wear turbans, too
Fingernails on a chalkboard
Inside Job
Foundation Hopping
Halo Afterwar 10
Big Screen Halo to help disaster victims
Good Golly Miss Molly!
And another one...
A Cheep Gag.
Mod this.
Another Best of the Year
Flying Pigs, and Exploding Frogs
The New Year's First Reading

Tuesday's news in brief:

Detroit Free Press weighs in
Widescreen video... end to end
Cutscene Library - The Story Progresses
Justification can be a bear.
Xbox Gamers says: Halo 2 ROCKS
Of Roses, and Violets
CAL Halo 2 Season Kicks Off
Halo 2 The Movie
Heavy Stats Analysis
More Auction Madness
Rumble Pit Stats Issue - Resolved

Hot Pages
HBO Gallery Pages
A Fistful of Arrows
Halo 5 Mythic Guide
Halo 4 Mythic Guide
Reach Mythic Guide
ODST Mythic Guide
H3 Mythic Guide v2.0
Cutscene Library
Dialogue Databanks
Articles by Stephen Loftus
BC: Video Design Tips
Video Guide by LordGideon
Nomi's Paper Spartans
Halo 3 Terminals
NSCS Strategy Guide
Aesthetic Artist Interviews
Director Dialogues
Bad Cyborg Movies
