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Halo news back Monday, November 8, 2004 Halo news forward

Wanna be ready for Halo 2? Go read the MAMMOTH guide that Bungie.net just put up as its top story. (Mostly, it ties together all the pieces Bungie's written UP to now... but if you go back and read them all, you'll be late for your midnight appointment with a gamestore.) Thanks, DoctorEvol. (Louis Wu 22:16:12 UTC) (permalink)


More news than you can shake a stick at
I'm not sure if this is gonna become a standard feature, or if it's just because of the hype surrounding the launch, but it's time for another lightning round of news posting.

And, of course, more news articles:

PLEASE - if you're gonna send in a link, would it kill you to paste it into our news search box before you mail it? Results come up in seconds. Really. Thanks! (Louis Wu 22:04:43 UTC) (permalink)


HBO - Spoiler-free, if you want it that way
After some goofy mistakes, the new spoiler system is online. Instead of two choices, you now have four (well, only three are actually useful). Hit the 'Huh?' link below the spoiler indicator graphic at the top of the page for more details. I'm sure there are still problems - it was a mess to set up. If you want to report them, something more than 'OMG IT DUZNT WERK D00D' would be helpful. Thanks! (Louis Wu 21:35:32 UTC) (permalink)


Pumpkins - Turning into Carriages Soon
Quick Reminder - today's the last day to vote for your favorite pumpkins in the 343 Guilt O' Lantern competition! If you haven't voted yet... GO NOW. (Louis Wu 19:39:54 UTC) (permalink)


HiaLH, Part 6 (end)
Eep - forgot to put this up yesterday. The final piece of Heart is a Lonely Hunter, for those who are still waiting, can now be grabbed off mythica.org and files.bungie.org. 44.7 mb, 7:16 of conclusion goodness. Sorry for the delay! (Louis Wu 17:26:03 UTC) (permalink)


The Penultimate Bungie Giga-Quiz 1.0
poena.dare is back - with the Penultimate Bungie Giga-Quiz 1.0. Wonga! (Don't ask me why it's not the Ultimate Giga-Quiz - I can't imagine him doing this again.) 343 questions to test your knowledge of Bungie lore - and you don't have to do it all in one sitting! You can read the 'official' press release on our (lamentably empty) portal site, or just get over to the quiz itself. Warning - it relies heavily on Javascript, and is broken with Safari. (Works fine with Firefox on OSX, though.) (Louis Wu 17:08:56 UTC) (permalink)


MLGPro.com Poll
"Will Xbox LIVE hold up under the stress of 1.5 million users tonight and tomorrow?" Dolbex wants to know! Go vote. (Louis Wu 16:52:15 UTC) (permalink)


Artwork from a master
Tina Leyk stopped by last night with another fantastic piece - this one was done with acrylics, on canvas, then scanned. (She's pretty unhappy with the scanwork; the picture, in her opinion, loses a lot in the translation. I'd LOVE to see the original, because the scan is gorgeous.) Check it out! Nice (subtle) Mullins tribute, even. (And stay tuned... there might be more cool artwork on the way today.) (Louis Wu 16:47:26 UTC) (permalink)


'Nuff Said.
Today's One One Se7en is 3000 words long. (Louis Wu 16:47:04 UTC) (permalink)


Eggs... in Screens
Already, the eggs are starting to get posted. Hawaiian Pig points out this pic, with its Seventh Column logo staring you in the face, hidden in plain sight. And Daeryl Rodriguez (with help from Konrad) found what he thinks is a mirrored Halo 2 symbol on the right breastplate of Master Chief's armor in this picture (it's not in any others - just a weird shadow?). I'm sure there are more. (Louis Wu 16:18:28 UTC) (permalink)


Zanzibar Megabattle pics
Falcon Zero sent along a pair of Megabattle pics (first, second) composed on the recently-released Zanzibar mod for Halo CE. Awesome! (Louis Wu 15:26:48 UTC) (permalink)


Clan Registry
Shadow Panther writes to point out the Xbox Clan Registry (and specifically the Halo 2 Clan List) at Shadowpanther.net. If you've got a clan page, you should add yourself! (There's a link that explains why a website is required for registration.) (Louis Wu 15:23:15 UTC) (permalink)


He dared you. Tackle him.
Bentllama has updated his blog with some enthusiastic thoughts about the next couple of days, and some pretty cool pictures of Halo 2 ad stuff in Toronto. Check it out! Thanks, Ross. (Louis Wu 15:20:09 UTC) (permalink)


Never Surrender
New nilerogers.com content today - Never Surrender is now up in the Listening Station. Snippet is 1:29 long, 1.4 mb large, and is contributed by Rogers himself. Interesting dub mix. Thanks, sharpe. (Louis Wu 15:11:31 UTC) (permalink)


Can you read this much news?
There are dozens upon dozens of Halo 2-related stories out there today - here's a sampling:

