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Halo news back Thursday, December 30, 2004 Halo news forward happy holidays!

video contest - last chance
Dennis Powers points out that you've got a little more than one day to get your entry in to Halo Maps' Halo CE Video Contest - there are 2 dozen entries already submitted (high and low res), check 'em out and create something better, but do it FAST! (Louis Wu 19:22:32 UTC) (permalink)


Master Chief in your Living Room
Ross Mills found another couple of Master Chief statues on eBay - one is 3 feet tall, the other is 6 feet tall. They've both got a few days left on their auctions - if you want one of these puppies, go bid! (Louis Wu 19:07:51 UTC) (permalink)


You can't fit that stuff in a stocking, anyway.
Oh, the lessons of the holidays... today's Calvin and Halo hammers home that it's better to give than to receive. (At least, if you're gonna be receiving later on...) (Louis Wu 18:54:21 UTC) (permalink)


User-built resources
Goose241 writes that he's set up an online wiki to collect Multiplayer Strategies - this is a place you can contribute your own ideas to. (While we're on the subject of wikis... Khas wrote a few days ago that he'd added an article to Wikipedia about MAC guns.) (Louis Wu 16:37:34 UTC) (permalink)


Canadian Tourney Pushed Back
We mentioned a Canadian tourney about a month ago, sponsored by the Maasai Clan - it looks like it's been delayed until mid-March, in order to get the Canadian Gaming League involved. Thanks to Narcogen, at Rampancy.net, for the heads-up on the delay. (Louis Wu 15:33:24 UTC) (permalink)


BBC Picks their Fave Games of the Year
BBC Online has put up their own Editors' Picks for best games of 2004 - Halo 2 was one of four games tapped. Thanks, MadscientistUK. (Louis Wu 15:16:19 UTC) (permalink)


Halo 2 - a tool for Freedom Fighters?
This is a new stance - according to James Pinkerton, of Newsday.com, Halo 2 (and games like it) serve a necessary purpose in our society - they 'hone the killer instinct', and 'prep the next generation to do the hard work of freedom'. Whoa. There's already a lively discussion on our forum - please try and keep this politics-free. (A lot of the criticism seems to be taking the argument that console controllers don't translate to real-world skills - but I think Pinkerton's point was that it's the ATTITUDES that are being sharpened, not the actual mechanical skills.) Thanks, Raneb. (Louis Wu 15:00:54 UTC) (permalink)


Halo 2 vs. Half-Life 2
GameDaily wrote up a Halo 2/Half-Life 2 Face-Off, comparing the two games feature for feature. We won't spoil the surprise - go read it. Thanks, TricKy. (Louis Wu 14:16:24 UTC) (permalink)


Especially not the Limited Edition...
A recent Silo Roberts comic looked at Christmas presents... and why some are not interchangeable. Thanks, Annie Muske-Dukes. (Louis Wu 14:14:03 UTC) (permalink)


Shooting Stuff on WW
IGN has posted a Sniping Locations FAQ for Water Works. Just what it sounds like. (Louis Wu 01:07:12 UTC) (permalink)


Ultimate Gamer - in WMP9
For anyone who wanted to grab the Spike TV Ultimate Gamer piece we released earlier today, but didn't feel like dealing with QuickTime... you can nab it in WMP9 format (75 mb) off files2.bungie.org. (Louis Wu 00:35:58 UTC) (permalink)


Cutscene Update
Because the next few cutscenes are so short, we're releasing four at once - they all take place around the Gas Giant. Check out Juggernaut, Hey, Watch This!, Hot Pursuit, and Dead or Alive... Actually, Just Dead - all over at our Cutscene Library. (Louis Wu 00:33:22 UTC) (permalink)


The Captain Records
There's a new Dialogue update from Captain Spark on his website - 62 new snippets, including an old favorite. Details in his forum post. (These will make it into our Dialogue Databank in the next couple of days.) (Louis Wu 00:16:19 UTC) (permalink)


Wednesday's news in brief:

Mac Halo 1.5.1
Big-League Bungie Jumping
DLX 2004 Trailer Awards
Blackartstudio's Afterwar continues
Ultimate Gamer - Direct Downloads
Wednesday's Reading - Light
Tank it to the limit, one more time.
Command and Conquer mod marches on
TalkXbox GotY Awards
Spike TV's The Ultimate Gamer: Halo 2
A Whisper in the Storm

Tuesday's news in brief:

Wizard's Fan Awards
Xtournaments East Coast Bonanza
You want everything, don't you?
Halo 2 ranks high in TXB's GotY awards
More Panoramic Shots
Elite Crap
Tigers don't know ANYTHING.
More multiplayer strategy help at TalkXbox

Hot Pages
HBO Gallery Pages
A Fistful of Arrows
Halo 5 Mythic Guide
Halo 4 Mythic Guide
Reach Mythic Guide
ODST Mythic Guide
H3 Mythic Guide v2.0
Cutscene Library
Dialogue Databanks
Articles by Stephen Loftus
BC: Video Design Tips
Video Guide by LordGideon
Nomi's Paper Spartans
Halo 3 Terminals
NSCS Strategy Guide
Aesthetic Artist Interviews
Director Dialogues
Bad Cyborg Movies
