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Halo news back Monday, October 4, 2004 Halo news forward

Axons... HOOOO!
Boxer reminded me a couple of hours ago that today's Adventures in Disaster has been posted. Gotta watch them coordinates... (Louis Wu 22:46:00 UTC) (permalink)


Speedier Hogs
Narcogen, over at Rampancy.net, points out a tutorial showing how to use HexEdit, HMT, and some plugins to increase the speed of your Warthog. Since it's posted on the MacDev site, I'd assume this works on Mac Halo. (You'll need to register on MacDev to be able to read this.) (Louis Wu 18:57:51 UTC) (permalink)


Wow - now THAT'S nice-looking.
Major Nelson, Director of Programming for Xbox Live, has posted a picture on his blog of a metallic, embossed Halo 2 poster - looks pretty wild! Thanks to Anim8rJB for the heads-up. (Major Nelson also has pics of the final packaging of the Plantronics headset.) (Louis Wu 18:36:42 UTC) (permalink)


MLG-TV Takes Off
Major League Gaming has launched MLG-TV, a free version of their for-pay Video on Demand. There are several vids up now, including shakeycam video from the San Fran tourney, and the LA Paintball Aftermath. Quality is quite good, especially considering what you're paying for it (NOTHING). check it out! Thanks, Dolbex. (Louis Wu 18:27:31 UTC) (permalink)


Some of the zanzibar-based movies showed a new (for Halo 2) gametype called Assault - not to be confused with the Assault variant of CTF. A description of the gametype can be found in the Halo.fr writeup that went online a couple of weeks ago. A potential conversation between teammates DURING this gametype can be found in today's One One Se7en. (Louis Wu 18:02:07 UTC) (permalink)


Halo Babies Fans Put Out
Boatloads of new fan-created artwork showed up this weekend at Halo Babies. We already mentioned the Tina Leyk piece - but there's much, much more. Go see. (Louis Wu 17:56:09 UTC) (permalink)


Piggyback making a UK Halo 2 guide?
Piggyback Interactive, a highly-respected UK-based strategy guide publisher, held a contest for game store managers recently, asking for the best reply to "Why should I buy the Halo 2 guide with the game?" The winners were announced today - they're all fine reasons to buy a strategy guide. (Me, personally, I'm holding off until I've finished the game before I get one.) The weird part, however, is when you visit Amazon.co.uk. Both the Piggyback guide and the Prima guide (which will be marketed in the US) are listed for pre-sale... but the picture shown on the Prima page is exactly the same picture shown on the Piggyback contest page. I guess we just wait and see. Thanks, eddie m. (Louis Wu 17:50:25 UTC) (permalink)


Wallpaper in other places
Nesnora, over at the (newly remodeled and super-cool) Red vs Blue site, has posted another of her realistic renderings of Halo locales; this one is called 'Shiela was Here', and is an amazing view of Sidewinder. Prints should be available sometime in November. (You will not be able to follow that link until you sign up at Red vs Blue; it's free, and there are so many cool features that there's no reason NOT to sign up.) While I'm discussing great offsite wallpapers, serpx found a cool Halloween-related wallpaper over at DeviantArt. Nice work! Update: Nesnora has kindly made 'Shiela was Here' accessible on her own site, as well - no signup required. (Louis Wu 16:42:16 UTC) (permalink)


Pimp up Halo
MiD33 has posted a beta of his 'Pimp up Halo' game over at Newgrounds; at this point, the most fleshed-out module is the warthog, thanks to the artwork of Ian McConville (used with permission), but there's also some basic changes you can make to a scorpion tank and a Marine. Flash-based, it lets you change colors, guns, added features... fun to mess around with for a couple of minutes. Take a look! (Louis Wu 16:30:34 UTC) (permalink)


October Halo 2 Wired article online
daedalus was the first to let us know about the Wired Magazine article going online - text AND pictures. We'll still be providing press scans for the dead tree version once the November issue is on newsstand shelves... but you can read it now over at Wired.com. Once again - there is absolutely nothing in this article that we here at HBO would consider 'spoilers' for the Halo 2 Story; if you read this piece and disagree, please don't send us angry mail, simply stop visiting our site. Thanks! (Louis Wu 15:23:09 UTC) (permalink)


