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Halo news back Wednesday, September 22, 2004 Halo news forward

Edge Halo 2 Preview online
GamesRadar has put up the full text of the October 2004 Halo 2 article in Edge Magazine. We'll have a press scan for you in a couple of weeks, with all the pretty pictures as well, but the real meat is in the text - and that's online now. Go read. (Thanks again, Rams.) (Louis Wu 21:44:19 UTC) (permalink)


You ARE waiting for it, right?
Gamespy has posted a Xbox Fall Preview Guide - and Halo 2 rates an 'awesome' (as usual). I can't figure out how they ordered them - Halo 2 is referred to in the opening paragraph ("not all of the titles are as anticipated as a certain first-person juggernaut") but shows up on page 4. Guess it doesn't matter. Go read. Thanks to Rams, of HaloPlanet, for the heads-up. Update: TruneX points out that the order is dictated by release date. DOH! (Louis Wu 21:43:13 UTC) (permalink)


Need a gun?
New item in the Joyride arsenal - the Armory Series 1 Weapon Battle Pack. Rocket launcher, shotgun, sniper rifle, MD6 pistol, plasma pistol, and needler are all included - the pack retails for $9.95. If you're ordering, you might want to drop in your requests for the first round of Halo 2 figures; they start shipping in about 3 weeks. (Louis Wu 19:50:06 UTC) (permalink)


Boxer gets us word of today's Adventures In Disaster in time to make the normal news; makes you feel bad for the poor grunty. (Louis Wu 16:54:38 UTC) (permalink)


Why MS Office 2005 will have bugs
Hehe... Microsoft Watch, a site devoted to - well, watching Microsoft - recently pointed out a blog entry by a Microsoft employee who commented on the huge percentage of Microsoft employees who participated in the Beta program that ended recently... and speculated about what that might mean for Microsoft's overall productivity in the days immediately following November 9. Way to go, Bungie - you're dragging the entire planet down! (Louis Wu 15:23:00 UTC) (permalink)


More Images for your Desktop
Wow. We cleared the Wallpaper queue. I can't REMEMBER the last time I could say that. Check the Wallpaper Section for 10 new pieces (14, actually, if you count size variants), including a few really nice creations. Wow. I'd hate to say I was catching up... because you folks would just up the rate of submissions. Hmm... Update: Eep, we yanked one of the images, because it used (without permission) some artwork created by ANOTHER fan. (The original artist asked us to pull it.) If you decide to use artwork you find on the web for your submissions here, you really need to make sure you have permission of the original creator; we take a pretty dim view of IP appropriation. (In most cases, if you find it on HBO, there's an email address associated with the original; if there isn't, you can drop US a note, and we can pass the note along.) Thanks! (Louis Wu 15:08:27 UTC) (permalink)


haloTV headsets - first 6 out
Wow. WhoKnew, a regular on the #hbo IRC channel and a member of Alpha Base, wanted a Plantronics headset so badly that he wrote a song about it, and submitted it to haloTV. They liked it (it's the Video of the Week), and he got his headset. (So did 5 other people, but more randomly.) Nice! (WMP9 format, streaming.) (Louis Wu 14:09:45 UTC) (permalink)


Now THAT'S some funky motion.
Captain Spark gave the Engineer model buried in Silent Cartographer some Elite AI and a plasma rifle (using Halo PC modding tools), and made a short movie. It's hard to make a longer one, because the game tends to crash when you do this... but this one's pretty cool. The links in his forum post are nearly certainly dead now (or will be soon) - so use the links in THIS post. Movie is available in both WMP9 and QuickTime format, under a meg each case. (Louis Wu 13:30:10 UTC) (permalink)


Deadliest Gun In The Game
Tankramp, over at HaloPlanet, suggested recently that Stuntmutt might be running out of new jokes for One One Se7en strips. The joke's on Tankramp - Stuntmutt never HAD new jokes for One One Se7en. Today's strip, however, does use humor to make a decent point about weapon ergonomics. (Louis Wu 13:22:45 UTC) (permalink)


Link Administrivia
We continue to get a significant number of new links being submitted to our Links page (there are 7 added to the database in the past week) - but sometimes submissions make me wonder. Today, I rejected one from a site that stated, on the nearly-blank front page, that access is restricted to members of its clan. Why would you submit a link to a public links database if nobody except your clan members are allowed to even go there? (Presumably, your clanmembers already KNOW where the page is.) I'm not trying to get on anyone's case... but we're going to continue to reject links to sites that have no Halo content, or whose Halo content is impossible to find, or sites whose access to Halo content is restricted to a tiny subset of the public. Sorry about that. On the bright side, I'm hoping we'll be breaking out Clan links into xbox, pc, mac, halo2-only, and general at some point in the not-too-distant future. (Louis Wu 13:19:40 UTC) (permalink)


