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Halo news back Wednesday, July 14, 2004 Halo news forward

Where the hell is your other hand?
Thanks to the very large number of people who pointed out that Halo 2 will be on display, and playable, at this year's Penny Arcade Expo in late August. I wonder how many people have just changed their end-of-summer plans... (Count Zero 23:54:37 UTC) (permalink)


It only SEEMS like they've all been like this.
Over the years, we've reported a lot of Halo news. There are, in fact, as of this post, exactly 10,000 news posts in the database. It's therefore somewhat appropriate that this post is devoted to a pair of comics that have been a staple of the site for the last couple of years - Halo: Resolution and One One Se7en. (Some folks have complained that it seems like ALL we post is strips for these comics... but it just ain't so.) Where Did That Radio Come From? and Sarge's New Men are both great examples of why these strips have been around for so long... and I'd like to take this chance to thank all the readers who've made posting those 10,000 items (and a bunch of other stuff, besides) all worthwhile. 10,000 more? We'll see. :) (Louis Wu 15:36:13 UTC) (permalink)


FTC 13 - by traditional means
Andrew points out that FTC 13 is now available for direct download for the masses, if BitTorrent hasn't been doing it for you. (Louis Wu 15:29:33 UTC) (permalink)


Strangepurple talks to MLG
Dolbex points out an audio interview with Strangepurple, the number 1 ranked player in the MLG league. He's not actually playing right now... interesting. Go listen to why not on the MLG website. (Louis Wu 15:23:53 UTC) (permalink)


Sarge and Ducain - an awesome pair
He's done it again... Ducain posted a teaser pic on our forum last night, asking folks if they could tell what made it special. Juggertrout pointed it out for folks who missed it, and this morning, Ducain posted video of how it was done. And I must say, it's pretty impressive. (I'm shooting for the Understatement of the Week award - you think I've got a shot?) I'm on the road, on a slow laptop, so viewing the WMP files was not an option... so I ripped a couple of QuickTime versions for folks in my boat. (Louis Wu 15:20:23 UTC) (permalink)


As if you didn't know...
Didn't quite get to this in time to add HBO's voice to the mix... but it looks like it doesn't matter that much. Strato mentioned that yesterday, GameFAQs posted a poll: 'Which upcoming big-name Xbox sequel/spinoff are you most looking forward to?' It's over now... but Halo 2 ran away with this one, garnering 22,050 of the 43,426 votes cast. Nearest competitor was Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II, with 8000 votes. Yeah, I think folks want Halo 2... (Louis Wu 13:00:56 UTC) (permalink)


More Megabattle stuff
Okay, last one of these for a while, unless some REALLY killer shots turn up. Falcon Zero posted another pair of shots, Konrad tried his hand on Infinity, and The Ghost reminisced about the way it USED to be. One of these days, we'll have to set up a section for this kind of thing... (Louis Wu 12:53:20 UTC) (permalink)


MLG - Past, Present, Future
There's a great interview with the people behind Major League Gaming over at Bungie.net - how they got started, where Halo fits in, where they're going. If you're at all interested in the competitive Halo scene, you should check this out. First heads-up goes to Kyrceck. (Louis Wu 12:45:37 UTC) (permalink)


Happy Birthday, BOLL!
BOLL turned 22 today. How many people give YOU a present on THEIR birthday? BOLL gives you this cool wallpaper. Enjoy. (Louis Wu 11:44:02 UTC) (permalink)


GNF Phase 4
GNF Phase 4 The fourth winning run, goatrope's amazing 4:18 dash through Silent Cartographer, is now available for download via BItTorrent. (Once again, for those without a BitTorrent client, they can be downloaded here.) The download is 33.6 mb - and the climb from the Silent Cartographer back up to the 'Locked Door' is one of my favorite runs in the contest. Check it out! (Louis Wu 10:52:41 UTC) (permalink)


Tuesday's news in brief:

They just keep writin'...
E3 pictures surface in Japan
The bar continues to go up
Do NOT get between these guys.
Miniature Halo Wallpaper Contest Winners
If at first you don't succeed - change the game
Halogen Weekly Update 2.5

Monday's news in brief:

GTA to HCE coming along
More Deadly Than The Male...
Duty Calls You An Idiot
Screenshot Database updated
I'll be hiding in the darkness with my beer.
TXB Posts Reader-written Halo 2 Preview
Microsoft's MC Army
GNF - Phase Three
FTC13 available for the masses - sort of
New Fan Art at Halo Babies

Hot Pages
HBO Gallery Pages
A Fistful of Arrows
Halo 5 Mythic Guide
Halo 4 Mythic Guide
Reach Mythic Guide
ODST Mythic Guide
H3 Mythic Guide v2.0
Cutscene Library
Dialogue Databanks
Articles by Stephen Loftus
BC: Video Design Tips
Video Guide by LordGideon
Nomi's Paper Spartans
Halo 3 Terminals
NSCS Strategy Guide
Aesthetic Artist Interviews
Director Dialogues
Bad Cyborg Movies