I tried (with the exception of the New York Times, which SHOULD be an exception) to stay away from articles that required registration to read. There are also new reviews:

  • X-Plays (5/5 - thanks, Frensa Geran)
  • ETBGaming (10/10 - thanks, Anthony Manley)
  • Gamereactor (Swedish, this time; 10/10, thanks again, Victor - and again, beware of spoilers)
  • Update: The BBC gave Halo 2 a 9.5 - nice! Thanks, Stephen Smith

And, of course, comics:

  • Crtl+Alt+Delete (Lothar Hex was first
  • Penny Arcade (thanks, Ross Mills - who also was unhappy by the 'spoiler content' in the attached news article - though I'd suggest that it's only a spoiler if you think it is; you STILL don't know anything)

Whew! That's a lot of news to get through in one shot. (Louis Wu 14:18:41 UTC) (permalink)


If you're not ready now...
Framerate posted a Guide to Getting Ready for Halo 2 over on HaloPlanet - mostly it's about how to hook your Xbox up to XBL, but there are also some tidbits about food and chairs in there. Give it a read! (Louis Wu 13:53:38 UTC) (permalink)


Hot out of the gate
Recoil was the first to point out that Halo 2 is at the very top of Gamerankings' Overall Game Rank list - at this point, topped only by The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time. (When he wrote, last night, it was above even that - but has dropped recently with a few lower scores.) We'll keep an eye on this for any dramatic changes. Warning: several of the reviews listed there are chock-full of spoilers; read at your own risk. (Louis Wu 13:42:25 UTC) (permalink)


RvB Overload
Red vs Blue is planning on releasing 3 episodes in the next 48 hours - WONGA. Episode 41 is up now (in both high and low res) - keep your eyes open for the rest. (Louis Wu 10:54:47 UTC) (permalink)


You people need to take a deep breath.
Okay, 9 million people wrote to correct the one-line mention I made of the Gamepro review yesterday. I'm gonna cut and paste from one of the answers I sent, since I'm tired of writing this. Gamepro doesn't give an overall one-digit ranking, so I went back to the Halo review from them to see how we reported that; what I did there, clearly, was average the four values. (They gave Halo a half-point higher ranking on both Graphics and Control than they did Halo 2.) Doing that here gives a 4.625/5, which I rounded down. It is totally unreasonable to report them as a 5/5 when they ranked control at 80% and graphics at 90%. Again - my reporting had nothing whatsoever to do with the 'Community ranking' they list - it was purely using their own numbers. Now can you stop telling me I did the math wrong? Thanks. (Louis Wu 10:34:55 UTC) (permalink)


Lock and Load
Kevin634 writes to point out a Halo 2-themed comic in the Toronto Daily Star. Hehe, that is SO my son right now. ;-) (mnemesis 05:05:10 UTC) (permalink)


The Last Halo LAN? Never!
Former Bungie community flame-meister and current Bungie intern Shishka has offered a write-up of the recent Fall Foliage: Crisp Death LAN gathering held at Castle Wu. Last LAN party, though? Time will tell, I suppose. Check it out, and thanks to James Phelps for the notice. (mnemesis 04:34:28 UTC) (permalink)


I Loved Bees
The (massive) chat transcript of the Ilovebees PM Chat has been made available here. Get comfy and prepare for a long read, then hit that link! Thanks to Steve Patterson for the heads-up. (mnemesis 04:18:43 UTC) (permalink)


Sunday's news in brief:

Lightning Round
Zanzibar CE - Released
The Embargo Lifts - read what the press thinks
Work continues on Halo CE
Midnight sales nitty gritty
Winning stuff is fun
Danish review, and general Screenshots policy
If you're STILL not ready...
The Bees Knees
What regular people are saying
Microsoft's helping with midnight sales
Now that's a BOATLOAD of music.
Funny accents and gorilla-rhino hybrids
Halo 2 Skin for WMP10
More Nile Rogers at Gamespy
Heart of the City
That Weasel in the Spotlight
Wu Speaks

Saturday's news in brief:

Not a single pancake!
Ferrex talks levels
IGN Content
Sprite Paste
The Library Loves Bees
1UP pours on the juice
Outfit your fridge in style
Not So Late Show wants your questions
G4TV - Content Overload
Stabbing Man Says Farewell

Hot Pages
HBO Gallery Pages
A Fistful of Arrows
Halo 5 Mythic Guide
Halo 4 Mythic Guide
Reach Mythic Guide
ODST Mythic Guide
H3 Mythic Guide v2.0
Cutscene Library
Dialogue Databanks
Articles by Stephen Loftus
BC: Video Design Tips
Video Guide by LordGideon
Nomi's Paper Spartans
Halo 3 Terminals
NSCS Strategy Guide
Aesthetic Artist Interviews
Director Dialogues
Bad Cyborg Movies
