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Halo news back Wednesday, January 5, 2005 Halo news forward

I wonder if they get to wear turbans, too
IGN has put up an article predicting the year-to-come as far as Microsoft and Xbox are concerned. Their prediction for Halo 3: it won't be out until fall 2006, released as a 'counterpunch' against the PS3 and Nintendo's next offering. Hmm... Thanks, Guardian. (Louis Wu 20:51:01 UTC) (permalink)


What do you do when you're done? The latest Trunks and Soto takes one tack... (Thanks, Trunks.) (Louis Wu 20:12:14 UTC) (permalink)


Fingernails on a chalkboard
Bizarre. c0ld vengeance has been griping about a sound he hears on the Zanzibar bridge (the one you can lower to get to the sword) every time he plays... some expressed sympathy, and some expressed confusion. Today, he posted a short vid, showing what he was talking about... and it turns out this is another PAL/NTSC difference. NTSC players hear nothing when running on that bridge... PAL players have to listen to what sounds like grinding metal every time they walk across. Apparently, a PAL player can be playing in a game with an NTSC player, and one will hear the noise and the other won't. I think it's Bungie's way of handicapping European players, or something. (Louis Wu 20:03:17 UTC) (permalink)


Inside Job
Today's addition to the Cutscene Library is a biggie - it's the end of Sacred Icon and the beginning of Gravemind. Lots of story meat in this one! (There is one tiny difference between the Legendary version and the other versions - we documented it here. The film that's there now is on Legendary; it's unlikely we'll bother to put up a delta vid for this one.) (Louis Wu 19:36:40 UTC) (permalink)


Foundation Hopping
MrJukes has updated his Jumping Guide again - this time with a 6 minute treatise on Foundation. Some of the tricks are more fun than useful (they require overshield to survive, for example), but man... the guy's got style. Check it out! (Louis Wu 19:26:32 UTC) (permalink)


Halo Afterwar 10
Kevin Ryan writes to say that Afterwar episode 10 has been posted - there are game spoilers in this one (Afterwar takes place... well, after the war). Go see what's next for the Chief! (Louis Wu 17:15:46 UTC) (permalink)


Big Screen Halo to help disaster victims
Back in December, Vue Cinemas in London sponsored the Big Screen Battle tourney, pitting Halo fans against one another on movie screens. Now, they're doing it again... for a cause. This weekend, pay £3 to enter or £1.50 to watch, with proceeds going to the Disaster Emergency Committee for use in tsunami relief efforts. (Louis Wu 16:53:07 UTC) (permalink)


Good Golly Miss Molly!
Captain Spark snagged another 44 pretty cool dialogue snippets - they're available for download in a single batch from his website (link in the forum post, 1.3 mb), or piecemeal in our Halo 2 Dialogue Databank. Go listen! (Louis Wu 16:26:35 UTC) (permalink)


And another one...
That TricKy doesn't stop looking... this time he found a Best of 2004 Awards page on Xbox SE, a Swedish site. Halo 2 took home Game of the Year, Best Xbox Live Game, and Reader's Choice. (Louis Wu 15:51:44 UTC) (permalink)


A Cheep Gag.
Stuntmutt looks at Jackal snipers in today's One One Se7en. (And for those who can't get enough, it looks like there's another animated one from N1NJ4 on our forum.) (Louis Wu 13:03:37 UTC) (permalink)


Mod this.
Juggler has put up another modding vid - this one shows views from outside Colossus, Midship, and Waterworks, as well as other fun stuff. 35 mb, QuickTime format, hosted on HaloGT.com. (Louis Wu 12:22:35 UTC) (permalink)


Another Best of the Year
Halo 2 picks up another GotY award... XBOX365 gives it the nod as the #1 Game for Xbox in 2004. Thanks, TricKy. (Louis Wu 12:04:00 UTC) (permalink)


Flying Pigs, and Exploding Frogs
Wonga. Looks like I got interviewed. I hardly even noticed. Ducain, over at High Impact Halo, asked me a few questions about 'The History of Halo Tricking', or somesuch... and then wrote up the answers all pretty-like. Go read. (Louis Wu 03:17:47 UTC) (permalink)


The New Year's First Reading
Ouch. The last Fan Fiction update was 6 days ago - 27 new pieces have been submitted since then. Sorry for the delay! (They're up now, obviously.) (Louis Wu 00:30:24 UTC) (permalink)


Tuesday's news in brief:

Detroit Free Press weighs in
Widescreen video... end to end
Cutscene Library - The Story Progresses
Justification can be a bear.
Xbox Gamers says: Halo 2 ROCKS
Of Roses, and Violets
CAL Halo 2 Season Kicks Off
Halo 2 The Movie
Heavy Stats Analysis
More Auction Madness
Rumble Pit Stats Issue - Resolved

Monday's news in brief:

eBay Mania
Rumble Pit Stats Reset - Oops...
Cutscene Library Additions
Holo Laugh.
What the Chuck
Skyscraper Bomb Planting
Halo Wiki - now with Solo tips
Halo News from the Wire

Hot Pages
HBO Gallery Pages
A Fistful of Arrows
Halo 5 Mythic Guide
Halo 4 Mythic Guide
Reach Mythic Guide
ODST Mythic Guide
H3 Mythic Guide v2.0
Cutscene Library
Dialogue Databanks
Articles by Stephen Loftus
BC: Video Design Tips
Video Guide by LordGideon
Nomi's Paper Spartans
Halo 3 Terminals
NSCS Strategy Guide
Aesthetic Artist Interviews
Director Dialogues
Bad Cyborg Movies
