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Halo news back Friday, July 16, 2004 Halo news forward

HaloPlanet News Roundup
Looks like I missed a bunch of things while I was out of town this week. Thanks To HaloPlanet's newsies for being on the job. Major League Gaming released a vid of the final match between StK and FFA at Midwest Mayhem. 71.2 mb, 640x480, 7:16 of a rough Team Slayer match on Hang 'em High... the game came down to who could hold the high ground; FFA said 'we can'. Registration on the MLG site (free) required. [DD]ZION released the tags for a railgun that can be included in HaloCE maps (pics can be found in this thread). And Icetiger has put up a beta of his newest map - Icetigarus. Pics and download links in this thread. Whew! (Louis Wu 20:26:43 UTC) (permalink)


Man, I'd have to clean it... (just kidding)
Ross Mills points out a winnable Limited Edition Halo Xbox, covered by Gabe's doodling, that will be given away at Penny Arcade's Expo in late August. As though you didn't already have enough reasons to try and get there... Update: DOH! I'm as bad at reading as Ross is. Op-ivy points out that this will be given away at the San Diego Comic-Con, July 22-25, NOT PAX. Sorry. (Louis Wu 19:08:29 UTC) (permalink)


I, Halo
Coolness. If you're planning on seeing 'I, Robot', and your choices of venue include a Loews Cinema... pick that one. You'll get to see a snazzy new Halo 2 trailer. (Thanks to cman for the heads-up on the trailer, and Frankie for clarifying where you can see it.) Update: It's not just I, Robot - it's a number of hot films, including Spider-Man 2, The Village, King Arthur, Catwoman, and Alien vs Predator. You do have to see them in a Loews theatre, though. Thanks, Dark Helmet. Update 2: Whoa. Comments from Mat Noguchi, tools programmer at Bungie:

One thing they didn't mention was the 5 days and 40 GB of raw data I had to render out at least three separate times. Plus the tools I had to write to handle movies bigger than 2 GB.

Random trivia for the hardcore: I rendered the movies at 1280x960, 30 fps. This is the best you will ever see Halo in motion.

Well... if it never makes it to a PC, yeah. :) (You can currently get better framerates than that on Halo PC at 1600x1200 on an X800 or a 6800.) Thanks, Adam Daniel. (Louis Wu 16:29:25 UTC) (permalink)


She Just Needs To Know One Thing...
Stuntmutt finishes up the Female Marine series today with a One One Se7en devoted to my favorite character from Aliens. (Louis Wu 16:22:00 UTC) (permalink)


FWI: Floating While Intoxicated
Halo: Resolution has Sparky with a... pet? (Louis Wu 13:30:12 UTC) (permalink)


Riding that Pelican... finally.
Ducain pointed out a new vid mentioned on the High Impact Halo forums; it came from a post made by Juggertrout a few days ago. He suggested that object overload could be used to empty the Pelican that flies over the first bridge, allowing space for you on board. (This pelican was the object of some serious attempts by Frogblast, back in the day... but he, for the most part, attempted to ride it down from the OUTSIDE.) Madrox provided a video showing the after-the-oo action (overload took him over an hour). To save Madrox's bandwidth, please use our links for the 5 mb video - you can get either the original WMP9 format, or a QuickTime version. (Louis Wu 13:21:22 UTC) (permalink)


Enemy Rundown at Xbox.com
There's an article over on Xbox.com I've never seen before; dunno when it got posted, but Character Close-up: Know Your Enemies is a fun read. (I'm not sure I agree with all the advice - in fact, I think almost every section had something that made me go 'hmm...' but it's a nice complete list.) Spoilers, for those keeping track. Update: There's a Weapons Strategy Guide and a 'Cheats' (more like glitches, actually) page that are new to me, as well. (Louis Wu 12:26:30 UTC) (permalink)


Friday Fiction
28 new Fan Fiction stories since I left for Boston. Go read 'em. (Louis Wu 12:10:38 UTC) (permalink)


Those guys are meanies
Top story at TeamXbox today is a Top Ten Villians article - and Halo's Elites come in at number 2, losing out only to Darth Malak, from KotOR.

Armored beasts that resemble what an Alien mother and a Predator father might pump out is a great pace to start when creating a player character nemesis.

Thanks, CuBaNo. (Louis Wu 11:56:05 UTC) (permalink)


Just Play Games
Hmm... Play video games with band members (I have to say I've never heard of any of them), win prizes. Interesting concept. Details can be found on this page. Thanks to W1ldfire for the heads-up. (Louis Wu 11:22:33 UTC) (permalink)


More time for Dew pics
Bungie mentioned yesterday that the deadline for entries to the Mountain Dew Halo 2 contest has been extended until July 21. (This means that the photoshoot has been rescheduled, as well - to July 24.) Thanks, Mad Cow. (Louis Wu 11:05:08 UTC) (permalink)


It's Quiet...
Halo Babies Episode 48 is out today - go check it out. Looks like MC's been hanging out with Bungie employees... (Louis Wu 09:04:53 UTC) (permalink)


GNF Phase 5
Going Nowhere Fast winner Sean Oehrle's run of Assault on the Control Room is now available for download via BitTorrent. It has been known for some time that by jumping off the first bridge, enemies for MOST of the level will not be spawned (because the trigger to spawn them has been bypassed) - Sean shows a pretty impressive descent and a quick way to the nearest vehicle. The download is 52.2 mb in QuickTime format. (Louis Wu 08:20:45 UTC) (permalink)


Thursday's news in brief:

Truth and Recon via Direct Download
Ferrex bleeds too, you know
Halo at 1Up
Sniper Derby at September Tourney
Applegeeks goes Halo
New Toys. Happy Happy.

Wednesday's news in brief:

Where the hell is your other hand?
It only SEEMS like they've all been like this.
FTC 13 - by traditional means
Strangepurple talks to MLG
Sarge and Ducain - an awesome pair
As if you didn't know...
More Megabattle stuff
MLG - Past, Present, Future
Potential Spoilers
GNF Phase 4

Hot Pages
HBO Gallery Pages
A Fistful of Arrows
Halo 5 Mythic Guide
Halo 4 Mythic Guide
Reach Mythic Guide
ODST Mythic Guide
H3 Mythic Guide v2.0
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Articles by Stephen Loftus
BC: Video Design Tips
Video Guide by LordGideon
Nomi's Paper Spartans
Halo 3 Terminals
NSCS Strategy Guide
Aesthetic Artist Interviews
Director Dialogues
Bad Cyborg Movies
