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Halo news back Thursday, September 23, 2004 Halo news forward

Wired on Halo 2 Devs
SketchFactor points out that the latest Wired Magazine (October) has a feature on some of the people behind Halo 2. They had to airbrush Marty to make him presentable, apparently. (My copy hasn't arrived yet. I think it's time to get on Wired's case.) We will, of course, have a press scanned version of this when the November issue hits the shelves - but if you want to read it now, get thee to a newsstand! (Louis Wu 21:17:49 UTC) (permalink)


More Library stuff
Saint posts to say that the Library, his encyclopedia of all things Halo, has been updated again. (There's still no search function, so you have to know what you're looking for... but there's a lot of stuff there. (Louis Wu 14:23:22 UTC) (permalink)


Don't Move
Paul and KINGHALO! from halosecrets.com have put together a live-action promotional vid for Halo 2 - though I doubt it's the sort of thing that Microsoft would ever actually sanction. It IS pretty funny, though. The 360x240 DivX-encoded .mp4 is up on our server; there's a larger version on their own server, but there's no guarantee the bandwidth will hold out. The small version is 4.5 mb, the large one is 11 mb. Go watch! (Louis Wu 11:07:28 UTC) (permalink)


Red vs Blue in Redmond
guS and Burnie, of Red vs Blue, have written up their visit to Bungie last month, wherein they came, got drunk, and played Halo 2 until 3 in the morning. Dang, that sounds like fun. (Oh, wait... I was there. Forgive me - I look like I haven't slept in WEEKS in the one pic of theirs I'm in. Maybe I'm just dead, or something.) Anyway, go read. It's a great writeup. Looks like PsycoJoe was the first on our forum to notice it. (Louis Wu 10:50:14 UTC) (permalink)


Tricking in the Solos
A couple of trickster vids showed up on our forum last night... Madrox and Foxygrandpa posted A Tribute to Tricking Part 1 (stunts on Silent Cartographer and AotCR, mostly). And in another thread, Devin Olsen posted a bunch of stunts from 343GS. Both vids are about 18.5 mb, in WMP9 format. No QuickTimes this time around - sorry. (Louis Wu 10:38:27 UTC) (permalink)


serpx posted a couple of links to nice Wallpapers he's put up at DeviantArt. Silvery... (Louis Wu 10:25:19 UTC) (permalink)


Enjoying what you've got... or not.
Today's Calvin and Halo, from Blackstar, shows a disturbing side of 6-year-olds that unfortunately doesn't go away with age. (Louis Wu 10:02:51 UTC) (permalink)


What a PAL!
BOLL has (once again) updated the HBO PAL; now you can export your settings, and reimport them on another machine (or even just another browser on the same machine). I'm pretty sure that tomorrow we'll receive the update that gets HBO PAL to do your laundry for you. (Louis Wu 10:00:44 UTC) (permalink)


7th Column coming back
A note on Bungie.net points out that the website will be offline at 1 pm pdt today (8 pm UTC) in order to add some code for the return of the 7th Column. By this afternoon, pacific time, you should be able to set up new Groups (previously Chapters) on that site! (Louis Wu 09:57:41 UTC) (permalink)


Free poster with preorder in UK
Ross Mills notes that 'Game' stores in the UK have a deal running right now; if you pre-order Halo 2, and pay a minimum of £3 towards the purchase, you'll receive a Halo 2 poster when you actually purchase the game. It's not clear WHAT poster you get; it's possible it's one that was showing at E3, but then again, it's possible that it's not. If and when we find out more, we'll pass along the info. (Louis Wu 09:45:19 UTC) (permalink)


Ottawa Citizen continues its Halo coverage
A couple of days ago, Andrew, from XboxOttawa, pointed out in our forum that today's Ottawa Citizen newspaper would be running an article in its Tech section that covers machinima and several groups that use Halo to make it (including XboxOttawa). If you're somewhere that that newspaper is available, grab a copy! (If you're not, we'll bring you a press scan after it's off the shelves.) (Louis Wu 09:37:24 UTC) (permalink)


Wednesday's news in brief:

Edge Halo 2 Preview online
You ARE waiting for it, right?
Need a gun?
Why MS Office 2005 will have bugs
More Images for your Desktop
haloTV headsets - first 6 out
Now THAT'S some funky motion.
Deadliest Gun In The Game
Link Administrivia
Pipedream released
Hail to the Chief
One More from TheManRoom
Halo 2 - from the PS2 side
Homefront Updates

Tuesday's news in brief:

Your PAL just got pal-ier.
Long-lost Art
Hottest Video Babe Contest
V Games Halo - Denton, TX
Marketing Gone Wild
New Jersey Halo Tourney
I thought we were finished with those...
Never trust the tiger.
Tuesday Torrent
Halo leads the charge for Macs in Japan
They look like they're riding glowing unicycles...
Halo 2 Weapons at TheManRoom
What you can't see won't hurt them...
Modded Halo Xbox gets a boost
When bentllama sweats
More free headsets

Hot Pages
HBO Gallery Pages
A Fistful of Arrows
Halo 5 Mythic Guide
Halo 4 Mythic Guide
Reach Mythic Guide
ODST Mythic Guide
H3 Mythic Guide v2.0
Cutscene Library
Dialogue Databanks
Articles by Stephen Loftus
BC: Video Design Tips
Video Guide by LordGideon
Nomi's Paper Spartans
Halo 3 Terminals
NSCS Strategy Guide
Aesthetic Artist Interviews
Director Dialogues
Bad Cyborg Movies
