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Halo news back Tuesday, October 5, 2004 Halo news forward

Still need a cool headset?
haloTV is into week 3 of their Plantronics Halo 2 headset giveaway, with 6 more headsets to go out. The response has been tremendous - so they're giving you chances to win that aren't just 'put your hat in the ring and pray' (though that option is still there). Make the coolest haloTV wallpaper, or logo, or video, or do the craziest stunt for them... you'll win a headset. Check out the Headset Giveaway Forum for more details (registration required). (Louis Wu 21:25:32 UTC) (permalink)


Wait - is that if you're bad, or good?
Calvin and Halo speculates on a pretty nice way to go out... (Louis Wu 16:20:50 UTC) (permalink)


Best Trick Ever Vote
Dark Helmet has put forth the question - what are some of the best Halo tricks ever? Ducain stepped up to the plate with an entire section of the High Impact Halo forums devoted to the issue. Nominate your choices, and then come back and vote! Rules are here. Thanks, ash. (Louis Wu 16:14:50 UTC) (permalink)


Capture the Flag - Flashed
Bluestone has posted a new Flash movie called 'Capture the Flag' - it's under 2 mb, and hosted at both 343GS and Newgrounds. Nice animation. (Apologies - he sent me mail about this on Saturday, but it got buried in the flood.) (Louis Wu 16:12:31 UTC) (permalink)


Compassghost flash work at Halo Babies
Over the past few weeks, Compassghost has been posting pretty cool artwork for a Flash movie he's working on. I haven't added these to the Misc Art section because there are just too many of them; I considered offering him space for a separate page, but someone else did that and he said he wasn't really interested... so they've never really been mentioned on the front page. However, he's now posted the entire collection in a thread over on the Halo Babies forum, and says that future creations will be added to that thread. If you want to see this work before the movie comes out, that's the place to go! (Louis Wu 15:09:16 UTC) (permalink)


Tuesday Torrent of Talk (of sorts)
Geez - you go a weekend without posting any Fan Fiction updates, you suddenly have 23 pieces to deal with. Lots of poetry this time around. (Louis Wu 14:42:39 UTC) (permalink)


A keyboard and mouse - on your Xbox
On Saturday afternoon, Recoil brought a new product to our attention - the SmartJoy FRAG, an adaptor that allows you to connect PS/2 mice and keyboards to your Xbox. (We were sort of busy Saturday, and didn't get to this right away.) Folks on many forums are up in arms about this, talking about how it will totally destroy Xbox Live - because a controller will never be able to keep up with a keyboard/mouse combo when it comes to accuracy. There are a few things to remember: any developer can remove the advantage of a mouse by enforcing a maximum turning speed (something that won't really affect gameplay with a controller at all), and most people do not have their Xbox set up in a place where it would actually be convenient to play with a keyboard and mouse combination (let's not even DISCUSS 4 keyboards/4 mice). However, it's something to think about. According to César Berardini at TeamXbox, Microsoft has not yet responded to questions about this product. For more reading, and a movie of the product in action playing Halo, check out the Lik-Sang page or TeamXbox's coverage. Be aware - this product is not yet available for purchase. (Louis Wu 14:15:46 UTC) (permalink)


The calendar that never was
Ross Mills found a listing on Amazon.com for a Halo 2 Wall Calendar for 2005... except that it's not available. Huh? (Details list a publication date of July 1, 2004. Bravardo (the publisher) doesn't seem to have a website.) Curious... Update: Mike Scott says the listed ISBN number is invalid - did this EVER exist? Update 2: Xenos found a page which states that this calendar was cancelled. Oh, well. (Louis Wu 12:58:45 UTC) (permalink)


Monday's news in brief:

Axons... HOOOO!
Speedier Hogs
Wow - now THAT'S nice-looking.
MLG-TV Takes Off
Halo Babies Fans Put Out
Piggyback making a UK Halo 2 guide?
Wallpaper in other places
Pimp up Halo
October Halo 2 Wired article online
Point of Impact
At least shipping is only a penny...
Online Sniper Tourney
Rockets on Prisoner - final phase
Fog and Foliage be damned
Halo Dancing Baby
Slurpee Schwag
I wanna see him waltz.
More LAN pics

Sunday's news in brief:

Et Tu, Stuntmutt?
The Carnage has ended?

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