Verdafolio pointed out that Demented Puppy is hosting an older multiplay vid that Clan Alphabase made, called Instability. 11.2 mb, WMP9 format. (Registration required for download.) (Louis Wu 15:08:04 UTC) (permalink)


Point of Impact
Today's Ctrl+Alt+Del is Halo-related... and shows why it's important to have roommates you can trust. Thanks, russellfamily. (Louis Wu 14:59:13 UTC) (permalink)


At least shipping is only a penny...
Big-O found a pretty funny error on the CompUSA Halo 2 page; somehow the date and the price got melded, so Halo 2 costs $1,109.04. Ouch! (If it gets fixed, look farther down in the thread; Brian Towne snagged a screenshot for posterity. It's still that way now, though, 2 days later...) (Louis Wu 14:42:21 UTC) (permalink)


Online Sniper Tourney
˜fm˜ and °MDS are organizing a Halo 1v1 Sniper Tournament, played on Halo PC and Halo CE. If you want to participate, you have to register on the °MDS forum. Be aware that this is a German clan. You'll find more information in this section of their forum. (Louis Wu 14:38:21 UTC) (permalink)


Rockets on Prisoner - final phase
On Saturday night, Wolfy sent word that the Rockets on Prisoner nominees (culled from user voting) have been posted - look them over, pick your favorites, and go vote! There's a small thread on our forum with comments, if you'd like to add your own. (Louis Wu 14:31:10 UTC) (permalink)


Fog and Foliage be damned
Ryan 'Mhaddy' Matthews of the Junkyard points out that part VI of the "As Real As a 'Survivor' Elimination" series is up. A Marine Corps pilot looks at the military realism of the events in 343 Guilty Spark, and talks about what he would have done had these events actually happened to him (as opposed to how he played through the game.) As always, worth the read! (Louis Wu 14:27:08 UTC) (permalink)


Halo Dancing Baby
Tycho/Howard found a pretty funny Flash animation over at Newgrounds; someone else who's angling to win a Plantronics Halo 2 Headset from HaloTV. A for effort, A for humor... I'd give it to him. (Louis Wu 14:14:47 UTC) (permalink)


Slurpee Schwag
ghaash points out that the 7-Eleven/Mountain Dew Halo 2 Slurpee Cup website is now online - with chances to win Halo 2 before you can buy it. They're giving away lots of copies of the Limiited Edition version of Halo, plus a couple of trips and a bunch of T-shirts. Eligibility is limited to the US and Canada, and you must be of legal age in your country. Check it out! (Louis Wu 14:11:07 UTC) (permalink)


I wanna see him waltz.
wopkins has posted a new movie showing MC doing the Can Can. It's hilarious. 1.7 mb in WMP9 format, 1.3 mb in QT format. (Louis Wu 14:09:17 UTC) (permalink)


More LAN pics
More Crisp Death pics - clarksbrother put up all the pics he took (137 of them), and Konrad posted a bunch, with comments. KP wrote up his experience (an astounding amount od driving for the cause), including a scan of the original Mister Chief Blueprint, a one-of-a-kind piece showing where Frankie started, and Dan Chosich added a teaser for the footage he collected (sounds cool!). Dizzy seems to have spent the majority of the lanfest chatting on AIM or IRC. More writeups might on the way. (Louis Wu 14:01:44 UTC) (permalink)


Sunday's news in brief:

Et Tu, Stuntmutt?
The Carnage has ended?

Saturday's news in brief:

Let the Carnage Begin
Severe Headaches
Leyk on Babies
Marty on Music
Please Wait Here.
Halo 2 Preview at Xboxlive.fr
Owning 343GS

Hot Pages
HBO Gallery Pages
A Fistful of Arrows
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Reach Mythic Guide
ODST Mythic Guide
H3 Mythic Guide v2.0
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Articles by Stephen Loftus
BC: Video Design Tips
Video Guide by LordGideon
Nomi's Paper Spartans
Halo 3 Terminals
NSCS Strategy Guide
Aesthetic Artist Interviews
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Bad Cyborg Movies