Pipedream released
Icetiger writes to point out his newest mod creation, Pipedream. Lots of new vehicles, weapons, bizarre architecture... check this one out! (It's about a 13 mb download, or a bit smaller in .rar format.) (Louis Wu 13:10:54 UTC) (permalink)


Hail to the Chief
There's a 2D Halo game that was mentioned by HaloPlanet during our downtime - but when I checked the link on the HP page, I got error messages. A quick note to Fluffy, though, got me a ForumPlanet thread, which had a better link. There are actually two games, 'Hail to the Chief' and an expansion pack, 'Hail to the Chief: Arius'. Reviews and downloads for both are available from the author's webpage. A quick dip into the game shows it to be pretty fun. Check it out! (PC-only.) (Louis Wu 13:05:02 UTC) (permalink)


One More from TheManRoom
TheManRoom wraps up their Halo 2 Preview coverage with a new piece that includes the Halo 2 Fact Sheet, and a collection of all the recent screens and concept art released. Good reading! (Looks like we got an XBL glove tossed at our feet, as well... we're there, when the time comes.) (Louis Wu 12:53:32 UTC) (permalink)


Mothergoat has released Unyielding, his newest musical Halo-inspired creation. It starts quietly, majestically... but quickly explodes into heavy guitar-driven rock. 5:32 long, 5 mb big, hosted by Mothergoat himself (though if bandwidth gets tight, we'll certainly provide an alternative - it's quite good). Go listen. In Mothergoat's words, "Turn it up loud, close your eyes and let your mind wander in the Halo universe. I tried to provide a sountrack. :)" Update: Oops, there's a forum thread about this already, if you want to toss in your two cents. (Louis Wu 12:48:36 UTC) (permalink)


Halo 2 - from the PS2 side
IGN Playstation 2 has written up a perspective piece on Halo 2 from the standpoint of a gamer whose chosen console is NOT an Xbox. The bulk of the article is spent discussing how it's going to be the single-player aspect that makes or breaks Halo 2, and how worrying it is that we haven't seen any of it. The author makes some statements about the press coverage of Halo prior to launch that don't jibe with my recollections - or with the news archives here at HBO. Past that, though, the article is a nice summary of how Halo 2 is seen by folks who are NOT rabid Halo or Bungie fans - multiplayer gameplay is solid (quite possibly more solid than anything out there), visuals are very good but still beatable (Far Cry is mentioned), online style is based on a genre that's now showing its teeth. And so on. But the overall conclusion is 'I can't tell you how good it's really gonna be until I see singleplayer' - which is a nice reality check for folks who KNOW it's gonna rock. Because who knows - you haven't played it yet. Go read. (Credit goes to Google, who beat out the raft of actual fans sending in this link.) (Louis Wu 12:43:44 UTC) (permalink)


Homefront Updates
Dark Strider points out that Homefront, the Battlefield: Vietnam mod, has updated again; this time, you can see shots of 'Plains of Reach', a new map. Take a look! (Louis Wu 11:53:43 UTC) (permalink)


Tuesday's news in brief:

Your PAL just got pal-ier.
Long-lost Art
Hottest Video Babe Contest
V Games Halo - Denton, TX
Marketing Gone Wild
New Jersey Halo Tourney
I thought we were finished with those...
Never trust the tiger.
Tuesday Torrent
Halo leads the charge for Macs in Japan
They look like they're riding glowing unicycles...
Halo 2 Weapons at TheManRoom
What you can't see won't hurt them...
Modded Halo Xbox gets a boost
When bentllama sweats
More free headsets

Monday's news in brief:

Massed Enemy Fun
Yeah, you go back, Jack, do it again...
Plantronics Headsets - fer nuthin.
Marty Talks Turkey - and Concrete, and Pipes...
Pass the Kool-Aid, dude
Shaft Jumping - UP
Architectural Levity
Vidmastering SC
Making the hardware look right
New beta footage in Norway
Weekly Update Lightning Round, Summarized
Surviving AotCR
Halo 2 Vehicles, from TheManRoom
Halo CE - now with energy swords for all
Two-part Halo 2 Preview at Worthplaying
Halo 2 Summary vid
We're live again!

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A Fistful of Arrows
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Reach Mythic Guide
ODST Mythic Guide
H3 Mythic Guide v2.0
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BC: Video Design Tips
Video Guide by LordGideon
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